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Vehicles carrying fume hazard or flammable compressed gases shall comply with Sections 15-24-1150 to 15-24-1210, inclusive. Wherever the phrase flammable liquids is used, it shall mean fume hazard and flammable compressed gases, and wherever the phrase truck, tank truck, semi-tank truck, or tank vehicle is used, it shall mean vehicles on which fume hazard and flammable compressed gases are transported. The truck shall meet applicable Department of Transportation and/or Interstate Commerce Commission regulations and all requirements of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
No installation for the use or storage of liquefied fume hazard gases in single-unit tank cars shall be located within one-eighth mile from a school, church, institutional building, theater, multiple dwelling or place of public assembly.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Tank cars shall comply in all respects with Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation specifications. They shall be received and unloaded only on a private track of the consumer or on a leased track, protected as hereinafter provided.
The unloading track and unloading area for a distance of 50 feet in all directions from tank cars shall be maintained free of all combustible rubbish and vegetation at all times.
Portions of switch tracks on which such tank cars are placed for unloading shall be devoted solely to this purpose during the unloading period and, wherever possible, shall be a stub or dead-end track.
No more than two tank cars shall be on any licensed premises at one time, namely: the car in use and a replacement for the car in use when it is emptied. The second car shall be subject to all requirements for the first car as herein defined.
Immediately upon spotting a tank car on a siding for unloading, brakes shall be set and wheels shall be blocked to prevent any unauthorized movement thereof.
Unloading connections shall be securely attached before discharge valves are opened and immediately disconnected when unloading is completed.
If normal unloading operations are interrupted and it is necessary to discontinue unloading a tank car for any reason, all unloading connections shall be disconnected. All valves shall first be tightly closed, and the closures of all other openings securely applied.
The unloading lines shall be completely emptied of liquid when unloading is discontinued.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Caution signs which comply with the following regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation regulations shall be provided and used.
Caution signs must be so placed on the track or car as to give necessary warning to persons approaching car from open end or ends of siding and must be left up until after car is unloaded and disconnected from discharge connection. Signs must be of metal, at least 12 by 15 inches in size and bear the words “STOP – TANK CAR CONNECTED” or “STOP – MEN AT WORK” and the word “STOP” being in letters at least four inches high and the other words in letters at least two inches high. The letters must be white on a blue background.
Such signs shall show the name of the specific fume hazard gas in the tank car.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
When tank cars are located on a dead-end siding, they shall be protected from any oncoming car by a locked switch which shall positively prevent collision with the tank car. If on an open siding, tank cars shall be protected by locked switches at both ends. Locked switches shall be located not less than 15 feet from either or both ends of tank cars. Keys for switches shall be available only to persons having certificates of fitness.
If unloading operations are carried on at night, an approved vaporproof red electric light shall be installed at the location of each locked switch and shall be kept lighted at all times when the tank car is connected to the unloading line.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Minimum tank car safety clearances from adjacent buildings or structures shall be in accordance with the following table:
Nature of Building Construction | Min. Distance With Fender Wall | Min. Distance Without Fender Wall |
External walls of fire-resistive construction – no openings | 15' | 25' |
External walls of fire-resistive construction – with openings | 25' | 50' |
External walls not of fire-resistive construction | 50' | 75' |
“Minimum distance” refers to distance between centerline of track and exterior face of building wall.
“No openings” means no windows, doors or other openings in wall opposite car for a distance equal to the length of the car plus 15 feet on both ends and for a height of 25 feet above tank car rail elevation.
“Fender wall” refers to a freestanding wall five feet longer at each end than the length and five feet higher than the greatest height of the tank cars to be used and shall be interposed between the tank car track and such building. The wall shall be of four-hour fire-resistive construction and shall have a fender or return wall at each end of the same height and thickness and extending at least three feet on the tank car side of such fender wall. It shall be located parallel to the siding and its centerline shall be not less than eight feet and not more than fifteen feet from the centerline of the track.
The minimum tank car safety clearances shall be construed to require a space open its entire area to the sky and shall apply to property dividing lines or adjacent property which may be built upon, to adjoining and adjacent public ways, and to any main line of a steam, electric or elevated railway or any other railway right-of-way.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)