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For purposes of the transportation of Class I flammable liquids by tank vehicles from primary sources of supply, such as refineries, waterway terminals or pipeline terminals, to any wholesale bulk plant or user bulk storage destination within the City of Chicago, route or routes for such transportation are hereby established as follows:
Archer Avenue between State Street and west city limits;
Ashland Avenue between 95th Street and Peterson Avenue;
Brainard Avenue between south city limits and 130th Street;
Burley Avenue between 87th Street and 83rd Street;
Cermak Road between State Street and west city limits;
Chicago Skyway between east city limits and Dan Ryan Expressway;
Cicero Avenue between 87th Street and north city limits;
Columbus Avenue between Western Avenue and south city limits;
Cottage Grove Avenue between 75th Street and 35th Street;
Ewing Avenue between Indianapolis Blvd. and 92nd Street;
Grand Avenue between Ogden Avenue and west city limits;
Halsted Street between 127th Street and 95th Street;
Harlem Avenue between Howard Street and 65th Street;
Indiana Avenue between 130th Street and 127th Street;
Indianapolis Blvd. between 106th Street and Ewing Avenue;
Irving Park Road between Ashland Avenue and west city limits;
Mackinaw Avenue between 92nd Street and 87th Street;
North Avenue between Ogden Avenue and west city limits;
Ogden Avenue between North Avenue and west city limits;
Pershing Road between Cottage Grove and Archer Avenue;
Peterson Avenue between Ashland Avenue and Cicero Avenue;
Roosevelt Road between Ashland Avenue and west city limits;
South Chicago Avenue between 95th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue;
Stony Island Avenue between 103rd Street and 95th Street and between South Chicago Avenue and 75th Street;
Torrence Avenue between 106th Street and 103rd Street;
Western Avenue between 95th Street and north city limits;
59th Street between Ashland Avenue and Western Avenue;
75th Street between Stony Island Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue;
79th Street between Ashland Avenue and west city limits;
87th Street between east city limits and west city limits;
95th Street between east city limits and west city limits;
103rd Street between Torrence Avenue and Halsted Street;
106th Street between east city limits and Torrence Avenue;
127th Street between Indiana Avenue and Halsted Street;
130th Street between Brainard Avenue and Indiana Avenue;
Certain words and phrases used in this ordinance are defined as follows:
(a) “Wholesale bulk plant” means an establishment to which Class I flammable liquids are transported by rail tank cars or motor tank vehicles primarily for storage and for distribution by tank vehicle.
(b) “User bulk storage” means the storage of Class I flammable liquids in any storage tank having a capacity in excess of 6,000 gallons, primarily for consumption, packaging or processing or for servicing of aircraft.
(Prior code § 129.1-106)
The following additional routes may be used, in addition to those outlined in Section 15-24-1160:
Calumet Expressway between the Dan Ryan Expressway and south city limits;
Dan Ryan Expressway between 31st Street and south city limits;
Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway between Ashland Avenue and west city limits;
John F. Kennedy Expressway between north city limits and Ogden Avenue;
Stevenson Expressway between Ashland Avenue and west city limits;
If the expressways are closed for repairs, or if truck traffic is banned for some other reason, then the following streets are acceptable alternatives:
State Street between 95th Street and Cermak Road;
Milwaukee Avenue between north city limits and Elston Avenue and Elston Avenue between Milwaukee Avenue and Ashland Avenue.
(Prior code § 129.1-106.1)
On and after the 1st day of January, 1952, it shall be unlawful, except as otherwise provided in Section 15-24-1190, to transport Class I flammable liquids by tank vehicle from any primary source of supply to any wholesale bulk plant or user bulk storage within or beyond the City of Chicago on or over any public street, avenue, public way or public place in the city which is not designated in this ordinance as a route or part of a route for such transportation.
(Prior code § 129.1-107)
(1) Nothing in Sections 15-24-1160 or 15-24-1180 shall be interpreted to prohibit the following:
(a) The operation of any tank vehicle upon any officially designated detour from any established flammable liquids route which has been closed to motor vehicle traffic;
(b) The delivery of such liquids by tank vehicle from primary supply sources to any wholesale bulk plant or user bulk storage which does not abut on an established route; provided, that in making any such excepted delivery the tank vehicle shall proceed on an established route and shall depart therefrom from an intersecting street which is nearest the destination to which such delivery is to be made and upon completion of such delivery shall return to the nearest established route; provided, however, that nothing contained in Sections 15-24-1160 to 15-24-1210, inclusive, shall authorize the operation of any tank vehicle upon any street, avenue or public place from which such vehicle is barred by any other ordinance of the City of Chicago or any governmental authority.
(2) In the event and during the time that any established route or part thereof or any highway outside the city connecting with an established route shall be rendered impassable or unsafe for the transportation of Class I flammable liquids by act of God or by reason of any accident, emergency or occurrence, any tank vehicle which would normally operate over such route may be operated over any other established route which will enable such vehicle most expeditiously to reach its destination, or such tank vehicle may be detoured around the impassable or unsafe portion of said route or highway by the shortest way available on streets, avenues or public ways upon which motor truck traffic is permissible.
(Prior code § 129.1-108)
Nothing in Sections 15-24-1160 to 15-24-1190, inclusive, shall apply to the transportation of such liquids to any retail service station or to the transportation of such liquids to any user or person not having bulk storage facilities except that tank vehicles while in such service shall so far as is possible without traveling additional mileage proceed to and from points of origin and delivery on or over the routes established by Section 15-24-1160.
(Prior code § 129.1-109)
(1) The driver of every tank vehicle en route from any primary source of supply to any wholesale bulk plant or user bulk storage shall carry a manifest stating the point of origin and the destination of the trip which it is then making, the name of the consignor and of the consignee and the kind and quantity of the liquid carried and at any time upon demand of any police officer or authorized representative of the City of Chicago exhibit such manifest.
(2) The driver of any tank vehicle not subject to routing at any time upon demand of any police officer or authorized representative of the fire department of the City of Chicago shall bring such vehicle to a stop and shall give to such officer or such representative such information as may reasonably be required under the provisions of this ordinance as to the type of liquid being transported in such tank vehicle, the origin and the destination of the trip in which such tank vehicle is then engaged.
(Prior code § 129.1-110)
The provisions of Sections 15-24-010 to 15-24-980, both inclusive, shall apply to all flammable liquid installations hereafter installed in any existing buildings including preordinance buildings and buildings hereafter constructed and shall also to any flammable liquid installation installed prior to the passage of this ordinance which was not installed in accordance with approved plans and permits.
(Prior code § 129.1-111)