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Tanks other than the fuel tanks of tank trucks shall comply with the following provisions:
(a) Material, Capacity and Gauge. Except as hereinafter provided, tanks shall be constructed throughout of open hearth or blue annealed steel, of a thickness and gauge in accordance with the provisions of the following table:
Aggregate Capacity (Gallons) |
Shell U.S. Standard Gauge | Head U.S. Standard Gauge |
Up to 600 | 14 | 14 if bilged or corrugated, otherwise 12 |
601 to 1,200 | 12 | 12 if bilged or corrugated, otherwise 10 |
Over 1,200 | 10 | 8 |
Tanks exceeding 1,200 gallons in capacity may be constructed with 12-gauge shells and 10-gauge heads; provided, however, that they are subdivided into compartments of 600 gallons or less capacity, and are mounted on chassis equipped with low-pressure balloon pneumatic tires. Other metals of equivalent strength to the gauge of open hearth or blue annealed steel required by the above table may be used in lieu of open hearth or blue annealed steel.
(b) Joints. Shell and head joints shall be welded, riveted and welded, brazed or riveted and brazed, riveted and caulked or made tight by some equally effective process.
(c) Test. Each tank or compartment shall be tested and proven tight at a pressure of five pounds or more to the square inch.
(d) Tank Outlets. Outlets shall be substantially made and attached so as to prevent breakage at the outlets and shall be attached so as to permit complete drainage.
(e) Bulkheads. Tanks with compartments carrying liquids of different classes shall be provided with an air space between compartments. Such air space shall be maintained with drainage facilities.
(f) Compartments Required. Tanks for flammable liquids of Class I as specified in Section 15-24-020 in excess of 2,500 gallons each. This requirement shall not apply to tanks for transportation in bulk between cities; provided, however, that such tanks shall not be used for distribution within the city limits.
(g) Attachment of Tanks. Tanks shall be adequately supported and shall be securely bolted or clamped to the frame of the vehicle.
(h) Vents. Each compartment shall be equipped with a vacuum and pressure operating vent with a minimum effective opening of forty-four hundredths square inches. Each compartment carrying Class I flammable liquids, as specified in Section 15-24-020, shall be provided with a vent equivalent in free opening to that provided by a circular hole one and twenty-nine thirty-seconds inches in diameter. If such vent incorporates a fusible element, the fusing temperature of such element shall not exceed 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
(i) Draw-off Valves. All draw-off valves or faucets shall have threaded or equally effective connection for fill pipe hose. Such valves or faucets shall be adequately guarded against damage by collision.
(j) Emergency Discharge Control. Each compartment of a gravity discharge tank used for the transportation of Class I flammable liquids shall be equipped with a reliable shutoff valve located inside the shell of the tank in the compartment outlet; and, except during delivery operations, such valves shall be kept closed. The operating mechanism for such valves shall be provided with a secondary control, remote from the tank-filling parts and discharge faucets, for use in event of accidents or fire during delivery operations and such control mechanism shall be provided with a fusible section which will cause the valves to close automatically in case of fire. In every case there shall be provided, between the shutoff valve seat and discharge faucet, a shear section which will break under strain, unless the discharge piping is so arranged as to afford the same protection and leave the shutoff valve seat intact.
(Prior code § 129.1-99)
Tank vehicle loading and unloading racks dispensing Class I liquids hereafter erected shall be separated from structures by a clear distance of not less than 25 feet, measured from the nearest portion of any fill stem. In preordinance and existing installations, tank vehicle loading and unloading racks dispensing Class I flammable liquids shall be separated from lot lines on which buildings may be built by a clear distance of not less than 25 feet, measured from the nearest portion of any fill stem.
(Prior code § 129.1-101)
The driver, operator or attendant of any tank vehicle shall not leave the vehicle while it is being filled or discharged. Smoking by truck drivers, helpers or attendants shall not be permitted while driving such vehicles, while filling or discharging any tank or compartment or while making any repairs to such vehicles. Motors of tank trucks shall be shut down during making and breaking of hose connections. If loading or unloading is done without the use of a power pump on the truck, the truck motor shall be shut down throughout such operations. No tank or compartment shall be loaded to a volume in excess of 99 and one- fourth percent of its capacity.
(Prior code § 129.1-103)
It shall be the duty of the owner of every vehicle used for the transportation of flammable liquids to cause such vehicle, including any tank mounted on such vehicle's frame or chassis, to be inspected. The vehicle shall be inspected semiannually before January 1st and July 1st of each year, and the vehicle's tank or tanks shall be inspected annually, for the purpose of ascertaining whether such vehicle and its tank or tanks are in the safe condition and repair as required under this chapter. The owner of such vehicle shall file with the fire commissioner on January 1st and July 1st of each year in the case of trucks, and on July 1st of each year in the case of tanks, a report in writing by an agency approved by the fire commissioner certifying that such vehicle and tanks have been inspected and found to be in compliance with all of the structural and safety requirements provided for in this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any such vehicle for which a report has not been filed for any current annual or semiannual period. Whenever any vehicle used to transport flammable liquids is involved in an accident, the owner thereof shall cause such vehicle to be reinspected following such accident.
(Prior code § 129.1-104; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 147)
It shall be unlawful for any person to transport flammable liquids on any public way within the city under which is constructed any subway used exclusively for local passenger transportation purposes. Such public ways shall include but not be limited to the following:
S. and N. State Street from E. 13th Street to E. and W. Division Street.
W. Division Street from N. State Street to N. Clybourn Avenue.
N. Clybourn Avenue from W. Division Street to W. Willow Street.
S. and N. Dearborn Street from W. Harrison Street to W. Lake Street.
W. Lake Street from N. Dearborn Street to N. Milwaukee Avenue.
N. Milwaukee Avenue from W. Canal Street to W. Division Street.
W. Congress Parkway from S. Dearborn Street to S. Des Plaines Street.
N. Tilden Street from W. Canal Street to W. Des Plaines Street.
N. Milwaukee Avenue from N. Albany Street to N. Kimball Avenue.
N. Kimball Avenue from W. Diversey Avenue to W. School Street.
Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the operator of any authorized motor vehicle used for the transportation of flammable liquids from crossing any such public way at an intersection or from making deliveries in any block, in which case such person shall approach and leave the place of delivery by means of the nearest intersecting street.
(Prior code § 129.1-105)