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Article I. General
2-156-005 Code of conduct.
2-156-010 Definitions.
2-156-015 Ethics pledge – When required.
2-156-017 Ethics officers.
Article II. Substantive Code of Conduct Provisions
Part 1. Duty to Report and Whistleblower Protection
2-156-018 Duty to report corrupt or unlawful activity.
2-156-019 Whistleblower protection.
2-156-020 Fiduciary duty.
Part 2. Conflicts of Interest and Improper Influence
2-156-030 Improper influence.
2-156-040 Reserved.
2-156-050 Reserved.
2-156-060 Unauthorized use of real or personal city property.
2-156-070 Use or disclosure of confidential information – Exceptions.
2-156-080 Conflicts of interest; appearance of impropriety.
2-156-090 Representation of other persons.
2-156-100 Post-employment restrictions on assistance and representation.
2-156-105 Post-employment restrictions on lobbying.
2-156-110 Interest in city business.
2-156-111 Prohibited conduct.
2-156-115 Time records for aldermanic staff.
2-156-120 Contract inducements.
2-156-130 Employment of relatives or domestic partners.
2-156-135 Prohibited political activities.
2-156-140 Solicitation or acceptance of political contributions and membership on political fundraising committees.
Part 3. Gifts and Other Favors
2-156-142 Offering, receiving and soliciting of gifts or favors.
2-156-143 Employee-to-employee gifts.
2-156-144 Disposition of improper gifts.
Part 4. Ethics Training
2-156-145 Ethics and sexual harassment education.
2-156-146 Lobbyist ethics education seminar.
2-156-148 Education program.
Part 5. Sexual Harassment
2-156-149 Sexual harassment by officials.
Article III. Financial Disclosure
2-156-150 Statements of financial interest.
2-156-160 Content of statements.
2-156-170 Form for statement of financial interests.
2-156-180 Filing of statements.
2-156-190 Failure to file statement by deadline.
2-156-200 Failure to file financial statements – Elected officials.
Article IV. Lobbyist Registration
2-156-210 Persons required to register.
2-156-220 Persons or entities not required to register.
2-156-230 Information required of registrants.
2-156-240 Amendment of registration statements.
2-156-245 Failure to register.
2-156-250 Reports of lobbying activities.
2-156-260 Inactive lobbyists.
2-156-270 Failure to file reports.
2-156-280 Termination of lobbying.
2-156-290 Access to information.
2-156-300 Contingent fees.
2-156-305 Retaining and employing lobbyists who have failed to register.
2-156-308 Duty to report persons who have failed to register.
Article V. Board of Ethics
2-156-310 Appointment of members.
2-156-320 Political activities of board members and certain employees.
2-156-330 Chair and vice chair.
2-156-340 Removal of members.
2-156-350 Meetings.
2-156-360 Records.
2-156-370 Compensation.
2-156-380 Powers and duties.
2-156-385 Probable cause finding.
2-156-390 Reserved.
2-156-392 Hearing on the merits – Fines.
2-156-395 Reserved.
2-156-396 Request for reconsideration and appeal.
2-156-400 Confidentiality.
2-156-401 Disclosure of confidential information.
2-156-402 Waivers.
2-156-405 Reserved.
2-156-408 Reserved.
2-156-420 Reserved.
Article VI. Campaign Financing
2-156-425 Contributions on city property.
2-156-430 Reserved.
2-156-435 Anonymous and pseudonymous contributions.
2-156-440 Reserved.
2-156-445 Limitation of contributing to candidates and elected officials.
2-156-450 Reserved.
2-156-455 Cash contributions.
2-156-450 Reserved.
Article VII. Penalties for Violation
2-156-465 Sanctions.
2-156-470 Reserved.
2-156-475 Reserved.
2-156-480 Reserved.
2-156-485 Other remedies.
2-156-495 Relationship to other laws.
2-156-500 Sanctions applicable to board of ethics.
2-156-505 Training and filing violations – Executive director's authority.
Article VIII. Miscellaneous
2-156-510 Invalid actions.
2-156-520 Access to list of current contractors.
2-156-530 Annual public hearing on ethics.
ARTICLE I. GENERAL (2-156-005 et seq.)
(a) The code of conduct set forth in this section shall be aspirational and shall guide the conduct of every official and employee of the city. All officials and employees of the city shall:
(1) remember that they are public servants who must place loyalty to the federal and Illinois constitutions, laws, and ethical principles above their private gain or interest.
(2) give a full day's work for a full day's pay.
(3) put forth honest effort in the performance of their duties.
(4) treat members of the public with respect and be responsive and forthcoming in meeting their requests for information.
(5) act impartially in the performance of their duties, so that no private organization or individual is given preferential treatment.
(6) refrain from making any unauthorized promises purporting to bind the city.
(7) never use any nonpublic information obtained through the performance of city work for private gain.
(8) engage in no business or financial transaction with any individual, organization or business that is inconsistent with the performance of their city duties.
(9) protect and conserve city property and resources, and use city property and resources only for authorized purposes or activities.
(10) disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to the appropriate authorities.
(11) adhere to all applicable laws and regulations that provide equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or handicap.
(12) not engage in, encourage, or permit – by action or inaction – behavior constituting sexual harassment of another City Official or employee.
(b) At the time of employment or becoming a city official, every city official or employee shall sign, in a form prescribed by the board of ethics, a commitment to follow the city's code of conduct set forth in this section. The department of human resources shall administer such commitment and provide a copy of the commitment to each employee at the time of hiring. The board shall administer such commitment and provide a copy of the commitment to each city official at the time of the swearing in or appointment of the official.
(c) This section is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the city, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
(Added Coun. J. 7-25-12, p. 31123, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 58447, § 1)