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Part 2. Conflicts of Interest and Improper Influence (2-156-030 et seq.)
(a) No official or employee shall make, participate in making or in any way attempt to use his position to influence any city governmental decision or action in which he knows or has reason to know that he has any financial interest distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, or from which he has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from which he reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months.
(b) No elected official, or any person acting at the direction of such official, shall contact either orally or in writing any other city official or employee with respect to any matter involving any person with whom the elected official has any business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the official, or the domestic partner or spouse of the official, or from whom or which he has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from whom or which he reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months. In addition, no elected official may participate in any discussion in any city council committee hearing or in any city council meeting or vote on any matter involving the person with whom the elected official has any business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the official, or the domestic partner or spouse of the official, or from whom or which he has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from whom or which he reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months.
(Prior code § 26.2-3; Added Coun. J. 5-16-90, p. 16204; Amend Coun. J. 12-2-98, p. 86542; Amend Coun. J. 7-25-12, p. 31123, § 1)