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13-32-140  New construction site – Rodent abatement.
   (a)   “New construction site” or “site” means all real property identified on a building permit as the location for the construction of a new building or structure, or part thereof, that requires any excavation as part of the construction.
   (b)   Prior to any excavation at a new construction site, the owner of the site shall prepare a rodent control management plan for the detection, inspection and treatment of rodents at the site. At a minimum, the plan, shall include provisions for abatement of the site by a structural pest control company licensed by the State of Illinois by means of above-ground bait boxes around the perimeter of the site until all excavation is completed.
   (c)   The owner shall maintain a written record of the plan and any pest control measures performed by pest management professional at the site and include any reports and receipts prepared by the structural pest control company. The plan and records shall be maintained at the new construction site until construction at the site is completed and open to inspection upon request by authorized city personnel, including but not limited to employees of the departments of streets and sanitation and buildings.
   (d)   (1)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $500.00 nor more than $1,000.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply.
      (2)   In addition to any other available penalties and remedies provided, one or more violations of this section at the site may result in a stop work order issued by the department that issued the citation, directing that all activity cease for 10 days. Any further citation for violation at the same new construction site within six months after the initial stop work order may result in the issuance of another 10-day stop work order. The department that issued the 10-day stop work order under this section shall lift that order only if sufficient evidence of compliance with this section is provided to the department.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly violate a stop work order issued under this section, or to knowingly cause, permit, encourage, assist, aid, abet or direct another person to violate a stop work order issued under this section, or to knowingly in any manner be a party to a violation of a stop work order issued under this section.
      Any person who violates this subsection upon conviction shall be punished, as follows:
         (i)   incarceration for a term not less than three days nor more than six months: or
         (ii)   community service of not less than 10 hours, nor more than 100 hours; or
         (iii)   a fine of $5,000.00.
   (e)   It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly destroy, deface, remove, damage, impair, mar, cover or obstruct any stop work order issued under this section that a city official has posted or affixed at a work site.
   Any person who violates this subsection upon conviction shall be punished, as follows:
      (i)   incarceration for a term not less than three days, nor more than six months; or
      (ii)   community service of not less than 10 hours, nor more than 100 hours or
      (iii)   a fine not less than $200.00, nor more than $500.00.
   (f)   The departments of buildings and streets and sanitation are authorized to enforce this section.
(Added Coun. J. 1-21-15, p. 102083, § 3)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 7.2, repealed former § 13-32-140, which pertained to obstruction of streets and sidewalks.