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13-32-290  Violation of building provisions – Revocation of permit – Reinstatement conditions.
   (a)   If the work in, upon, or about any building or structure shall be conducted in violation of any of the building provisions of this Code, it shall be the duty of the building commissioner to revoke the permit for the building or wrecking operations in connection with which such violation shall have taken place. It shall be unlawful, after the revocation of such permit, to proceed with such building or wrecking operations unless such permit shall first have been reinstated or re-issued by the building commissioner. Before a permit so revoked may be lawfully re-issued or reinstated, the entire building and building site shall first be put into condition corresponding with the requirements in the building provisions of this Code, and any work or material applied to the same in violation of any of the provisions shall be first removed from such building, and all material not in compliance with the building provisions of this Code shall be removed from the premises.
   (b)   Any city official who believes that a permit was issued in error shall notify the building commissioner, who shall review the application for permit, related plans and relevant portions of this Code to determine whether the permit was issued in error. If the building commissioner determines that a permit was in fact issued in error, he or she shall notify the permit holder of the error, revoke the permit and require the permit holder to revise the related application and plans to conform to the applicable provisions of this Code.
(Prior code § 43-24; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 2.11; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)