Public Records
38.01 Request for access to records
38.02 Retrieval of records
38.03 Fees
38.04 Denial of request; appeal
38.05 Records to be prepared by Clerk and Police
Recording of Open Meetings
38.15 Registration required
38.16 Duration of application
38.17 Energy source, equipment and lighting
38.18 Limitations imposed to avoid disruption
38.19 Cameras to be placed in designated areas
38.20 Taping to be stopped when disruptive
38.21 Closed sessions
38.22 Notice that meeting is being recorded
38.23 Exemption from regulations
Drug Free Workplace
38.35 Regulations of a drug free workplace
38.36 Sanctions and remedies
Prevailing Rate of Wages
38.45 Prevailing rate of wages
Ethics Provisions
38.70 Definitions
38.71 Prohibited political activities
38.72 Gift ban
38.73 Ethics Advisor
Emergency Provisions
38.85 Emergency interim executive succession
38.99 Penalty