(A) Any person desiring to record any open meeting of Board of Trustees of the village or any subsidiary body of the village shall register with the office of the Village Clerk at least 48 hours prior to any regular meeting and at least two hours prior to any special or emergency meeting. Registration shall include completing and executing an application provided by the Village Clerk.
(B) Such application shall minimally include:
(1) The name or names of the individual or individuals seeking to tape a meeting;
(2) The date of the meeting or meetings to be taped;
(3) The firm, group or company represented by that individual;
(4) A statement that the individual has read and understands the recording rules and regulations set forth herein and that said individual will comply with and conform to these rules and regulations;
(Ord. 519, passed 6-12-89) Penalty, see § 38.99