General Provisions
   155.001   Title
   155.002   Definitions
   155.003   Purpose
   155.004   Compliance
   155.005   Interpretation
   155.006   Jurisdictional area
   155.007   Application
   155.008   Repealer
   155.009   Enactment
   155.010   Township District Zone Maps incorporated by reference
District Regulations
   155.025   District zone maps
   155.026   Establishment of districts
   155.027   District land usage; Table A
   155.028   District performance standards; Table B, Table B-1
   155.029   Supplemental lot regulations
   155.030   Supplemental yard regulations; Table C
   155.031   General provisions and exceptions to height regulations
   155.032   Off-street parking and loading; Tables D, E, F, and G
   155.033   Performance standards
   155.034   Supplemental environmental regulations
   155.035   Subdivision of land
   155.036   Density transfer option
   155.037   Drainage and erosion control regulations
Overlay District Regulations
   155.050   Overlay districts
   155.051   Riverfront Protection Overlay District
   155.052   Planned Development Overlay District
   155.053   Logansport/Cass County Airport Overlay District
   155.054   Gateway Overlay District
   155.055   Grissom Air Force Overlay District
Overlay District Regulations; Floodplains
   155.070   Statutory authorization
   155.071   Purpose and objective
   155.072   Definitions
   155.073   General provisions
   155.074   Administration
   155.075   Provisions for flood hazards reduction
Development Standards
   155.090   Procedure
   155.091   Confined feeding operations
   155.092   Temporary uses
   155.093   Accessory uses and structures
   155.094   Signs
   155.095   Wireless facilities
   155.096   Modular homes
   155.097   Mobile homes; mobile home parks
   155.098   Recreational vehicle parks/campground
   155.099   Adult business
   155.100   Junk yards and scrap metal yards
   155.101   Automobile service stations and commercial garages
   155.102   Home occupations
   155.103   Bed and breakfast establishments and country inns
   155.104   Accessory apartment
   155.105   Conversion dwellings
   155.106   Sidewalk cafés
   155.107   Mineral resources
   155.108   Hazardous waste/nuclear waste
   155.109   Land application of sludge and wastewater
   155.110   Noncommercial vehicle repair
   155.111   Cottage industries
   155.112   Solar energy systems
Wind Energy Conversion System Regulations
   155.125   Purpose and intent
   155.126   Applicability
   155.127   Prohibition
   155.128   Conflict
   155.129   Regulations
   155.130   Safety design and installation standards
   155.131   Other applicable standards
   155.132   Operation and maintenance
   155.133   Decommissioning plan
   155.134   Liability insurance
   155.135   Procedures and fees
   155.136   Pre-construction requirements
   155.137   Construction requirements
   155.138   Post-construction requirements
Development Plans
   155.150   Development plan approval
   155.165   Non-conforming uses of land or structures
   155.166   Non-conforming lot of record
   155.167   Non-conforming structures
Board of Zoning Appeals
   155.180   Creation
   155.181   Rules
   155.182   Minutes and records
   155.183   Appeals
   155.184   Special exceptions
   155.185   Variances; use
   155.186   Variances; developmental standards
   155.187   Floodplain variance
   155.188   Procedure
   155.189   Hearings
   155.190   Commitments
   155.191   Hearing officer
Administrative Procedures
   155.205   Zoning Administrator
   155.206   Improvement location permit
   155.207   Certificate of occupancy
   155.208   Enforcement remedies
   155.209   Amendments
   155.210   Schedule of fees
   155.211   Administrative decisions
   155.212   Rules
   155.999   Penalty
§ 155.001 TITLE.
   This chapter may be cited as the “Zoning Ordinance of Cass County.”
(Prior Code, § 153.001) (Ord. 86, passed 9-15-1986; Ord. 93-02, passed 2-1-1993)