The following amendments are made to the Zoning Ordinance with regards to the County Gateway (CG) Overlay District.
(A) Purpose and intent. The County Gateway (CG) Overlay District is intended to promote the health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of the public by guiding the orderly growth and development of areas adjacent to, and adjoining, the four-lane Hoosier Heartland Industrial Corridor, limited access federal highway. It is further intended that the Overlay District foster a successful public/private relationship between the county and prospective developers, while promoting development opportunities, which encourage compatibility of land uses, provide safe and sufficient transportation systems and infrastructure, and protect the built and natural environment through fair, objective standards and regulations for all development proposals. All standards within this overlay pertain to commercial and industrial uses only.
(B) Authority. The Commission has authority over all Development Plan Reviews (DPR). Delegation of authority in accordance with I.C. 36-7-4-1402(c)
states that the Commission may authorize the Plan Review Committee or the staff to act on the behalf of the entire Commission to conduct DPR for the following situations.
(C) Permitted uses. All areas within the CG Overlay District should be rezoned to CG. Uses allowed within this district are shown in § 155.027. Applicants for uses allowed by special exception must submit a DP use approval to the Redevelopment Commission (RDC) during a public meeting.
(1) Approval. The Redevelopment Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the DP use approval. Any use approval that is approved, or approved with conditions, by the Redevelopment Commission is exempt from special exception and shall be submitted directly to the Plan Review Committee for DPR.
(2) Restrictions. However, any DP use approval that is not approved by the Redevelopment Commission must first be submitted to the Board of Zoning Appeals for Special Exception approval to allow such a use, prior to being submitted to the Plan Commission for DPR. If there are major changes to the DP after being approved, the DP must go back to RDC for approval before a new DPR. Staff will determine whether or not there has been a major change to the DP.
(3) Post-approval. Following the approval by the Redevelopment Commission, the county shall be considered as the co-applicant for DPR. If the county becomes a co-applicant, the use shall he considered allowed by right instead of going through the special exception process. In such instance the Redevelopment Commission authorizes the Plan Review Committee or staff to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the DP for all other standards, and/or provide zoning waivers.
(D) Standards. All development within CG Overlay District must meet the following standards.
(1) Lots. Minimum lot area is 130,680 square feet or three acres.
(a) No land which is within public rights-of-way, or public lands, or public or private street or access easements, shall be used for computing the minimum lot area.
(b) No land which is within a watercourse, drainage way, channel, stream, or designated wetlands floodway as specified by the Zoning Ordinance, shall be used for computing the minimum lot area.
(c) No land which is under water, other than a temporary detention storage area or ornamental pond, shall be used for computing the minimum lot area.
(d) Lots which do not meet the minimum lot area which are within approved subdivisions and lots of record prior to the establishment of the Gateway Overlay District may obtain improvement location permits provided all other standards of the ordinance can be met, including DPR, if applicable.
(2) Area and coverage. Gross floor area shall have a minimum of 2,500 square feet, excluding basement or any accessory buildings.
(a) Maximum height of a building shall not exceed 199 feet.
(E) Sight design. Site design of the development shall meet the following standards.
(1) Off-street parking.
(a) An off-street parking plan shall be submitted with the DPR application. This plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances. The off-street parking plan shall adhere to all the standards and regulations of this chapter. There shall be no off-street parking within the required planting strip or buffer yard.
(b) Off-street parking areas for two or more different uses may be provided collectively, if the total number of spaces provided is not less than the total of the minimum required spaces for each individual use.
(c) Combined parking shall be designed and constructed so as to create a desirable, efficient, and well planned off-street parking area with functional and aesthetic values, attractiveness, and compatibility with adjacent land uses.
(2) Driveway access.
(a) Driveways must be located, constructed, and marked in such a way to provide safe ingress and egress. Driveway standards shall be as designated in this chapter, except for the following:
(b) Driveways shall not be located closer than 25 feet from an interior property line or another driveway on the same property, unless a common driveway is provided between adjacent properties in order to provide safe ingress and egress for both properties.
(3) Landscaping and buffer yard. A landscaping and buffer yard plan shall be submitted with the DPR application. This plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances. The landscaping plan shall adhere to all the standards and regulations of this chapter.
(a) A minimum of 10% of the total area of the property must be green space. All landscaping material selected shall be appropriate to local growing and climate conditions.
(b) A planting strip, minimum width shall be ten feet, shall be provided adjacent to any collector, arterial, parking lot, and entry drive. Side and rear yard setbacks adjacent or adjoining a residential use, shall meet buffering requirements. No other side and rear buffer yards are required unless specified otherwise in this chapter.
(c) All landscaping and buffer yards must follow the regulations of this chapter, unless specified otherwise. Buffer yards located adjacent to State Road 25 must be double the number of plantings required.
(4) Lighting. Site lighting plan shall be submitted with the DP. It must prove that no light is spilling onto residential properties.
(5) Signage.
(a) A signage plan shall be submitted with the DPR application. This plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances. The signage plan shall adhere to all the standards and regulations of this chapter, unless otherwise specified. Additionally, there shall be no banners, sandwich boards, flags, pennants, or other temporary signs unless specifically designated in the DP approval.
(b) Any sign that is erected by the Redevelopment Commission for the purpose of way finding, logo, and information for the Agribusiness Park will be considered a permitted sign and won’t require a permit or need to meet any other standards of this chapter.
(6) Other requirements.
(a) All outdoor sales shall be in, and only in, an approved designated area. No outdoor sales shall conflict with the DP as approved, including parking areas. No sales shall be conducted in any trailer, container, or temporary shelter, unless it is a part of the approved DP.
(b) All outdoor storage shall be in and only in an approved designated area. No outdoor storage shall conflict with the DP as approved, including parking areas. No storage shall be conducted in any trailer, container, or temporary shelter unless it is a part of the approved DP. Storage must be located to the rear of the primary structure and stored or screened in a way to not be visible from State Road 25, unless impractical or storage of natural materials.
(c) Architectural design from the principal office structure shall reflect vertical and horizontal proportions and shall provide a defined base and top on all sides of the building seen from State Road 25.
(Ord. 2015-08, passed 7-20-2015; Ord. 2020-02, passed 2-3-2020)