Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided as required below.
   (A)   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided for all uses established or structures built after the effective date of this chapter in accordance with the specifications of this section.
      (1)   Whenever a land use that was started or a structure that was built after the effective date of this chapter is changed in use or is enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise, to create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking or loading spaces, additional spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
      (2)   Whenever a land use or structure existing prior to the effective date of this chapter is changed in use or is enlarged to the extent of 25% or more in floor area, number of employees, number of housing units, seating capacity, or otherwise, to create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking or loading spaces, the use or structure shall then and thereafter comply with all parking and loading standards set forth in this section.
   (B)   The number of parking spaces shall be as specified in Table D below based upon the parking classification of the use listed in Table A (Parking Class A through Z).
      (1)   For a use not specified in Table D below, the parking space requirement shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator. When the number of parking spaces are to be determined by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator shall base his or her decision on the parking needs of similar uses in Table D below, on expected traffic volume, and on past parking experiences of existing similar uses.
      (2)   (a)   When parking spaces are based upon the number of employees in Table D below, the number shall be the number of employees of the largest shift except where noted.
         (b)   Table D: Required parking.
Parking Classification (From Table A)
Number of Parking Spaces
Parking Classification (From Table A)
Number of Parking Spaces
2 per dwelling unit or pad or campsite plus 1 per home occupation
2 per 3 employees of the 2 expected maximum shifts combined, plus 1 per visitor/customer space for each 20 required employee spaces with a minimum of 4
No parking required, provided there are no employees at the site (if there are employees, there must be 1 space per employee.)
3 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
5 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
6 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
10 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
5.25 per 1,000 square feet of leasable floor area
5.5 per 1,000 square feet of leasable floor area
1 per 3 beds or residents, plus 1 per employee
1 per 2 occupants, plus 1 per employee
1 per 4 customer seats, plus 1 per employee
2 per service stall or airplane parking space plus 1 per employee
1.25 per 1,000 square feet of land and building area used for business
8 per doctor, 5 per dentist, 3 per veterinarian
1 per 15 elementary students and 1 per 4 secondary students
5 per 10 students expected to attend at any one time
1 per 3 seats in each auditorium, chapel room or grandstand
1 per guest room, plus 1 per employee
1 per 10 children on the maximum shift, plus 1 per employee on the maximum shift
2 per table, 3 per hole, 4 per court, 5 per alley
1 per 3 persons based upon maximum occupancy, plus 1 per employee
1 per 500 square feet of use area plus 1 per 3 employees
1 per 3 members
As specified by the Zoning Administrator at the time of permit issuance
The cumulative parking total of all component recreational activities from this table or 1 space per member family and employee, whichever is more and/or applicable
      (3)   When the application of Table D above results in a fraction of parking spaces, the number of spaces shall be rounded upward to the next highest round number.
      (4)   In addition to all parking space requirements of Table D above, there shall be a minimum number of parking spaces as specified by the Zoning Administrator for all trucks, buses, and other company vehicles and special equipment to be parked and/or offered for sale on the site.
      (5)   In addition to the required parking spaces, there shall be adequate utility lanes for service stations; truck stops; drive-in banks, car washes, and fast food restaurants, telephones; film processing; and other businesses with drive-up windows and facilities.
      (6)   Two or more non-residential uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking in which case the required number of parking spaces shall be not less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses computed separately. Two or more uses may also jointly share the same spaces provided their hours of operation do not normally overlap and a written agreement is filed with the Zoning Administrator and approved by the County Attorney.
      (7)   Parking spaces may be located on a lot other than that containing the principal use with the approval of the Zoning Administrator, provided a written agreement, approved by the County Attorney, shall be filed with the application for an improvement location permit, containing a guarantee that such parking spaces shall be available so long as the principal use is continued.
      (8)   Parking requirements may be waived by the Zoning Administrator for uses in a block in which 50% or more of the area is occupied by business or industrial structures.
      (9)   Motorcycle parking spaces may be substituted for the off-street parking requirement at the rate of two motorcycle spaces per off-street parking space. This applies to lots having two or more parking spaces and may be used to replace a maximum of two parking spaces.
   (C)   All parking areas and spaces shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following minimum standards.
      (1)   No design shall be approved which is likely to create substantial traffic hazards endangering the public safety. Additional safety provisions may be required by the Zoning Administrator and/or the State Highway Commission. The developer shall be responsible for the construction of any such traffic control devices or safety provisions.
      (2)   No design shall allow the backing of any vehicle onto any street.
      (3)   In order to achieve better traffic control, eliminate runoff, and alter the impression created by a continual parking area, landscape areas shall be provided within all parking lots. At least 5% of the parking area shall be landscaped and such landscaping shall be in addition to all bufferyards required by this chapter.
      (4)   All parking spaces shall be maintained in good condition without holes and shall be kept free of all trash and other debris.
      (5)   (a)   All parking areas shall have parking spaces of no less than the minimum width, and minimum length, and access lanes of minimum width, as indicated in Table E below.
         (b)   Table E: Parking area standards.
Angle of Parking (degrees)
Stall Width (feet)
Length (feet)
Drive, Two-Way (feet)
Drive, One-Way (feet)
Notes to Table:
1/—For purposes of measurement, drives with parking on one side only shall be considered as one-way drives.
   (D)   In addition to the above requirements, whenever 20 or more off-street parking spaces are required, the parking area and space shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following minimum standards.
      (1)   All parking spaces and access lanes shall be clearly marked, including directional arrows to guide internal movements. The markings shall be maintained.
      (2)   Bumper stops, curbing, or wheel chocks shall be provided to prevent any vehicle from damaging or encroaching upon any required sidewalk or upon any property adjacent to the parking area.
      (3)   Handicapped parking spaces and facilities shall be provided as required in the American National Standards Institute publication ANSI 1171-1980, as amended or superseded.
      (4)   Up to 20% of the required parking spaces may be designated compact spaces of at least eight by 16 feet.
      (5)   The interior circulation of traffic in parking areas shall be designed so that no drive-way or access lane providing parking spaces, shall be used as a through street.
      (6)   (a)   Any establishment which furnishes carts or mobile baskets as an adjunct to shopping shall provide defined areas within the required parking space areas for storage of said carts.
         (b)   Each designated storage area shall be clearly marked for storage of shopping carts.
      (7)   In addition to the landscape requirements as specified in division (C) above and the buffering requirements as specified in § 155.030, the following minimum standards shall apply.
         (a)   At least a portion of the landscape area shall be placed within the interior of the parking area. This may be in the form of a strip planted with trees, or shrubs and grass, including a pedestrian walk between parking aisles, or it may be islands appropriately spaced, raised, curbed, and planted.
         (b)   Landscape islands shall be provided at the end of each row of parking spaces to clearly define lane and turning patterns.
   (E)   (1)   The number of required off-street loading spaces for commercial, industrial, and institutional uses is specified in Table F below.
      (2)   Table F: Required loading.
Use Classification
Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Number of Spaces
Use Classification
Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Number of Spaces
Office buildings, banks, hotels, auditoriums, retail trade, shopping centers, hospitals, institutions, services, recreational facilities, multi-family dwellings, and similar uses
For each additional 100,000 above 100,000
Manufacturing, wholesale trade, warehousing, storage, and similar uses
For each additional 50,000 over 100,000
      (3)   Uses and structures with a net floor area of less than 8,000 square feet shall provide adequate receiving facilities so as not to obstruct the free movement of pedestrians and vehicles over a sidewalk, street or alley.
      (4)   Where the required number of loading spaces is not set forth for a particular use in Table F above, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the basis of the number of spaces to be provided, based upon the loading space requirements of similar uses.
      (5)   All off-street loading areas shall not be less than 15 feet wide, 25 feet long, and 15 feet high, except that where one such loading space has been provided, any additional loading space lying alongside, contiguous to, and not separated from such first loading space need not be wider than 12 feet.
      (6)   Where a given use or structure contains a combination of uses as set forth in Table F above, loading facilities shall be provided on the basis of the sum of the required spaces for each use.
      (7)   All required off-street loading spaces shall be located at the same lot as the use served, except, where required spaces are provided cooperatively for two or more uses, subject to arrangements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator.
      (8)   No required off-street loading area shall be used to satisfy the space requirement for any off-street parking, and no loading area shall be so located as to interfere with the free circulation of vehicles in any off-street parking area.
      (9)   All off-street loading space shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street and shall be provided only through driveway openings as specified in division (G) below.
      (10)   No motor vehicle repair work, except emergency service shall be permitted in association with any required off-street loading facility.
      (11)   In addition to the required loading spaces, a driveway designed for continuous forward flow of passenger vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers shall be located on the site of any school, church or other facility which is designed to accommodate more than 25 persons at one time.
   (F)   The following additional standards apply to off-street parking with more than 20 spaces and all off-street loading areas:
      (1)   All parking and loading area drainage shall be designed and built in accordance with the Drainage Plan.
      (2)   All parking and loading areas shall be surfaced so as to provide a durable and dustless surface (as defined).
      (3)   All parking and loading areas and driveways shall be provided with a safe and adequate lighting system which shall be completely shielded from traffic on any public right-of-way and from any residential district.
      (4)   Developments which have parking and loading and driveways in excess of 40,000 square feet shall contain snow storage areas.
      (5)   All parking and loading areas shall be maintained in good condition without holes and shall be kept free of all trash and other debris.
      (6)   (a)   In addition to bufferyards required by this chapter, a parking or loading area shall be effectively screened by a fence or planted material on any side or rear property lines which are adjacent to, or face, any existing residential property.
         (b)   The fence shall be opaque and not less than four feet, nor more than six feet, in height. The planted screen shall consist of densely planted evergreen hedge not less than four feet, nor more than six feet, in height. All screens shall be maintained in good condition.
      (7)   All parking and loading spaces except for residential and agricultural uses and any required screens shall not be located in a required front yard area.
   (G)   Clearly defined driveways shall be provided for ingress and egress from all off-street parking and loading areas. Driveways shall be located and constructed according to the standards as shown in Table G below or such standards as established by the State Highway Commission, if access is onto a state highway.
      (1)   Table G: Driveway access.
Driveway Standard
Residential Property
Service Station/Truck Terminal
Other Non- Residential
Driveway Standard
Residential Property
Service Station/Truck Terminal
Other Non- Residential
Maximum Width at Property Line
25 feet
40 feet
35 feet
Maximum Radius of Curb Return
15 feet
20 feet
20 feet
Minimum Distance from Interior Lot Line
5 feet
11-1/2 feet
12-1/2 feet
Minimum Distance from Street Intersection
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Minimum Radius of Curb Return
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
Minimum Width at Property Line
12 feet
20 feet
18 feet
Space Between Two Drives/Same Property
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
      (2)   The number of driveways for a required parking area from any street shall not exceed two per adjacent street. A common driveway may be provided between adjacent properties in order to meet this requirement.
      (3)   (a)   Driveways contiguous to the front of commercial structures shall include a 12-foot, painted fire lane which must be marked with the words “No Parking Fire Lane” in white letters and a stripe of at least four inches in width, in conformance with the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, in addition to other requirements of this section.
         (b)   If the Fire Chief having jurisdiction of the structure has stricter standards, then they shall apply in lieu of the above.
(Prior Code, § 153.032) (Ord. 93-02, passed 2-1-1993; Ord. 2007-13, passed 12-3-2007)