   A.   A nonrefundable business license fee, in an amount set by City resolution, for the administrative costs of processing applications shall be paid by each applicant at the time of making application for any business license or amendment of license.
   B.   All business licenses required hereunder are to be kept current and updated by amendment applications as needed by changes in the business, such as changes in scope of services. Licenses, including as may be amended or updated, will remain in effect without expiration until the business is closed or license otherwise terminated. (Ord. 715, 10-25-2021)
Except as specifically provided by this Code or State law, licenses issued by the City shall not be assigned or transferred to any person other than the named holder. Issuance of a license by the City shall not authorize any person other than the person or entity named thereon to conduct such business; nor shall it authorize any business other than that named to be done or transacted. Issuance of a license shall not permit the named business to be conducted in any place other than the location or locations described in the application without prior approval of the Council. All licenses shall state the location of the business upon the face thereof. (Ord. 715, 10-25-2021)
In addition to any other penalty provided by this chapter or by law, any license issued in accordance with this article may be denied, revoked or suspended for any of the following reasons:
   A.   Failure To Comply: The licensee or applicant, or any of his/her partners, affiliates or employees fails to comply with any of the minimum standards, requirements, policies, or procedures set forth in this article or the pertinent license chapter or article;
   B.   Fraud Or Misrepresentation: The licensee obtained his/her license by fraud or misrepresentation;
   C.   Failure To Take Corrective Action: The licensee fails to take corrective action within the time frame specified in a notice of violation;
   D.   Contrary Use: The license is being or has been exercised contrary to the terms or conditions of the license;
   E.   Failure To Pay Fee: The licensee or applicant fails to pay any applicable fee imposed pursuant to this article or the pertinent license chapter or article;
   F.   Operation Detrimental: The licensee is operating the regulated business in such a manner as to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 715, 10-25-2021)
A violation of the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute an infraction, punishable by fine as established by resolution. (Ord. 715, 10-25-2021)