4-1-1: Title; Purpose
4-1-2: Definitions
4-1-3: Permits Required
4-1-4: Exceptions
4-1-5: Issuance Of A Permit
4-1-6: Permit Fees
4-1-7: Restrictions
4-1-8: Unlawful Conduct
4-1-9: Suspension, Revocation Of Permit
4-1-10: Expiration Of Permit
4-1-11: Penalty
   (A)   Short Title: This Chapter shall be known as the VENDORS PERMIT ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF CASCADE.
   (B)   Purpose,
      1.   Purpose: The purpose of these regulations is:
         (a)   To reasonably regulate the adverse effects of transient, temporary or seasonal businesses upon the City.
         (b)   To reasonably regulate regulation of vending on public ways and private property is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
         (c)   To reasonably regulate the risks towards public health, safety, and welfare by the regulation of off-site vendors operating inside the city.
         (d)   To reasonably regulate vendors to ensure that any stand or structure design and construction for purpose of vending is safe, orderly, and provides for safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
         (e)   To reasonably regulate vendors to protect and conserve the economic base of the community, including property values.
         (f)   To reasonably regulate the number of vendors on public and private property which requires balancing community and visitor expectations, service demands, and the promotion of community vibrancy in appropriate locations throughout the City.
         (g)   To reasonably regulate a permit system to allow temporary conduct of business by vendors on public ways and private property.
         (h)   To reasonably prohibit all uses not expressly permitted by this Chapter.
         (i)   To reasonably enforce the provisions of this Chapter.
   (C)   Enforcement:
      1.   Authority: The City Code Enforcement Officer, their designee, or a law enforcement official when applicable is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Chapter.
      2.   Notification: Any vendor operating without the appropriate permit and fee shall be notified by the City Code Enforcement Officer, their designee, or a law enforcement official when applicable to cease business operations until the appropriate permit is obtained and fees paid. Those vendors which are operating illegally shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be punished by a fine as established per resolution. Each day a violation continues shall be a separate offense punishable as herein above provided.
   (D)   Severability: The provisions of this Chapter are hereby declared to be severable and if any provisions or the application of such provisions to any person or circumstances is declared invalid, for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. (Ord. 575, 11-22-1999; amd. Ord. 709, 3-22-2021)