(A)   Site analysis. An analysis shall be made of characteristics of the subdivision site: such as site context; geology and soil; topography; ecology; existing vegetation, structures, and road networks; visual features; and past and present use of the site.
   (B)   Subdivision design, generally.
      (1)   Design of a subdivision shall take into consideration all existing local plans for the city, and shall be based on the site analysis. To the maximum extent practicable, development shall be located to preserve the natural features of the site, to avoid areas of environmental sensitivity, and to minimize negative impacts and alteration of natural features.
      (2)   The following specific areas shall be preserved to the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization of the site.
         (a)   Unique and/or fragile areas, including wetlands as defined in Sec. 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, as determined by the U.S. Corps of Engineers.
         (b)   The developer is encouraged to arrange streets, lots, and other improvements in order to preserve and protect natural features of the property. The developer shall comply with the tree protection section of the zoning ordinance.
         (c)   Lands in flood hazard areas, as determined by Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the city, except as provided herein and in related regulations.
         (d)   Habitats of endangered wildlife, as identified on federal and state lists; and
         (e)   Historically significant structures and sites, as listed on federal, state, and/or local lists of historic places.
      (3)   The development shall be laid out to avoid adversely affecting ground water and aquifer recharge; to reduce cut and fill; to avoid unnecessary impervious cover; to prevent flooding; to provide adequate access to and sites; and to mitigate adverse effects of shadow, noise, odor, traffic, drainage, and utilities on neighboring properties.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord., passed 6-25-96; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10)