Temporary retail sales by transient vendors with no permanent business address in the City of Brunswick, and which are not accessory to a principal use on the property, are conditionally permitted in the C-N, C-H, C-G and GW-C Districts, subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below.
(Ord. 25-08. Passed 4-28-08.)
(a) The Planning Commission shall set time limits for the duration of the temporary retail sales and limits for daily hours of operation. The Commission may require an appropriate financial guarantee to insure prompt removal of the temporary activity, including removal of trash and any other debris associated with the activity.
(b) Applications shall include copies of a current vendor's license or transient vendor's license and written permission from the property owner to temporarily use the property, including any terms and conditions of that approval.
(c) All display booths, stands, merchandise displays and other temporary structures shall comply with all front, side and rear yard setbacks required for the applicable zoning district.
(d) The temporary retail sales shall provide off-street parking and circulation areas complying with the requirements of Chapter 1276, both for the temporary use and for any other permanent uses on the site.
Temporary electrical service shall comply with the requirements of the Ohio Basic Building Code and have a permit from the Division of Building. All signs shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 1270.
(f) Temporary retail sales shall include the sale of merchandise only, and shall not involve any repair, assembly, preparation or other similar non-retail activities.
(g) All temporary sales activities shall clearly display, in a prominent position within the product display area, the following information:
(1) Name, address and phone number where the transient vendor can be reached so customers can seek redress for faulty merchandise or service; and
(2) Name, address and phone number of the manufacturer or distributor of the offered product or service should it be other than the transient vendor.
(3) The conditional zoning certificate approved by the Brunswick City Planning Commission.
(h) Violations of this section shall be corrected or cited according to the provisions of Section 1244.10(d).
(i) The requirements for temporary retail sales shall not apply to any educational, civic, religious, or charitable organization which has a permanent location within the City, Medina County, or the immediate surrounding area.
(Ord. 53-97. Passed 5-12-97; Ord. 5-16. Passed 2-8-16.)
(Ord. 53-97. Passed 5-12-97; Ord. 5-16. Passed 2-8-16.)
New vehicle sales are conditionally permitted in the C-G and GW-C zones. New and/ or used vehicle sales are conditionally permitted in the C-H zone. Both uses subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below.
(Ord. 26-08. Passed 4-28-08.)
(a) Such uses may include sales, leasing, renting and related services of passenger cars, vans, trucks and recreational vehicles, and accessory service and repair operations.
(b) Each use shall have a minimum site area of 3 acres. Each use shall include one or more buildings for vehicle display, sales and service with an aggregate minimum floor area of 15,000 square feet.
(c) All areas used for vehicle display, and areas used for customer, employee and other short-term parking and circulation shall be shown on site plans approved by the Planning Commission for this purpose and shall be paved according to the requirements of Chapter 1276. With Commission approval, areas for vehicle and storage may be unpaved. Parking areas designated for display or inventory may depart from the required standards for design of parking spaces and aisles in Chapter 1276.
Bed and breakfast establishments are conditionally permitted in the residential and commercial districts, subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below.
(a) Such use shall remain secondary to the principal residential use, and shall be occupied and managed by the property owner. A minimum of 500 square feet of gross interior floor area shall be available for each rental unit and the owner's unit.
(b) Food service shall be limited to breakfast served only to overnight paying guests with no additional fee. Cooking in individual guest bedrooms is prohibited.
(c) Paved parking complying with the requirements of Chapter 1276 shall be provided for permanent residents and for transient guests. Parking areas shall be designed and screened to lessen their intrusion into a residential area.
(d) Signage shall be limited nameplate mounted on the building wall and not exceeding 4 square feet.
Automobile filling stations are conditionally permitted in the commercial districts, subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below.
(a) The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet and minimum lot width shall be 125 feet. Pump islands and canopies shall be a minimum of 15 feet from any property or right of way line.
(b) All driveway approaches shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 1276. Combined driveways with adjacent commercial uses are encouraged. Site plans shall designate tank truck routes.
(c) Adjacent to a residential district, a multifamily use or a place of public assembly, there shall be a solid fence, wall or hedge along the common property line. The fence, wall or hedge shall have a minimum height of 6 feet, and shall be designed to provide clear views of approaching traffic for drivers entering or exiting the site.
(d) All parking shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 1276
. Additional parking shall be provided for non- automotive uses on the site, such a convenience stores. No parking of new or used vehicles for sale or junk vehicles is permitted, except in compliance with the requirements of Section 1276.11
(e) A pedestrian safety curb at least six inches high shall be installed along all street right-of-way lines except at driveway approaches.
(f) All automobile filling stations shall maintain restrooms available to the public and shall maintain free water and compressed air for vehicles.
(g) The exterior of filing station buildings shall be harmonious with other commercial buildings in the area. Exterior walls shall be primarily brick, stone or wood comparable to other commercial buildings. Filling station sites shall comply with the landscaping requirements in Chapter 1282.
(h) All outdoor storage and display shall comply with the requirements of Section 1280.12. Accessory rental of trucks or trailers shall require Planning Commission approval and shall not be stored within the minimum front yard setback(s).
(i) No body work or paint spraying and no major motor repairs or transmission or motor overhauls shall be permitted except for the removal and/or installation of new or rebuilt units.
(j) No use of pennants, banners, streamers, whirligigs, "point of sale" materials (except product identification on pumps, pump island light poles and motor oil cabinets) shall be permitted, except as provided for temporary special event signs. No rubbish in unscreened outside areas shall be permitted.
Communication towers, other than amateur radio towers located on the property of the homeowner, are conditionally permitted in the C-H Highway Interchange Commercial Zoning District, I-L Light Industrial Zoning District and C-G General Commercial Zoning District, subject to the indicated special conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below:
(a) All conditionally permitted towers and associated accessory structures shall be located at least 200 feet from all property lines, or 110 percent of the tower height, whichever is greater. Where such towers are located on property abutting a residential zoning district or use, the towers shall be located at least 300 feet from the property line adjacent to a residential zoning district or use.
(b) Such towers shall be located in areas where intrusion into a residential or commercial district is minimized. Conditionally permitted towers located along the I-71 corridor in conditionally permitted zoning districts shall be located so that the tower does not detract from the appearance of the City as seen from I-71.
(c) The base of the tower shall be fenced, landscaped and screened to provide security and to lessen the intrusion into the residential, commercial or industrial zoning district.
(d) Signage or other forms of advertising are prohibited on the towers, except as specifically approved by the Planning Commission. Security lights are required at the base of the tower; other lights on the tower are prohibited except as specifically required by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).
(e) It is the policy of the City of Brunswick to require co-location of communication towers to the maximum extent feasible. All applicants for towers shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that co-location on an existing tower is not possible, based on factors such as location, structural capacity, radio frequency interference, or incompatibility resulting from mechanical, electrical or technological factors.
(Ord. 70-14. Passed 10-6-14.)
Wireless service provider (WSP) structures, as defined in Section 1242.02, are conditionally permitted uses in the residential districts and the C-O district. They are also conditionally permitted uses in all SPD districts unless the SPD guidelines specifically indicate to the contrary. WSP structures in these districts are subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08, the requirements of Section 1280.15 and the provisions below:
(a) The applicants shall demonstrate that the proposed WSP structure will be designed and sited to have the least adverse visual effect on residential properties in the immediate area.
(b) The applicants shall demonstrate that the proposed WSP antenna(s) cannot be located on an existing structure.
(c) Locations should be chosen where existing trees will buffer views of the structure from adjoining properties.
(Ord. 9-03. Passed 1-27-03.)
Inflatable figures to be displayed for a 12-month period are a conditionally permitted use in the commercial districts, subject to the conditions and requirements of Section 1270.15(m) and those listed below:
(a) A minimum roof top of 1,500 square feet shall be required.
(b) Only one inflatable figure per property shall be permitted.
(c) The Planning Commission and City Council shall approve all permit applications.
(Ord. 71-07. Passed 10-8-07.)
(Ord. 71-07. Passed 10-8-07.)