Temporary retail sales by transient vendors with no permanent business address in the City of Brunswick, and which are not accessory to a principal use on the property, are conditionally permitted in the C-N, C-H, C-G and GW-C Districts, subject to the indicated specific conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below.
(Ord. 25-08. Passed 4-28-08.)
   (a)   The Planning Commission shall set time limits for the duration of the temporary retail sales and limits for daily hours of operation. The Commission may require an appropriate financial guarantee to insure prompt removal of the temporary activity, including removal of trash and any other debris associated with the activity.
   (b)   Applications shall include copies of a current vendor's license or transient vendor's license and written permission from the property owner to temporarily use the property, including any terms and conditions of that approval.
   (c)   All display booths, stands, merchandise displays and other temporary structures shall comply with all front, side and rear yard setbacks required for the applicable zoning district.
   (d)   The temporary retail sales shall provide off-street parking and circulation areas complying with the requirements of Chapter 1276, both for the temporary use and for any other permanent uses on the site.
   (e)    Temporary electrical service shall comply with the requirements of the Ohio Basic Building Code and have a permit from the Division of Building. All signs shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 1270.
   (f)   Temporary retail sales shall include the sale of merchandise only, and shall not involve any repair, assembly, preparation or other similar non-retail activities.
   (g)   All temporary sales activities shall clearly display, in a prominent position within the product display area, the following information:
      (1)   Name, address and phone number where the transient vendor can be reached so customers can seek redress for faulty merchandise or service; and
      (2)   Name, address and phone number of the manufacturer or distributor of the offered product or service should it be other than the transient vendor.
      (3)   The conditional zoning certificate approved by the Brunswick City Planning Commission.
   (h)   Violations of this section shall be corrected or cited according to the provisions of Section 1244.10(d).
   (i)   The requirements for temporary retail sales shall not apply to any educational, civic, religious, or charitable organization which has a permanent location within the City, Medina County, or the immediate surrounding area.
(Ord. 53-97. Passed 5-12-97; Ord. 5-16. Passed 2-8-16.)