Communication towers, other than amateur radio towers located on the property of the homeowner, are conditionally permitted in the C-H Highway Interchange Commercial Zoning District, I-L Light Industrial Zoning District and C-G General Commercial Zoning District, subject to the indicated special conditions in Section 1274.08 and the conditions listed below:
   (a)   All conditionally permitted towers and associated accessory structures shall be located at least 200 feet from all property lines, or 110 percent of the tower height, whichever is greater. Where such towers are located on property abutting a residential zoning district or use, the towers shall be located at least 300 feet from the property line adjacent to a residential zoning district or use.
   (b)   Such towers shall be located in areas where intrusion into a residential or commercial district is minimized. Conditionally permitted towers located along the I-71 corridor in conditionally permitted zoning districts shall be located so that the tower does not detract from the appearance of the City as seen from I-71.
   (c)   The base of the tower shall be fenced, landscaped and screened to provide security and to lessen the intrusion into the residential, commercial or industrial zoning district.
   (d)   Signage or other forms of advertising are prohibited on the towers, except as specifically approved by the Planning Commission. Security lights are required at the base of the tower; other lights on the tower are prohibited except as specifically required by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).
   (e)   It is the policy of the City of Brunswick to require co-location of communication towers to the maximum extent feasible. All applicants for towers shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that co-location on an existing tower is not possible, based on factors such as location, structural capacity, radio frequency interference, or incompatibility resulting from mechanical, electrical or technological factors.
      (Ord. 70-14. Passed 10-6-14.)