The following specific conditions apply to those conditionally permitted uses which indicate the particular specific condition in the various residential, commercial or industrial zoning districts:
   (a)   In residential districts, all structures and activity areas shall be located at least 100 feet from all property lines. In commercial districts, all structures and activity areas shall be located at least 100 feet from a residential district or from a multifamily property line.
      (Ord. 9-03. Passed 1-27-03.)
      (1)   For educational institutions and governmentally owned and/or operated buildings in residential districts, all structures and activity areas shall be located at least seventy-five feet from all residential property lines. This shall not include sports fields.
      (2)   Construction trailers in residential districts shall be permitted to be located a minimum of fifty feet from a neighboring residential property line during the construction period only. A permit must be obtained from the Division of Building. (Ord .111-2020. Passed 2-22-21.)
   (b)   Such use shall be located on a collector, minor arterial or arterial street as designated on the currently-adopted thoroughfare plan.
   (c)   Such use shall be located on a minor arterial or arterial street as designated on the currently-adopted thoroughfare plan.
   (d)   All permitted installations shall be maintained in a neat, orderly condition so as to prevent injury to any single property, any individual or to the community in general.
   (e)   Such use shall also require review and approval of site plans as provided in Chapter 1278.
   (f)   All activities, except those required to be performed at the fuel pumps, shall be carried on inside a building. If work is performed on a vehicle, such vehicle shall be entirely within the building.
   (g)   Loudspeakers causing a hazard or annoyance to adjacent residential properties are prohibited.
   (h)   Such use may display one wall sign and one freestanding sign as specified in Table A of Chapter 1270.
(Ord. 9-03. Passed 1-27-03.)
   (i)   In commercial districts, all structures and activity areas shall be located at least 100 feet from a residential district or from a multifamily property line, subject to the following:
      (1)   In commercial districts, both parking space areas and areas paved for emergency, vehicular, or pedestrian access to and about the property, including any fences surrounding such areas, shall, for setback purposes, be required to comply only with Section 1276.09(a), as such section relates to “parking”;
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall have authority to require, for both parking space areas and areas paved for emergency, vehicular, or pedestrian access to and about the property in commercial districts, a greater setback from adjacent residential districts or adjacent multifamily properties up to a maximum of fifty feet, upon a showing by the preponderance of competent, probative evidence that the setbacks permitted in Section 1276.09(a) will result in a substantial adverse impact on the value of such adjacent residential district or multifamily development; and
      (3)   No applicant for a conditional zoning certificate shall be required to demonstrate the absence of the substantial adverse impact identified in Section 1274.08(i)(2) as a condition to receiving a certificate, but may rebut other evidence introduced that purports to show such impact. (Ord. 84-09. Passed 10-26-09.)