1276.01 Purposes.
1276.02 General.
1276.03 Measurement standards.
1276.04 Schedule of off-street parking requirements.
1276.05 Shopping center parking.
1276.06 Modification to required number of spaces.
1276.07 Shared parking.
1276.08 Handicapped parking.
1276.09 Location and continuation of parking and loading facilities.
1276.10 Design standards for parking areas and driveways.
1276.11 Off-street loading.
1276.12 Dumpsters; fire lanes.
1276.13 Auto service parking.
1276.14 Exterior lighting.
1276.15 Site plan review; modifications; enforcement.
Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
Parking generally - see TRAF. Ch. 452
Parking lots - see TRAF. Ch. 454
Parking and site design requirements are hereby established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) Prevent congestion so that streets can be utilized more fully for the movement of vehicular traffic;
(b) Ensure adequate off-street parking and circulation which will accommodate peak parking demands;
(c) Avoid the negative effects of excessive pavement areas, which include unused parking, threatening pedestrian environments, increased run-off, increased micro-temperatures and decreased opportunity for landscaping;
(d) Promote safe and convenient pedestrian and vehicular movement, both on- site and between the site and adjacent streets;
(e) Provide site design standards to promote attractive, efficient and profitable residential, commercial and industrial areas for the benefit of the entire community; and
(f) Provide flexible parking and site design standards which can adapt to unique, individual situations.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(a) Parking Plans. Any building, structure or use of land, when erected or enlarged, shall provide for off-street parking and loading spaces in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Parking plans shall be part of site plans as required by Chapter 1278 for all uses except single family detached dwellings.
(b) Change in Parking. Whenever a building or use is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise to create a need for an increase of 10 percent or 5 spaces, whichever is greater, in the number of existing parking spaces, parking plans shall be submitted as required by Chapter 1278 and such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
In computing the number of parking spaces required by this Chapter, the following standards shall apply:
(a) Gross Floor Area. Where gross floor area (GFA) is designated as the standard for determining parking space requirements, GFA shall be the sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors of the building, without deduction for hallways, stairs, closets, interior walls or other accessory areas.
(b) Gross Leasable Area. Where gross leasable area (GLA) is the standard, GLA means the total floor area designed for the exclusive use of a tenant or occupant, whether owned or leased.
(c) Net Floor Area. Where net floor area (NFA) is the standard, NFA means the area used for service to the public, excluding areas used principally for non- public purposes such as storage, incidental repair, processing, show windows, dressing rooms and rest rooms.
(d) Seating Capacity. Where parking for places of assembly is based on seating capacity, the capacity shall be determined by the number of seating units indicated on plans or based on the number of occupants as prescribed by the Ohio Basic Building Code.
(e) Unlisted Uses. For buildings, uses or activities not listed in Section 1276.04
, the Planning Commission shall apply a parking requirement which the Commission finds most appropriate for the proposed building, use or activity.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)