In commercial zoning districts, all product display, sales activity, food service and other related commercial activities shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, unless areas for such outdoor activities are clearly indicated on site plans approved for that purpose by the Planning Commission. Such outdoor activities shall be accessory to a principally permitted or conditionally permitted use on the same parcel. All outdoor product display, sales activity, food service and related activities are further subject to the following:
   (a)   No commercial product display, sales or other activities may be conducted within a required front yard setback area, unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   There shall be no product display, sales or other activities in required parking areas or in vehicle or pedestrian circulation areas, unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Outdoor product display or sales areas shall be located so that visibility into or out of the site, or into and out of the building, is not impaired.
   (d)   To prevent hazards from fire and impaired visibility, product display areas shall not be located at service station pump islands.
   (e)   Outdoor vending machines, other than newspaper boxes, may not be placed, outside without approval of the Planning Commission and, if so approved, shall be located against an exterior building wall. There shall be no more than one outdoor vending machine per site.
      (Ord. 77-2022. Passed 11-14-22.)
   (f)   A freestanding ATM or similar financial machine shall not be considered a financial institution. (Ord. 78-2022. Passed 11-14-22.)