General Provisions
151.01 Purpose
151.02 Authorization
151.03 Application
151.04 Inspection and enforcement
151.05 Definitions
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
151.15 Plan submission
151.16 Procedures for plan submission and review; inspection and enforcement
151.17 Regulated land-disturbing activities
151.18 Standards and specifications of sediment control plan techniques; format
151.19 Approval of plan
151.20 Certification; bonding of performance
151.21 Issuance of land-disturbing permit
151.35 Fees
151.36 Monitoring, reports and inspections
151.37 Amendment of plan
151.38 Administrative appeal; judicial review
151.39 Liability; legal action to enforce
151.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Erosion and sediment control, see VA Code, §§ 10.1-560 et seq.
Stormwater management, see VA Code, §§ 10.1-603.3, 15.2-2114