§27-601.   Supplementary Regulations Governing the Size of Lots, Yards and Buildings.
   1.   Required Area Cannot Be Reduced. No zone lot, yard, parking are or other space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to make it less than the minimum required by this Chapter, but if already less than the minimum required by this Chapter, said area may be continued but not further reduced.
   2.   Exception for Small Existing Nonconforming Lots in Residential Districts. A single-family dwelling may be constructed on any vacant nonconforming lot, irrespective of its area or width which is located in all R Districts if it complies with the following:
      A.   Said lot is in existence as an entity at the time of the adoption of this Chapter.
      B.   The owner of the lot does not own an adjoining lot.
      C.   The front yard conforms with the requirements of §501.
      D.   Each side yard is not less than 5 feet.
   3.   Usable Open Space. An area of at least 250 square feet of usable open space shall be provided for every dwelling unit erected on any lot.
   4.   Height Limitations. District height limitations shall not apply church spires, cupolas and domes, monuments, water towers, chimney smokestacks, silos, aerials, farm structures, and parapet walls extending not more than 4 feet above the limiting height of the building.
   5.   Yard Regulations.
      A.   Front Yard Requirements. All yards facing on a public street shall be considered front yards and shall conform to the minimum front yard requirements for the one in which located. Corner lots should provide the minimum front yard requirements for the respective zone for both intersection streets.
      B.   No front yards shall be used for open storage of boats, trucks, recreational vehicles, or any other equipment except for vehicular parking on driveways.
      C.   Wherever there is pronounced alignment of buildings and depth of front yards on one side of a street within a given block, said alignment existed at the time of enactment of this Chapter, any buildings erected on such side of such street within such block may conform in alignment with those on adjoining lots, notwithstanding front yard requirements set forth in Schedule 27-II of this Chapter.
      D.   Width of One Side Yard May be Reduced. The width of one side yard may be reduced to not less than 3 feet, provided that the combined side yards shall not be less than the minimum required for the lot. Similarly, the distance between the proposed structure and another existing or proposed structure on an adjacent lot, may not be less than the minimum sum of the two side yards. A reduction of width may be authorized only by the Board when warranted by the location of existing buildings, or when conducive to the desirable development of two or more lots.
      E.   Side Yard or Corner Lot. The side yard on the side street of a corner lot shall be equal to one-half of the required front yard.
      F.   Fences and Walls Located in Yards. Fences, walls, and hedges not exceeding 6 feet in height may be located in any yard or court.
      G.   Projections into Yards. Projections into required yards shall be permitted as follows, except that in no case shall a structure or projection be located closer than 3 feet to any side or rear line, or 10 feet to any front lot line:
         (1)   Cornices, canopies, eaves, or other architectural features not required for structural support may project into a side yard not more than 3 inches per foot of side yard width, but may not exceed a total of 3 feet.
         (2)   Fire escapes and balconies to fire exits may not project into a front yard.
         (3)   Bay windows, fireplaces, chimneys, uncovered stairs and landings, and balconies not required for fire escape purposes may project up to 4 feet provided that they do not together occupy more than one-third of the length of the building wall.
      H.   Patios. Patios may be located in side and rear yards no closer than 3 feet to any adjacent property line. In case of a corner lot, they shall not reduce the side yard on the side street below the required width.
   6.   Two or More Buildings on a Lot. Two or more principal buildings located on a parcel in single ownership shall conform to all the requirements of this Chapter which would normally apply to each building if each were on a separate zone lot. Two or more principal buildings located on one lot constitutes a land development and a land development plan must be filed with the Tioga County Planning Commission. [Ord. 270]
   7.   Corner Lots. At the intersection of two or more streets, no hedge, fence, or wall which is higher than 3 feet above curb level nor any other obstruction (other than a post or tree) to vision, shall be permitted in the area formed by a 15-foot radius whose center point is either the intersection of the face of curb lines or the intersection of the paved portion of street right-of-way.
   8.   Through Lots. Where a single lot under individual ownership extends from one street to another parallel or nearly parallel street or alley the widest street shall be deemed the street upon which the property fronts. No principal structure shall be erected on the rear of the lot, except specified in subsection .6.
   9.   Accessory Structures. All accessory structures shall conform with the minimum yard regulations established in Schedule 27-II, except as permitted below:
      A.   Attached Accessory Structures. Accessory structures which are attached to the principal building shall comply with all of the yard requirements for the principal structures.
      B.   Unattached Accessory Structures in R District and C District. Accessory structures not attached to principal residential structures in an R District or C District shall include firewood piles. They may be erected within the required side and rear yards of a principal structure provided that it conforms with the following:
         (1)   Maximum Height. One and one-half stories or 15 feet in height except firewood piles which will be a maximum 6 feet.
         (2)   Distance from Side Lot Line. Not less than 3 feet from the side lot line unless adjoining owner consents to less (with regard to wood piles only).
         (3)   Distance from Rear Lot Line. Not less than 5 feet from the rear lot line unless adjoining owner consents to less (with regard to wood piles only) except when the structure abuts an alley, then 10 feet shall be required.
         (4)   Distance from Principal Structure. No less than 10 feet from a principal structure on an adjoining lot.
      C.   Unattached Nondwelling Accessory Structures. Nondwelling accessory structures shall comply with front and side yard requirements for the principal structure. They shall have a rear yard of at least 10 feet. Firewood piles are included.
      D.   Number of Accessory Structures Limited. No more than two accessory structures, including a private garage are permitted on each residential zone lot, not counting firewood piles.
(Ord. 244A, 3/3/1975, Art. VIII, §8.100; as amended by Ord. 270, 6/2/198 and by Ord. 292, 10/3/1983)