   158.001   Title, authority, applicability, effective date
   158.002   Definitions
   158.003   Purpose; nature of regulations
   158.004   Scope
   158.005   Conflicting provisions
   158.006   Rules of language and construction
   158.007   Zoning map
   158.008   Transitional provisions
   158.009   Severability
   158.010   Zoning districts
District Regulations
   158.020   Residential districts
   158.020.01   Permitted and special uses
   158.020.02   Bulk and yard standards
   158.021   Commercial districts
   158.021.01   Permitted and special uses
   158.021.02   Bulk and yard standards
   158.021.03   Commercial district design standards
   158.022   Industrial Districts
   158.022.01   Permitted and special uses
   158.022.02   Bulk and yard standards
   158.022.03   Industrial district design standards
   158.023   Special districts
   158.023.01   Permitted and special uses
   158.023.02   Bulk and yard standards
   158.023.03   Special district design standards
   158.023.04   Mixed-use district (MUD)
   158.024   Overlay districts
   158.025   Additional district regulations
General Regulations
   158.035   Off-street parking
   158.036   Residential parking restrictions
   158.036.01   Open display
   158.037   Fences
   158.038   Use of residential structures for commercial purposes
   158.039   Development of substandard lots
   158.040   Reserved
   158.041   Permitted and new uses
   158.042   Nonconforming structures and uses; termination of nonconforming use
   158.043   Annexation of new area
   158.044   Special permit uses
Administration and Enforcement
   158.055   Public hearings; notification
   158.056   Application for rezonings; hearings; notification
   158.057   Council procedures for rezoning hearings
   158.058   Comprehensive plan review
Planning and Zoning Commission
   158.070   Creation and membership
   158.071   Organization, meetings and the like
   158.072   Powers and duties
Board of Adjustment
   158.085   Creation and membership
   158.086   Organization, meetings and the like
   158.087   Powers and duties
   158.088   Applicants to the Board
   158.089   Stay of proceedings on appeal
   158.090   Time and notice of hearings; minor variances
   158.091   Rules of decision
   158.092   Hearing procedures
   158.093   Rehearings
   158.094   Appeals to the District Court
   158.095   Medical marijuana
   Appendix A: Permitted Use Table