(a) Residential: Base Fee. (1) One and two-family dwellings, per unit (repairs on two-family only) $75.00 (2) Apartments, motels, hotels, per dwelling unit 50.00 (3) Swimming pools - residential 200.00 all others 300.00 (b) Business and Commercial District. Base fee $ 75.00 (c) Industrial District. Base fee $100.00 (d) Additional Fees. In addition to the base fees, there shall be a fee for each of the following items whether work be new construction, alteration, addition or repair on a residential, business, commercial or industrial building: (1) New outlets $1.00 (2) New fixtures 1.00 (3) Electrical signs, marquees, theater footlights, borders, strip lighting, decorative lights, etc.: Base fee of 10.00 Plus for each outlet 1.00 (4) Temporary lighting installations: For exhibitions, fairs, carnivals, etc., whether indoors or outdoors: For the first 100 outlets or fraction thereof $20.00 For each outlet in excess of twenty 1.00 (5) High intensity lighting outlets For each motion picture projector using arc lamps or lamps with a wattage i n excess of 1,000 $8.00 Any lighting outlet, 1,000 watts or more per lamp and mercury lamps: Base fee of 15.00 Plus for each lamp used 5.00 (6) All 220 volt outlets For each outlet 5.00 (7) Power bus duct Per foot, or fraction thereof, of length 1.00 (8) Heating outlets Up to 10 kw capacity per outlet 5.00 Over 10 kw and up to 15 kw capacity per outlet 6.00 Over 15 kw and up to 20 kw capacity per outlet 7.00 All over 20 kw capacity per outlet 8.00 (9) Power outlets Fractional HP to and including: 1 HP- 3HP 10.00 4-6HP 15.00 Over 6 HP 25.00 (10) Fans 1/4 HP 5.00 1/2-3HP 6.00 4 - 10 HP 8.00 Over 10 HP 10.00 (11) Motors 1/4 - 1 HP 5.00 1 -3 HP 6.00 3-5 HP 8.00 5 - 10 HP 10.00 Over 10 HP 15.00 (12) X-ray machine, diathermy equipment, etc., and similar equipment Each unit at rate of 25.00 (13) Panel, new installation or replacement per panel Up to 200 amp 75.00 200 amp - 400 amp 100.00 over 400 amp 150.00 (14) Low Voltage (telephone, alarm, computer, etc.) 50.00 Plus per outlet installed 1.00 (e) Electrical Maintenance Permit: Business, Commercial and Industrial. An annual electrical maintenance permit for business, commercial and industrial establishments shall be issued to a licensed electrician only for $100.00 per calendar year |
(Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.)
1329.09 SIGN FEES.
(a) Non-illuminated, per sign $100.00 (b) Illuminating, non-flashing 100.00 (c) In addition to the above fees there shall be, for each square foot of sign for each face, a fee of 1.00 (d) Temporary portable illuminated signs and inflatable signs 25.00 per week No more than four (4) temporary illuminated signs and/or inflatable sign permits may be obtained in a calendar year (January 1 - December 31) and no such permit shall exceed twenty-eight (28) consecutive days for a maximum of twenty-eight total days per calendar year. Minimum length of each permit shall be one (1) week. per each face as of January 1 of each year an annual fee of 25.00 (2) In addition to the above fees for outdoor billboards there shall be, for each square foot of each face, as of January 1 of each year an annual fee of 4.00 (Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.) |
(a) One-family dwellings $250.00
(b) For building other than one-family dwellings for each 1,000
square feet of building area at grade, or fraction thereof,
a fee of 25.00
with a maximum of 750.00
(Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.)
Fees for construction, alterations and repairs not included in other work herein covered shall be as follows: (Survey required for property lines) (a) Fences. Single Family Residential $50.00 All others 75.00 (b) Driveways and Footers for Garages. (1) Residential - any permanent (concrete, asphalt, etc.) driveway $50.00 (2) Residential - any permanent (patio, garage base, etc.) 50.00 (3) Commercial - any permanent (concrete, asphalt, etc.), driveway and/or parking area and/or parking lot: For every 100 square feet or fraction thereof $5.00 plus base fee of 150.00 (c) Radio Receiving and Transmitting Towers. (Height limit - 30 feet) (1) In an Industrial or Commercial District, fee of 100.00 (2) In all other districts, fee of 50.00 (d) Fireplace Inserts. (U.L. or A.G.A. approved only) Fee per fireplace insert 50.00 (e) Buildings or Equipment Not Specified. The fee for a permit to construct any building or install any equipment not specified in this chapter shall be one-half of one percent of the estimated cost, except that no permit shall be issued for less than thirty dollars ($30.00). (Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.) |
For new construction and for additions, alterations and repairs to churches and schools, permit fees shall be figured at the same rate as for commercial buildings.
(Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.)
When any work represented to be ready for inspection is found to be incomplete or defective due to incompetent or negligent work, a reinspection fee shall be paid for each additional inspection required as follows:
(a) One-family dwellings, new construction $50.00
(b) One-family dwellings, additions, alterations, repairs and
accessory buildings 50.00
(c) All others 50.00
(Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.)
(a) Inspection services provided by the Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer or Fire Safety Inspectors of the City: fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour
(b) The Building Commissioner shall charge and collect a cash deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to cover the hourly inspection charges as required by subsection (a) hereof. No inspection services shall be provided by the City unless and until this cash deposit has been paid to the Building Commissioner.
(c) In the event the Building Commissioner determines that the moneys deposited as required by subsection (b) hereof are insufficient to cover the City's hourly inspection charges as set out in subsection (a) hereof, he may request additional moneys to re-establish the fund to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00). No further inspection services shall be provided by the City unless and until the cash deposit has been re-established upon request of the Building Commissioner.
(d) All sums not charged against the deposit as required in subsections (a) and (b) hereof shall be refunded to the depositor no later than sixty days from the conclusion of the final inspection with the exception of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a final inspection fee.
(Ord. 2019-034. Passed 4-16-19.)