Between the building line and the street line no building or portion of a building extending above the established grade may be erected.  On a corner lot between the building line and the street line, and within the triangular space included between the street line, for a distance of twenty-five feet (25') from their point of intersection, no fence or other structure more than three feet (3') in height above the plane of the established grade shall hereafter be erected, and no shrubs or foliage shall be maintained that, in the judgment of the Building Commissioner, will materially obstruct the view of a driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection and within seventy-five feet (75') of the center of such intersection, of approaching cross traffic which is within seventy-five feet (75') of the center of such intersection.  Amend the City Zoning Map by eliminating all front setback lines shown and amending the legend box by eliminating the front setback designations for U-1, A-1 and U-1, A-2 Districts.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)