For the purpose of regulating the location of trades, industries, residential houses and other uses of property, the number of square feet of lot area per family housed, the width of lots, the location and size of yards and the alignment of buildings upon street frontages, the City is hereby divided into the following classes of Use Districts, termed respectively:
   Class U-1 or Single-Family Residential District
   Class U-2A or Attached Single-Family Residential District
   Class U-3 or Multi-Family Residential District
   Class U-3A or High-Rise Apartment District
   Class U-3C or Planned Multi-Family Residential District
   Class U-4A or Integrated Business District
   Class U-4B or Shopping Center District
   Class U-5 or Public and Institutional District
   Class U-7A or General Office Building District
   Class U-8 or Industrial and Office Mixed-Use District
   Class U-8A or Office Building and Research District
   Class U-9 or Motor Service District
   Class U-10 or Planned Mixed-Use Development District
and into three classes of Area Districts, termed respectively:
   Class A-1          Class A-2          Class A-3
all as shown upon the Zone Map, a copy of which is attached to original Ordinance 1993-52, passed September 13, 1993, as Exhibit B, and which is hereby declared to be a part of this Code.
   No building shall be erected on the premises used except in conformity with the regulations herein provided for the Use and Area Districts in which such building or premises are located.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)