1121.01 INTENT.
It is the intent of this Chapter (Class U-4A Districts) to provide for the grouping of local retail shops and services in designated areas near residential neighborhoods primarily for the ordinary shopping needs of a daily and weekly nature, as well as for some of those establishments usually associated with such shopping; to protect both residential and business developments from congestion by requiring off-street parking and loading facilities; and to provide for indoor recreation and athletic facilities located to protect both residential and business developments from traffic congestion. (Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) Buildings and land in a Class U-4A District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, created, altered or intended only for the uses specifically designated as Class U-4A uses in Section 1111.02, except that other similar harmonious and compatible uses as may be determined by the Commission and approved by Council may be permitted.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incident to the main uses listed above shall be permitted provided they are planned and developed in connection with the main building. Such accessory uses among those permitted under this section shall include:
(1) Parking garages and off-street parking and loading areas for employees and customers as provided in this chapter.
(2) Maintenance, storage and incineration facilities provided the incinerator is located within the main building and conforms to the regulations of Part III, Sections 3.1 to 3.13, inclusive, Bulletin 82 of the American Insurance Association.
(3) All solid waste collection, compaction, storage or container facilities shall be located within the main building and physically separated from other uses by a wall or similar partition.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) Area.
(1) The ground area occupied by the building shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total area of the lot.
(2) Not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total lot area shall be developed as planted areas in accordance with a landscape plan as approved by Commission and shall be maintained in good condition.
(3) The minimum lot width at the building setback line shall be one-hundred-fifty feet (150').
(b) Yards.
(1) A front yard of not less than one hundred feet (100') shall be provided.
(2) Where adjoining a residential District, a side yard shall not be less than fifty feet (50'), nor less than twenty-five feet (25') where adjoining a public street. Within a U-4A District, side yards shall be not less than twenty-five feet (25').
(3) Where adjoining a residential District, the rear yard shall not be less than fifty feet (50'). In all other locations, the rear yard shall be not less than twenty-five feet (25').
(4) The Commission shall require, from each applicant for its approval, a landscape plan depicting the design of the installation of a fence, wall, hedge and/or other suitable screening and/or planting in order to create a buffer area where a residential District adjoins or abuts a rear or side yard of a lot in a U-4A District.
(c) Off-Street Parking and Loading in Yards. Accessory off-street parking in a front yard shall be permitted no closer than ten feet (10') from a street line. Accessory off-street loading spaces in a front yard shall be permitted no closer than fifty feet (50') from a street line.
(1) Accessory off-street parking and driveways in a side or rear yard shall be permitted no closer than ten feet (10') from a property line or thirty feet (30') from a residential District line. Accessory off-street loading in a side or rear yard shall be permitted no closer than fifteen feet (15') from a property line or fifty feet (50') from a residential District line.
2) All portions of required yards in which no off-street parking or driveways are permitted shall be developed as lawn or planted areas or maintained in an orderly wooded state.
(d) Height. Building height shall not exceed forty-two feet (42'), exclusive of towers, cornices or similar features, provided however, that any building exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in height shall be located a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet from any property zoned U-1.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Preliminary and final Site Development Plans are required and shall be prepared for all proposed developments in a Class U-4A District. Site Development Plans shall be prepared and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1108.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)