The various area and height regulations of the area to be developed are defined in this section and scheduled in the following section.
(a) Development Area. "Development Area" means the minimum area to be constructed by a single owner or owners or group of owners of a parcel or assembled parcels, acting jointly, involving a related group of multiple-family dwellings, planned and developed as an entity, in order to qualify under the planning development provisions.
(b) Land Area Per Dwelling Unit. "Land Area Per Dwelling Unit" means the minimum area required within a Development Area for each dwelling unit in order to qualify for such provisions.
(c) Gross Floor Area of Dwelling Unit. The minimum gross area of all the floors of a dwelling unit, the whole area of garages and one-half (.5) the area of balconies, porches and other open areas within parts of the building may be excluded from the gross area.
(d) Building Coverage. "Building Coverage" means the maximum ratio of the ground floor area of the dwelling or apartment buildings to the lot area. Garage roofs, if below grade and landscaped or if developed as a terrace or similar landscape feature, may be excluded from the ground floor building area for this purpose.
(e) Maximum Height. "Maximum Height" refers to the height to which any main building may be constructed above the designed finished grade.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Land and buildings shall be used in a U-3A District and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in such District in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Maximum Density is thirty (30) Dwelling Units Per Acre
(b) Gross area of dwelling unit as follows:
Minimum Apartment Unit Size | Minimum Area (sq. ft.) |
1 bedroom unit (there shall be not more than fifty percent (50%) of the units in this category) | 725 |
2 bedroom unit | 875 |
3 bedroom unit | 1,050 |
4 bedroom unit | 1,375 |
Efficiency units are prohibited |
(c) Building coverage exclusive of parking facilities 25%
(d) Height of main buildings: buildings shall be limited to one hundred feet (100') in height, exclusive of penthouses, cornices or similar features.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
The following criteria shall guide the Site Development Planning of a Development Area:
(a) Site Data. Buildings shall be arranged so that the distance from any building to any boundary line of a Development Area shall be not less than eighty feet (80').
(1) Parking structures and facilities shall be set back from any side or rear lot line at least ten feet (10'). However, parking structures and facilities, where abutting any land zoned from U-1 (A-1 or A-2) or U-2A, shall require forty feet (40') of buffering with appropriate landscape screening as required by the Commission. No off-street parking shall be permitted within the front yard setback.
(2) Services to the building shall be provided by separate drives to service areas which shall be separate from pedestrian and vehicular circulation routes.
(3) Parking shall be provided at the rate of at least two (2) spaces per dwelling unit with a minimum of one (1) space per dwelling unit in underground facilities at an elevation low enough so that the roof will be covered and planted with trees, shrubs or ground cover, except that a roof slab may be incorporated into paved terraces or pool areas. Garage walls shall not be exposed unless they are a part of the approved landscape design.
(4) Outside parking facilities may be open if provided with walkways and islands for trees and other landscape planning. Such facilities shall not be closer than twenty feet (20') to the main residence building.
(5) When access roads or driveways are provided of twenty-six feet (26') in width (curb to curb) or more, one side of the road or driveway to the limit of nine feet (9') from the curb may be computed in the required parking for the development.
(b) Landscaping. Land areas not occupied by buildings, parking or drives shall be left in a natural state or developed and maintained in grass and other landscaped material, in accordance with the development plan approved by the Commission. No less than twenty percent (20%) of the site shall be landscaping or open space.
(c) Site Development Plans shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 1108. (Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)