(A)   The Superintendent of Utilities may issue, at any time deemed necessary, an administrative order to any user to control the user’s discharge to the sewerage system and enforce compliance with any regulation established by this chapter, including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   The general and specific discharge prohibition;
      (2)   Compliance with specific local discharge limits;
      (3)   The applicable national categorical pretreatment standards;
      (4)   The requirements for preparing a slug control plan;
      (5)   Best management practices (BMP) as a local limit or other BMP requirements;
      (6)   Compliance with applicable sampling and reporting requirements; and
      (7)   Compliance with limitations and requirements specified in administrative orders of wastewater acceptance.
   (B)   An administrative order will be in the form of a written notice from the Superintendent and may be served upon any user by a duly authorized representative of the Superintendent or by certified mail with return receipt requested.
(Prior Code, § 1054.27) (Ord. 59-1991, passed 4-8-1991; Ord. 149-2013, passed 9-9-2013)