618.01 Dogs and other animals running at large
618.02 Abandoning animals
618.03 Killing or injuring animals
618.04 Poisoning animals
618.05 Cruelty to animals; cruelty to companion animals
618.06 Coloring rabbits and baby poultry; sale or display of poultry
618.07 Barking, howling or destructive dogs
618.08 Registration of dogs required
618.09 Hindering capture of unregistered dog
618.10 Dogs required to wear tags
618.11 Unlawful tags
618.12 Rabies quarantine
618.13 Hunting prohibited; exceptions
618.14 Nuisance conditions prohibited
618.15 Impounding and disposition; records
618.16 Nuisance, dangerous and vicious dogs; definitions and transfer of ownership
618.17 Impoundment of a dog for public safety
618.18 Impoundment of a dog for public safety
618.19 Confining, restraining, debarking nuisance, dangerous, and vicious dogs
618.20 Potential nuisance dog classification
618.21 Control of potential nuisance dogs
618.22 Declassification of dogs
618.23 Dog classified by another jurisdiction
618.24 Objection hearings
618.25 Dangerous and vicious dog ownership restrictions
618.26 Exemptions
618.27 Strict liability
618.28 Restrictions on dog ownership for certain convicted felons
618.29 Sexual conduct with an animal
(a) No person who is the owner or keeper of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, dogs, poultry or other fowl or animals shall permit them to run at large upon any public way or upon unenclosed land.
(b) No person who is the owner of or in charge or control of a cat shall permit or allow, by any means or in any manner, such cat to go or remain upon any public street or ground within the city, except when under such control as to prevent such cat from entering private property or from chasing or attacking any person or domestic animal.
(c) Except when a dog is lawfully engaged in hunting and accompanied by the owner, keeper or harborer of the dog, no owner, keeper or harborer of any dog shall fail at any time to do either of the following:
(1) Keep the dog physically confined or restrained upon the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer by a leash, tether, adequate locked fence, which fence is located in the rear yard with self-closing/self-latching gates on any openings of the fenced yard, supervision of some person, or secure enclosure to prevent such dog from escaping or from injuring any person or domestic animal; or
(2) Keep the dog under the reasonable control of some person and restrained by a leash or tether no longer than six feet in length when off the premises of the owner to prevent such dog from entering private property, escaping or from injuring any person or animal.
(d) The running at large of any such animal in or upon any of the places mentioned in this section is prima facie evidence that it is running at large in violation of this section.
(e) A cat found running at large shall be impounded by the Municipal Animal Warden or any police officer, kept in an animal shelter and confined in a humane manner. Immediately upon impounding, every reasonable effort shall be made to ascertain and notify the owner of the conditions whereby custody of the cat may be regained. A cat not claimed by its owner within five full days after impounding shall become the property of the city, regardless of whether or not the owner is ascertained and notified as provided in this division (e).
(f) The owner of a cat so impounded may reclaim such animal upon presentation of proof of ownership, upon execution of a form wherein the municipality is released from any liability for any damage or injury to the cat being reclaimed, and wherein the municipality is indemnified for any claim by another person regarding ownership, damages or injury to the cat being reclaimed, upon execution of a statement under oath or affirmation stating that the affiant is the true and legal owner of such cat and upon payment of an impounding fee and boarding charge as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code, the General Fee Schedule.
(1) Being abused, teased, tormented or physically threatened or injured by a person;
(2) Being abused or physically threatened or injured by an animal;
(3) Being aggressively teased or tormented by an animal;
(4) Directing its behavior at a trespasser on the property of its owner, keeper or harborer;
(5) Reasonably coming to the defense of a human or domestic animal within the immediate vicinity of the dog and under perceived threat; or
(6) Directing its behavior at a domestic animal that was running at large and unattended by some person.
(i) References to “classified dog” in this section shall mean a dog that has been previously classified as a potential nuisance dog, nuisance dog, dangerous dog or vicious dog pursuant to this code of ordinances, or similar designation in another jurisdiction, under the provisions of R.C. §§ 955.11 et seq. or comparable local ordinance.
(j) Penalties.
(1) Whoever violates this section, where the animal at large is not a classified dog, is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on the first offense, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the second offense, and a misdemeanor of the second degree on the third or any subsequent offense.
(2) Notwithstanding division (j)(1) of this section, where the animal at large is not a classified dog and the animal aggressively bites a domestic animal without provocation as a result of a violation of this section, then whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. Additionally, where a violation of this section involves a dog, the court may order the offender to complete dog obedience training within a specified period of time and provide written proof thereof to the Police Chief.
(3) Notwithstanding division (j)(1) of this section, where the animal at large is not a classified dog and the animal aggressively bites a human without provocation as a result of a violation of this section, then whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. Additionally, where a violation of this section involves a dog, the court may order the offender to complete dog obedience training within a specified period of time and provide written proof thereof to the Police Chief.
(4) Notwithstanding division (j)(1) of this section, where the animal at large is not a classified dog and the animal aggressively bites a human or domestic animal without provocation and causes serious injury as defined by R.C. § 955.11(A)(5), as a result of a violation of this section, then whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Additionally, where a violation of this section involves a dog, the court may order the offender to complete dog obedience training within a specified period of time and provide written proof thereof to the Police Chief.
(Ord. 132-2015, passed 10-13-2015; Ord. 23-47, passed 2-27-2023)
(a) No owner or keeper of a dog, cat or other domestic animal shall abandon the animal.
(R.C. § 959.01)
(b) Whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the first degree on each subsequent offense.
(R.C. § 959.99(E)(3))
(a) No person shall maliciously, or willfully and without the consent of the owner, kill or injure a dog, cat or any other domestic animal that is the property of another. This section does not apply to a licensed veterinarian acting in an official capacity.
(R.C. § 959.02)
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the value of the animal killed or the injury done amounts to $300 or more, whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(R.C. § 959.99(B))