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Avon Lake Overview
Avon Lake, OH Code of Ordinances
Avon Lake, OH Municipal Utilities Regulations
   The Director of Finance shall, commencing on January 1, 1964, be appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of a majority of the members of Council. The Director of Finance shall serve for a term not longer than the term of the Mayor who appoints him/her.
(Amended 11-7-1978; 11-3-1998; 5-6-2003; 3-2-2004)
   When a vacancy occurs in the office of Director of Finance, the vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the vote of a majority of Council.
(Amended 11-7-1972; 5-6-2003)
   The Director of Finance must have a bachelor’s degree with a major in finance, accounting or a business-related field and five (5) years of financial experience. However, the individual who holds the position of Director of Finance on the date the foregoing requirements become effective shall be exempt from such requirements.
(Amended 11-7-1972; 5-6-2014)
Editor’s note:
   The Ohio Supreme Court decided in Lima v. State, 122 Ohio St. 3d 155 (June 2009), that R.C. § 9.481 prevents municipalities from requiring its employees to reside in the municipality, other than as provided in R.C. § 9.481(B)(2)(b).
   The Council may remove the Director of Finance for gross misconduct, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance, in, or for disqualification for office, or for the conviction while in office of a crime involving moral turpitude or for violation of his oath of office. Such removal shall not take place without the concurrence of five (5) of the members of Council, nor until the Director of Finance shall have been notified in writing of the charges against him at least ten (10) full days in advance of any hearing upon such charges, and until he or his counsel shall have been given an opportunity to be heard, present evidence, and examine witnesses appearing in support of such charge.
(Amended 11-7-1972)
   The Director of Finance shall attend all meetings of Council.
   The Director of Finance of the Municipality shall be custodian of all moneys of the Municipality and of all evidences of investments of Municipal moneys, and shall keep and preserve the same in such manner and in such place or places as shall be determined by Council. He shall keep the books of the Municipality, exhibit accurate statements of all moneys received and expended, and a record of all property owned by the Municipality, and the income derived therefrom, and a record of all taxes and assessments levied or assessed by the Municipality, and generally shall perform the fiscal duties and functions discharged by the Auditor and Treasurer of a City.
   Without limitation as to the generality of his duties, the Director of Finance shall examine all payrolls, bills and other claims against the Municipality, and shall issue no warrant for the payment thereof unless he shall find that they are in proper form, correctly computed and duly approved and payable, and that the necessary appropriation from moneys in the Treasury or in the process of collection has been made. He shall pay out moneys from the Municipal Treasury as authorized by Council. The Director of Finance shall perform all other duties required by him of this Charter or by ordinance of Council.
   Not less than one hundred eighty (180) days before the end of each fiscal year as established by the general laws of the State of Ohio, the Director of Finance shall prepare and submit to Council estimates of the revenues and expenditures of the Municipality for the next succeeding fiscal year.
(Amended 11-7-1978)
   The Council of the Municipality shall have power to fix the salary of the Director of Finance.
(Amended 11-7-1972)