Ord./Res. No. | Date | Description |
48 | 5-8-1922 | Residence area determined. |
85 | 4-27-1925 | Residence areas determined. |
411 | 6-12-1939 | Property on Avon Belden Road from 2A to 1B. |
713 | 4-12-1948 | Property on north side of Walker Road from 1B to 2A. |
1157 | 12-23-1957 | Certain properties classified as B-1A. |
75-59 | 11-3-1959 | Property at Walker and Lear Roads, from R-1 to B-1A. |
24-60 | 3-28-1960 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 6, from R-1 to CP-1. |
60-60 | 7-11-1960 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 6, from B-1A to CP-1. |
64-60 | 8-1-1960 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 6, from R-1 to B1-A. |
16-61 | 2-27-1961 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 8, from R-1 to I. |
38-61 | 5-8-1961 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 6, from R-1 to B-2. |
39-61 | 5-8-1961 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 31, from B-1A to CP-1. |
66-61 | 7-10-1961 | Seven parcels in Avon Twp., Secs. 6, 7, 17 and 18, from R-1 to R-1A. |
68-61 | 7-10-1961 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 7, from R-1 to R-3. |
157-61 | 12-10-1962 | Seven parcels in Avon Twp., Secs. 7, 18, 19 and 20, from R-1 to R-1A. |
113-62 | 9-10-1962 | Property in Avon Twp., Sec. 30, from R-1 to R-1A. |
73-66 | 5-9-1966 | Property bounded by the Avon Lake Sewage Treatment Plant, from R-1 and B-2 to I. |
108-68 | 10-28-1968 | Property at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Electric Boulevard and Moore Road, from R-1 to R-3. |
109-68 | 10-28-1968 | Property near Arlington Construction Co. land, from CP-1 to R-3. |
108-70 | 10-12-1970 | Land west of Miller Road and south of Electric Boulevard, from R-1A to R-3. |
73-71 | 6-28-1971 | Part of proposed Avon Park Subdivision Proposed and entire proposed Krogh-Barr Avon Beach Allotment from R-1A to I. |
120-74 | 8-12-1974 | Lands west of Avon Belden Road, from R-1 to B-1, limited to tennis courts. |
28-75 | 5-12-1975 | Lands east of Avon Belden Road and north of Walker Road, from R-1 to R-3. |
79-77 | 6-27-1977 | Lands on York Street adjacent to and east of Avon Lake Shopping Center, from R-1 to B-2. |
89-78 | 4-24-1978 | Lands east of Avon Belden Road and north of Walker Road, from R-1 to B-2. |
115-78 | 5-22-1978 | Lands at the northeast corner of Lake and Moore Roads, from R-3 to B-1. |
211-78 | 12-11-1978 | Lands on Lake Road owned by the Municipal Waterworks, from R-3 to R-1. |
73-80 | 5-27-1980 | Lands on Lake Road, from B-1 to R-1. |
103-80 | 7-21-1980 | Lands on Lake Road, from R-1 to R-3. |
52-81 | 6-8-1981 | Land in proposed West Winds Subdivision, from R-1 to R-3. |
74-81 | 8-24-1981 | Land on Electric Boulevard, west of Lear Road, from B-2 to R-1. |
99-82 | 7-12-1982 | Lands behind 694 Avon Belden Road, from R-1 to B-1. |
131-85 | 11-11-1985 | Lands on Walker Road, from R-1 to R-2. |
53-86 | 3-24-1986 | Lands in the vicinity of June Street and Moore Road, from B-2 to CP-1. |
89-86 | 5-27-1986 | Lands on Lake Road in the vicinity of Miller Road, from R-1A to R-2. |
199-86 | 11-24-1986 | Lands on west side of Avon Belden Road, north of Service Garage, from R-2 to B-2. |
189-87 | 8-24-1987 | Block G in Westwinds Subdivision, from R-1 to R-3. |
56-88 | 2-22-1988 | 6.19 acres south of Mooreland Subdivision No. 1 on Moore Road, from R-1 to R-1A. |
2-89 | 1-9-1989 | 32709 Walker Road, from R-1 to B-2. |
232-89 | 12-11-1989 | Lands at the northwest corner of the Avon Belden/Walker Road intersection, from R-1 to B-1. |
233-89 | 12-11-1989 | Lands at the northwest corner of the Avon Belden/Walker Road intersection, from R-1 to B-2. |
57-92 | 4-27-1992 | Lands on west side of Moore Road, south of June Street and west of Burton Street, from B-2 and CP-1 to R-3. |
151-92 | 10-5-1992 | Amends Ord. 99-82. |
218-94 | 11-28-1994 | Lands on north side of Walker Road, west of Avon Belden Road, from R-1 to B-2. |
221-94 | 12-12-1994 | Lands on north side of Walker Road, west of Avon Belden Road, from R-1 to B-2. |
26-95 | 2-20-1995 | Lands in the south-central portion of the city (in the vicinity of Belmont and Avon Belden Roads), from I to LI. |
62-95 | 4-10-1995 | A 15,000 square foot lot on the west side of Avon Belden Road approximately 1,500 feet from the city’s southern border, from R-1 to B-1. |
52-98 | 3-23-1998 | A 35.83 acre tract of land on the northwest corner of Avon Belden Road and Walker Road, from R-1 to R-3. |
59-00 | 3-13-2000 | Land on southeast corner of Lear Road and Walker Road, from R-1 to R-2. |
60-00 | 3-13-2000 | Land on one parcel south of the southeast corner of Lear Road and Walker Road, from R-1 to R-2. |
68-01 | 4-23-2001 | Land located north of Walker Road and west of Moore Road, from B-2 to R-3. |
183-01 | 10-8-2001 | Land located north of Walker Road and west of Moore Road, from B-2 to R-3. |
217-02 | 10-14-2002 | Land located at 412 Avon Belden Road, from R-3 to O-1. |
261-02 | 11-25-2002 | Land located on Avon Belden Road between the Fire Department driveway and 516 Avon Belden Road, from R-1 to B-2. |
77-03 | 4-14-2003 | 13.79 acre tract owned by Joan M. Musial, to be designated as being located within an agricultural district. |
29-04 | 2-9-2004 | 33.78 acre tract of land owned by Grace Emily Fettinger, by and through Hollie F. Anzenberger, legal guardian, to be designated as being located within an agricultural district. |
247-04 | 11-22-2004 | Aqua Marine property which is bordered by the westerly corporation line of Avon Lake, Miller Road on the east, Lake Road on the north, and Walker Road on the south, from B-2 and R-1 to R-3. |
80-07 | 7-9-2007 | Certain land located at the southeast corner of Miller Road and Lake Road from R-1A to B-1. |
139-07 | 12-10-2007 | Certain land located along Webber Road from LI to R-2. |
143-08 | 10-27-2008 | Portions of land located at Miller Road and Walker Road from B-2 to R-3. |
24-09 | 3-9-2009 | Approving with modifications the application made by Hollie F. Anzenberger, guardian of Grace Emily Fettinger, to have certain land owned by her designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
139-2012 | 11-14-2012 | Property at 130 Miller Road adjacent to the Avon Lake Animal Clinic, from R-1A to B-1. |
Res. 27-2014 | 2-24-2014 | Approving with modifications the application made by Hollie F. Anzenberger, guardian of Grace Emily Fettinger, to have certain land owned by her designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
2-2015 | 1-12-2015 | Rezoning 13.81 acres of property on the south side of Webber Road from LI to R-2. |
3-2015 | 1-12-2015 | Rezoning 9.46 acres of property on the south side of Webber Road from LI to R-2. |
35-2015 | 3-23-2015 | Approving with modifications the application made by ABK Limited, the successor in interest to Allan A. and Barbara A. Klingshirn, to have certain land owned by it designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
36-2015 | 3-23-2015 | Approving with modifications the application made by LNK Limited, aka Lee and Nancy Klingshirn, to have certain land owned by it designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
113-2016 | 9-12-2016 | Rezoning 1.12 acres and 1.18 acres of property at Walker Road and Taylor Avenue, from B-2 General Commerce, to R-3 Multi-Family Residence. |
1-2017 | 1-9-2017 | Rezoning a portion of 127 Miller Road and the recently vacated alley from R1-A to B-1 Limited Business. |
142-2017 | 11-13-2017 | Rezoning two parcels of land on the west side of Lear Road and south of Walker Road from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-2 Multi-Family Residential. |
12-2018 | 2-12-2018 | Rezoning Aqua Marine southeast expansion at Walker Road and Miller Road from B-2 General Commerce to R-3 Multi-Family Residential. |
57-2019 | 5-13-2019 | Rezoning 134 Miller Road and a portion of a vacated alley from R-1A Residence to B-1 Limited Business. |
103-2019 | 8-26-2019 | Rezoning properties owned by Moore Road Properties, Ltd., known as 525 Moore Road, from R-1 Residence to B-2 General Business. |
Res. 19-2020 | 2-24-2020 | Approving the application made by ABK Limited to have certain land owned by it designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
Res. 20-2020 | 2-24-2020 | Approving the application made by LNK Limited to have certain land owned by it designated as being located within an Agricultural District. |
24-2020 | 3-9-2020 | Rezoning a portion of Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-008- 104-134 Webber Road from LI Light Industrial to R-2 Multi-Family Residential. |
25-2020 | 3-9-2020 | Rezoning a portion of Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-008- 104-125 Pin Oak Parkway from LI Light Industrial to R-2 Multi-Family Residential. |
109-2020 | 12-14-2020 | Rezoning Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-017-101-090 and Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-017-101-066 from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-2 Multi-Family Residential. |
22-131 | 9-12-2022 | Rezoning Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-018-128-232 and Permanent Parcel No. 94-00-018-128-224 from B-1 Limited Business District to an R-3 Multi-Family Residence District. |
24-39 | 3-25-2024 | Rezoning Permanent Parcel No. 04-00-006-114-078 from P-I Public Institutional District to a B-1 Limited Business District. |
24-57 | 5-28-2024 | Designating the section of Lake Road starting at a point 417 feet east of Moore Road and ending at a point 1,095 feet west of Moore Road, for a total of 1,512 feet (0.29 miles) as a business district. |