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Avon Lake Overview
Avon Lake, OH Code of Ordinances
Avon Lake, OH Municipal Utilities Regulations
1070.01 Assembly Hall usage
1070.02 Municipal Park rules
1070.03 Veterans Memorial Park
1070.04 Veterans Memorial Park Rules
1070.05 Beach Park
1070.06 Miller Road Park Lake Erie Access Facility
1070.07 Skate park rules and regulations
1070.08 Vendor’s permits
1070.09 Reckless or hazardous operation of skateboards and in-line skates, other wheeling or similar devices prohibited in certain areas
1070.99 Penalty
   Requests for use: requests for use of the Assembly Hall shall be made to the Recreation Department which may approve or reject such requests. The Recreation Department may prescribe the form of application and may adopt rules relative to the information required or other requirements as it deems necessary for the orderly use of the Assembly Hall.
(Ord. 80-74, passed 5-13-1974; Ord. 165-08, passed 12-8-2008)
   (a)   Purpose and definitions.
      (1)   Avon Lake parks are primarily intended for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the city and their friends. Persons not residing in the city are guests and are extended the privileges of the parks, provided they do not abuse the hospitality or rules of the city.
      (2)   As used in §§ 1070.02 through 1070.06, PARKS means those areas owned or managed by the city that are used for park and/or recreational purposes, including city parks, playgrounds, beaches, fields, wildlife preserves and those public park areas which have been set aside by allotters for recreational and/or park purposes.
      (3)   As used in §§ 1070.02 through 1070.06, RECREATION DEPARTMENT means the city’s Department of Recreation.
      (4)   As used in §§ 1070.02 through 1070.06, DIRECTOR means the Recreation Director.
      (5)   As used in §§ 1070.02 through 1070.06, SUNRISE means the time of day provided by the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory as the time for sunrise on that day in the city.
      (6)   As used in §§ 1070.02 through 1070.06, SUNSET means the time of day provided by the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory as the time for sunset on that day in the city.
      (7)   As used in this section, TOBACCO shall have the meaning given to it in § 667.01 of this code of ordinances.
      (8)   As used in this section, SMOKING shall have the meaning given to it in § 667.01 of this code of ordinances.
   (b)   Vehicles and traffic.
      (1)   Driving. No person may operate a motor vehicle at any park and recreation area, except upon roads, driveways, parking areas and areas designated open to motor vehicles or except as authorized by the Recreation Department.
      (2)   Parking. All motor vehicles shall be parked only in established and indicated parking areas or in such other areas and at such times as the Recreation Department officials may designate. Parking on the roadways and driveways is prohibited. No person shall park or station any vehicle in any zone designated and marked “No Parking” or otherwise marked for restricted use except briefly for emergency purposes.
      (3)   Heavy equipment and vehicles. Heavy vehicles, trucks, commercial vehicles and the like are prohibited from using park driveways, except by written permit of the Director.
      (4)   Direction of traffic. No person shall fail to comply with any order, signal or direction given or posted by any police officer or designated official for the direction of traffic.
      (5)   Bicycles. All bicyclists shall comply with state and municipal laws and regulations pertaining to bicycles.
      (6)   Skates. Skates, skateboards, roller skates, incline skates and similar equipment may be restricted to certain times and locations by the Recreation Department for safety reasons.
      (7)   Mopeds. No motorized vehicle, including mopeds, is allowed to be operated off any road or upon any designated bike path within the interior of parks; provided, however, to the extent mandated by federal law, low-speed electric bicycles, as that term is used in 15 U.S.C. § 2085, may be operated within those areas of parks where non-motorized bicycles are permitted.
      (8)   Unauthorized vehicles. Subject to the mandates of federal law pertaining to low-speed electric bicycles, as that term is used in 15 U.S.C. § 2085, mini bikes, go-carts, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, swamp buggies, race cars and any other non-licensed motorized vehicles are prohibited in parks.
      (9)   Aircraft and other flying apparatus. It shall be unlawful for any person to use a park as a starting or landing field for aircraft, hot air balloons, parachutes, hang gliders, drones or other flying apparatus except as authorized by the Recreation Department.
      (10)   Vehicle maintenance. Motor vehicle maintenance is prohibited in parks, except repairs or maintenance of an emergency nature.
   (c)   Hours of operation.
      (1)   Miller Road Park, Bleser Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Weiss Field, Walker Road Park, Russ Lynch Bicentennial Park, Resatar Park, Sunset Park, Wedgewood Park, Beach Park, Inwood Park, Belle Road Park, Ilg Family Park, Overlook Park and West Shore Drive Park. The parks listed in this division (c)(1) shall be open to the public from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. No person, other than employees of the city or enforcement officers, shall be permitted to remain in parks except when open as herein specified or for activities authorized by the Recreation Department or the Mayor. No person shall enter any park when the park has been closed by order of the Recreation Department or the Mayor. Miller Road Park beach and Veterans Memorial Park beach will be closed between sunset and sunrise.
      (2)   Lights. Except for lighting for special events approved by the Recreation Department, lights for playing surfaces and spectator areas of parks will be turned off at 11:00 p.m.
   (d)   Littering.
      (1)   Trash and other debris. No person shall throw rubbish, trash or other litter into any lake, pond or stream or upon the ice of such lake, pond or stream or into any fountain or on any roadway or any park or into any park area.
      (2)   Hazardous waste. No person shall dump or dispose of any harmful wastes, chemicals, contaminants, brush, appliances and/or tires on park grounds or into ponds, lakes or streams.
      (3)   Trash disposal. Park visitors must properly dispose of their trash. Any trash generated outside a park may not be disposed of inside the park.
      (4)   Personal property. Personal property shall not be stored in any park except in a facility or area specifically designated by the Recreation Department for such storage.
      (5)   Ice or water. Ice or ice water containing salt shall not be emptied on park grounds.
   (e)   Advertising and signs. No bill, sign, bulletin board or the like shall be placed anywhere in a park without written permission of the Recreation Department.
   (f)   Natural resources and other park objects.
      (1)   Trees, shrubbery, lawns and other plant life. Except in accordance with the direction of the Director, no person shall cut, carve or injure the bark or break off the limbs or branches, or mutilate in any way or pick the flowers or seeds of any tree or plant existing in a park, nor dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area, nor remove any plant material from a park.
      (2)   Wildlife. Except pursuant to § 618.13, no person shall feed, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, hunt, chase, capture, shoot or throw any object or projectile which may harm any mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian. Fishing is permitted only in areas designated for that purpose by the Recreation Department and in accordance with state law and regulations.
      (3)   Statuary, memorials and other objects. Except in accordance with the direction of the Recreation Department, no person may remove, excavate, take, dig into or destroy any site, object, building, artifact, implement or location of historical, archaeological, geological, scientific or educational interest of every character located in, on or under the surface of any park.
   (g)   Animals.
      (1)   Control. Persons bringing pets or other animals into outdoor park areas, other than designated dog park areas, shall keep them under confinement or direct control by use of a physical restraint, leash, cage or crate. The leads on leashes and physical restraints used to control animals shall not be more than six feet long.
      (2)   Pets in swim areas. Except when participating in a special event approved by the Recreation Department allowing such activity, no person shall permit a pet animal in the water of a swimming pool or designated swim area, and no person shall permit a pet animal, except for an animal trained in assisting handicapped or disabled persons, within the land area or beach area adjacent to the water of a swimming pool or designated swim area.
      (3)   Pets on athletic fields and other athletic areas. No person shall permit a pet animal on a designated soccer field, baseball field, football field, tennis court, basketball court or other designated athletic area.
      (4)   Farm animals. Persons shall not bring into or permit to range at any park, domestic fowl, horse, swine, sheep, goat or other livestock except in areas designated for such purposes by the Recreation Department. Horses and horseback riding are permitted at Weiss Field.
   (h)   Vending. Solicitors, agents and peddlers are prohibited from showing or displaying their wares in parks without written permission from the Recreation Department.
   (i)   Intoxicating beverages.
      (1)   Except as hereinafter provided, no intoxicating liquor or intoxicated person is permitted in any park. INTOXICATING LIQUOR includes all beverages which contain any alcoholic content whatsoever, i.e., beer, wine, liquor, ale or spirituous beverages. The dispensing, use, drinking and consumption of intoxicating liquor shall be permitted indoors and in adjacent enclosed areas outdoors only at:
         A.   Lake House located at Veterans Memorial Park;
         B.   Assembly Hall (the Folger Home) located at Veterans Memorial Park;
         C.   The Peter Miller House Museum located at Miller Road Park;
         D.   The Old Firehouse Community Center at 100 Avon Belden Road; and
         E.   The Anchor Recreational Facility at 33483 Lake Road;
   if such dispensing, use, drinking and consumption has been approved in advance by the Mayor and the Recreation Director, adequate security in the form of one or more off-duty peace officers authorized to discharge duties in Lorain County is provided, and if:
            1.   Such dispensing, use, drinking or consumption is pursuant to a valid Class F, F-I, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6, F-7 or F-8 liquor permit issued by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control; or
            2.   Such dispensing, use, drinking or consumption is in conjunction with a scheduled event held at Lake House, Assembly Hall (the Folger Home), the Peter Miller House Museum, The Old Firehouse Community Center or The Anchor at which alcoholic beverages will be provided at no charge to the guests.
      (2)   The number of security persons to be provided and requirements concerning their affiliation and enforcement authority must be approved in advance by the Police Chief. The fee for utilizing Lake House, Assembly Hall (the Folger Home), the Peter Miller House Museum, The Old Firehouse Community Center or The Anchor for an event at which intoxicating liquor is to be dispensed, used, drunk or consumed shall be as specified in the general fee schedule set forth in § 208.01 of this code of ordinances.
   (j)   Damage to park property.
      (1)   No person shall destroy, damage or deface any city building, structure, improvement, equipment or grounds in any park.
      (2)   No person shall destroy or remove any regulation posted in any park.
      (3)   No person shall manually or mechanically fasten or attach a swing, tree house or any other object to any tree on park grounds, parkways, boulevard strips or street trees.
      (4)   No person shall erect a stand, tent or other temporary structure in any park without prior permission from the Recreation Department.
   (k)   Permits and reservations.
      (1)   Permits for the exclusive use of a park or any portion thereof may only be issued at the administrative office of the Recreation Department.
      (2)   Persons claiming to hold permits from the Recreation Department must produce them for inspection upon demand. Permits issued are subject to park rules and this section.
      (3)   Permits are not transferable.
      (4)   The permittee or a permittee’s designated representative shall be in attendance at all times and have physical possession of the permit.
      (5)   Any permit at the permitted facility granted pursuant to this section may be revoked for the violation of the permit by the permittee or associated individual(s) of any provision of the permit or park rules. It shall be unlawful for any person without a permit to occupy the area designated as reserved by a permit. In all cases of disagreement, the reservation records will be used to make the final determination regarding the appropriate permit holder.
      (6)   Reservations may be made for all reservable pavilions and buildings up to 12 months in advance.
      (7)   Reservations are not required for the use of outdoor grills and other picnic facilities.
      (8)   Softball and baseball diamonds, athletic fields and tennis courts may be reserved for exclusive use by leagues and/or individuals by obtaining a permit issued at the administrative office of the Recreation Department.
      (9)   The tennis courts are to be used for tennis only. All other activity is prohibited except as authorized by the Recreation Department. In all cases of disagreements as to the use of the courts, the Director shall make the final decision based on a priority basis where all Recreation Department programs have first priority, individual permit holders have second priority (during the time listed on their permit), and the walk-ons have third priority.
      (10)   League reservations will be accepted at a specified time prior to the program season. Individual and practice permits will be issued no more than two weeks in advance in a timely manner.
      (11)   The person or organization to which a permit or reservation is issued is responsible for any damage to the building, equipment or grounds. The permit holder is also responsible for routine cleaning necessary to restore the premises to the condition in which they were received.
      (12)   No person or organization, without the prior written authorization of the Recreation Department, shall charge a fee for admission to or participation in an event at a park.
   (l)   Loss of property. The city is not responsible for the loss of any personal property in a park.
   (m)   Fires.
      (1)   Open fires, except charcoal grills and ovens or when supervised and/or authorized by Department staff, are not permitted in any park.
      (2)   Portable charcoal, gas or wood grills, stoves and ovens may not be used inside pavilions or under roofs thereof. All such devices shall be operated in a safe and proper manner.
      (3)   It is unlawful to leave a fire unattended or fail to fully extinguish a fire. Proper ash/coal disposal is required.
   (n)   Golf. Golf is not allowed in parks.
   (o)   Boating. All boat operators shall comply with all existing state laws, municipal ordinances, Coast Guard regulations and posted rules set forth by the city. All boats are to be launched and docked in designated areas only.
   (p)   Playground rules.
      (1)   For personal safety and the protection of others, all persons using swings, slides, climbing devices and other play apparatus on park owned or controlled property must do so in a safe and appropriate manner and in accordance with any rules and regulations which may be adopted and/or posted by the Recreation Department.
      (2)   Pre-school children on playgrounds must be accompanied by an older responsible person.
      (3)   No ball playing or other similar games are permitted in tot lots or among playground apparatus areas. Batting of baseballs and softballs is restricted to designated areas with appropriate backstops.
      (4)   Bicycles must be walked through a playground area.
      (5)   Pets are prohibited on playground equipment and the playground surface.
   (q)   Recreation areas.
      (1)   Tennis courts. In-line skates, roller skates, skateboards and other similar devices are prohibited from use on tennis court surfaces.
      (2)   Outdoor skating rink. The use of ponds, creeks or other ice areas for skating, sledding or any other purpose shall be prohibited unless designated for such activities by the Recreation Department.
   (r)   Swimming areas.
      (1)   Swimming in parks is permitted only in areas designated for such purpose by the Recreation Department.
      (2)   No person is permitted to swim and/or enter the pool enclosure of any city-operated swimming pool when closed.
      (3)   Swimming at Miller Road Park is prohibited after sunset and before sunrise.
      (4)   Swimming at Veterans Memorial Park is discouraged when a lifeguard is not on duty.
      (5)   All swimmers must obey the posted swim area rules.
      (6)   Fishing is prohibited in designated swimming areas, except as authorized by the Recreation Department.
      (7)   Dogs and other domestic animals are prohibited in designated swim areas, except as authorized by the Recreation Department.
   (s)   Conduct. All park visitors shall comply with all park rules.
   (t)   Motorized miniature vehicles. Gasoline engine or fuel-propelled model airplanes, rockets and boats are prohibited at all parks except by permit.
   (u)   Use of tobacco and marihuana prohibited. The smoking or use of tobacco or marihuana in parks is prohibited.
(Ord. 96-2017, passed 6-26-2017; Ord. 101-2018, passed 6-11-2018; Ord. 23-2019, passed 3-1-2019; Ord. 2-2020, passed 1-13-2020; Ord. 24-17R, passed 2-12-2024)
   (a)   The name of Municipal Park, which is located at Lake Road and State Road 83, is hereby changed to Veterans Memorial Park.
   (b)   The Public Works Director is hereby directed to cause the name of the Park hereby changed to be entered on all necessary and proper city maps and records.
(Res. 29-82, passed 1-25-1982; Res. 48-82, passed 3-22-1982; Ord. 43-2014, passed 4-14-2014)