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Avon Lake Overview
Avon Lake, OH Code of Ordinances
Avon Lake, OH Municipal Utilities Regulations
   (a)   All trees measuring 12 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) or less on tree lawns or public places near any excavation, construction of any building or structure, or street work, soil excavation work or root cutting shall not occur closer than three feet from the outer bark of the tree. For trees measuring greater than 12 inches DBH, soil excavation work or root cutting shall not occur closer than a distance equal to the circumference of the tree measured at a height four feet above ground level or six feet, whichever is less.
   (b)   Trees shall be guarded with a protective device such as a substantial fence, frame or box not less than four feet high and eight feet square or placed at a distance in feet from the tree equal to the diameter of the trunk in inches, measured at a trunk height of approximately four and one-half inches from the ground, (DBH), whichever is greater, and all building material, dirt or other debris shall be kept outside the barrier. The protective device must be structurally sound and capable of protecting the trees from all expected encroachment by debris and machinery associated with said excavation and/or construction.
   (c)   Soil excavation work is permitted closer than the distance parameters established in divisions (a) and (b) of this section provided all excavation of soil is accomplished by hand shovel, air spade or auger, and no roots greater than two inches in diameter are severed.
   (d)   If lateral roots greater than two inches in diameter are encountered, they shall be exposed beyond the excavation limits and an attempt shall be made to bend and relocate the roots without breaking them. If such lateral roots are encountered immediately adjacent to the location of new construction and relocation does not appear practical, the Public Works Director or his or her designee shall be contacted.
   (e)   If, after inspection by the Urban Forester or his or her designee, it is determined that the cutting of roots cannot be avoided, the following standards shall be observed. Roots must be cut sharply and cleanly. The wound shall not be painted or treated. All excavated roots shall be backfilled by hand as soon as possible to prevent drying. If immediate backfilling is not possible, roots shall be covered with peat moss or wet burlap and watered. The tree shall be thoroughly watered by providing the equivalent of one inch of water per week for up to one year at the direction of the Urban Forester or his or her designee.
   (f)   No construction equipment shall be parked and no particulate construction material such as sand, soil or gravel shall be stored on the surface of any unpaved areas within the drip line of any public tree without the express permission of the Urban Forester of his or her designee.
   (g)   If the removal of a public tree cannot be avoided, or if a public tree does not survive due to construction activities, the owner of the facility to be constructed shall obtain a permit as specified in § 1018.04 and shall remove the tree at its expense. Said owner shall also plant, at the owner’s sole expense, a replacement tree of a size, type and at a location approved by the Tree Commission.
   (h)   No person shall excavate any ditches, tunnels or trenches or lay any drive within a radius often feet from any public tree without first obtaining a written permit therefore from the Urban Forester.
(Prior Code, § 1018.10) (Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)
   No person shall deposit, place, store or maintain upon any public place of the city, any stone, brick, sand, concrete or other materials which may impede the free passage of water, air, or fertilizer to the roots of any tree growing therein, except by written permit of the Urban Forester.
(Prior Code, § 1018.11) (Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)
   The person or property owner shall be provided with written notice of desired action.
   (a)   Should any person or persons owning real property bordering on a tree lawn or public place fail to maintain trees as provided in this chapter, the Urban Forester shall order such person or persons, within 30 days after receipt of written notice, to comply with the requested maintenance.
   (b)   The order provided herein shall be served by certified mail at the last known address of the property owner.
   (c)   When a person to whom an order is directed shall fail to respond or comply within the specified time, it shall be lawful for the city to perform requested maintenance and assess the property owner for the cost of services rendered.
(Prior Code, § 1018.12) (Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)
§ 1018.12 EMERGENCIES.
   In the case of officially declared emergencies, such as windstorms, ice storms or other disasters, the provisions of this chapter shall be waived so that said provisions will in no way hinder public and/or private work to restore order in the city. Such work shall follow maintenance standards as outlined by the Urban Forester.
   Necessary emergency activity for repair of underground utilities to assure landowner services does not require a permit. Any emergency activity which results in damaging, pruning or removal of trees, shrubs, hedges, or other vegetation in a tree lawn or public place must be administratively communicated to the Urban Forester.
(Prior Code, § 1018.13) (Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 9-2020, passed 2-10-2020; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)
   No person shall hinder, prevent, delay or interfere with the Urban Forester or their designated representative or agent while such person is engaged in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as an attempt to prohibit the pursuit of any remedy, legal or equitable, in any court of competent jurisdiction for the protection of property rights by the owner of any property within the city.
(Prior Code, § 1018.14) (Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)
   (a)   The Urban Forester or designee may issue citation to any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter or who otherwise fails to comply with any legal directive issued by the Urban Forester or designee in furtherance of the requirements of this chapter.
   (b)   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each seven days of continued violation or noncompliance.
(Ord. 199-94, passed 10-24-1994; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)