General Provisions
152.001 Title
152.002 Purpose
152.003 Authority
152.004 Jurisdiction
152.005 Interpretation
152.006 Separability
152.007 Status of previous ordinances and previous actions
152.008 Definitions
General Requirements
152.020 Conformance required
152.021 Unlawful use
152.022 Lot coverage of yards
152.023 Setbacks measured from right-of-way
152.024 Manufactured housing
152.025 Public utilities
152.026 Yards affected by street widening
152.027 Churches
152.028 Public buildings
152.029 Tents, recreation vehicles
152.030 Visibility at intersections
152.031 Fences, walls, hedges
152.032 Division of a lot
152.033 Accessory uses and structures
152.034 Nonconforming uses and structures
152.035 Repairs and restoration
152.036 Proof of nonconformity
152.037 General exceptions
152.050 Division into zones
152.051 Classes of zones
152.052 Zone maps
152.053 General restrictions
152.054 Agriculture Zone
152.055 R-1 Residence Zone - One-family Residence Zone
152.056 R-2 Residence Zone - Multi-Family Zone
152.057 LBP Zone - Retail-Local Business and Professional Office Zone
152.058 General/Community Business Zone
152.059 IL Limited Industrial Zone
152.060 IIM Intense Industrial Zone Manufacturing/Industrial Parks
152.061 FA Flood Area Zone
152.062 AD Airport Development Zone
152.063 MHR Mobile Home Residence Zone
General Performance Standards
152.075 Minimum requirements
152.076 Parking and loading
152.077 Swimming pools
Signs and Outdoor Advertising
152.090 Purpose
152.091 General definitions and provisions concerning signs
152.092 Permitted signs not requiring a sign permit allowable in all zoning districts
152.093 Permitted signs requiring a sign permit allowable in all zoning districts
152.094 Permitted signs requiring a sign permit allowable in non-residential zoning districts
152.095 Prohibited signs
152.096 Sign permit procedures
152.097 Injunctive relief against violations; recovery of costs
Special Uses
152.110 Purpose of regulations
152.111 Procedure
152.112 Mineral extraction
152.113 Salvage yard
152.114 Planned unit development
152.115 Home occupation
152.116 Group housing/halfway facility
152.117 Nursery/daycare centers
Administration and Enforcement
152.130 Purpose of administration system
152.131 Administrative offices
152.132 Administrative Zoning Officer
152.133 Use permit
152.134 Certificate of occupancy
152.135 Fees
152.136 Remedies
152.137 Plan Commission
152.138 Board of Zoning Appeals
152.139 Amendments
152.140 Remedies
152.141 Complaints of violations
152.142 Repeal
(A) General. The provisions of this chapter shall be minimum requirements. This chapter is not intended to abrogate any law, easement, covenant, or private agreement. Whenever the regulations provided in this chapter impose greater restrictions on the character of the use of buildings or lands than are imposed under any other law of the state, then the regulations established by virtue of this chapter shall prevail only if they assure the promotion of the health, safety, convenience, and welfare of the citizens.
(B) Historic buildings and districts. Where preservation of existing conditions or restoration to original conditions consistent with the intent of an historic restoration project would constitute violations of the provisions of this chapter, a building on the National Register of Historic Places, a building within an established Historic District of the city, or other declared landmark of the state shall be exempt from such requirements that conflict with historic accuracy.
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)