(A)   Permitted uses. No building, structure, or land shall be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained except for the following uses:
      (1)   Single-family; two-family; multiple-family dwellings, as regulated in the R-1 and R-2 Residence Zones. Such development is permitted, but not encouraged in this zone;
      (2)   Buildings owned, leased, or used by a municipal, township, county, state or federal government;
      (3)   Religious and charitable institutions;
      (4)   Railroad rights-of-way including yards, storage, switching, or shops owned and operated by railroad companies;
      (5)   Public schools, colleges, nursery and child care centers;
      (6)   Business and professional offices, doctor, dentist, attorney, accountant offices;
      (7)   Liquor stores, bars, taverns, dance halls;
      (8)   Food stores, drug stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, auto equipment stores;
      (9)   Credit bureaus;
      (10)   Restaurants;
      (11)   Machine shops;
      (12)   Retail stores and shops;
      (13)   Banks, building and loans, lending institutions;
      (14)   Barber shops, beauty shops;
      (15)   Health centers;
      (16)   Restaurants, drive-in restaurants, cafés, lunchrooms;
      (17)   Hotels, motels, motor hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses;
      (18)   Political offices, union offices, real estate offices;
      (19)   Transportation terminals;
      (20)   Outdoor advertising as regulated in this chapter;
      (21)   Communication centers - telephone and telegraph;
      (22)   Radio stations, television stations, including towers and other appurtenances;
      (23)   Parking lots, parking garages;
      (24)   Fraternal, philanthropic, civic and service organizations;
      (25)   Auto repair, auto sales and showrooms;
      (26)   Newspapers, publishing establishments, printing shops;
      (27)   Gasoline stations and car washes;
      (28)   Department stores, sporting goods, art and music centers and supplies, art galleries;
      (29)   Laundries, dry cleaning establishments;
      (30)   Photographic studios and offices;
      (31)   Billiard parlors;
      (32)   Pawnshops, pet shops, pottery, souvenirs, flower shops;
      (33)   Auto equipment stores;
      (34)   Electrical contractors, insurance;
      (35)   Theaters;
      (36)   Business machines, electronic equipment, typewriter equipment;
      (37)   Jewelers, camera shops;
      (38)   Bakeries;
      (39)   Hardware stores, furniture stores, paint and glass stores;
      (40)   Warehouses;
      (41)   High-rise apartment buildings;
      (42)   Mortuaries;
      (43)   License bureaus, travel services;
      (44)   Fraternities and sororities; and
      (45)   Business establishments requiring, by state law, any entrant to be 18 years of age or older, taverns, bars or like establishments which serve or sell alcoholic beverages.
   (B)   Front yard. There shall be no front yard requirements, except that all buildings shall conform to existing building lines. Whenever a new building is proposed or an addition to an existing building is contemplated, the creation of a front yard, public courtyard, or extended sidewalk is encouraged.
   (C)   Side yard. There shall be the following side yard requirements. No business or commercial building shall be built less than five feet from a street or alley and no business or commercial building shall be built less than 15 feet from an adjoining building unless a common wall is intended.
   (D)   Rear yard. There shall be no rear yard requirements except that all business buildings shall be at least 20 feet from adjoining residential real property. Said rear yard may be used for parking.
   (E)   Height. There shall be no height requirements.
   (F)   Minimum floor area/parking. There shall be no minimum floor area requirements. Off-street parking shall be provided as follows: three parking spaces for each office suite within any structure or building, plus one parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)  Penalty, see § 10.99