Permitted signs not requiring a sign permit allowable in all zoning districts are the following: directional or warning sign; political sign; public service sign; real estate sign; and real estate development sign.
   (A)   Directional or warning sign.
      (1)   Definition. Signs solely identifying situations of a directional, cautionary, or dangerous nature when public signs are not functional, such as, but not limited to, an entrance or exit sign.
      (2)   Provisions.  If illuminated, the light source shall not be directed toward any street or any adjoining property in a residence zone. Signs identifying ingress and egress points of a property shall be placed in such a manner as not to interfere with the visibility of motorists or pedestrians.
   (B)   Political sign.
      (1)   Definition. A sign relating to the election of a person to public office, to a political party or group, or to a matter to be voted upon at an election called by a public body.
      (2)   Provisions. A political sign shall be removed within ten days following the election. A winning candidate in a primary election may maintain his/her sign until ten (10) days following the general election.  The person responsible for the removal of a political sign is the owner of the property upon which said political sign is located. If such signs are not removed within the specified time period, the administrative zoning officer may initiate action for removal of said sign. Political signs installed on an easement or public utility pole shall be removed by the candidate or installer within ten days following an election. Signs should not be installed before 60 days prior to an election.
   (C)   Public service sign.
      (1)   Definition. A sign required or specifically authorized for a public purpose.
      (2)   Provisions. A public service sign can be any especially licensed sign, permitted by a legislative body, by franchise or by special license such as a sign on a bus, bench, or trash receptacle.  A public service sign may be a sign established by a public service agency as an aid to safety or service.  A public service sign can also be a governmental or traffic sign.
   (D)   Real estate sign.
      (1)   Definition.  A clearly temporary sign, pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the premises upon which it is displayed.
      (2)   Provisions. A real estate sign shall not be illuminated and it shall be removed within ten days after the sale, lease, or rental of the property or premises.
   (E)   Real estate development sign.
      (1)   Definition. A business sign placed on the premises of a subdivision or other real estate development.
      (2)   Provisions.  In the case of a real estate development sign, no sign shall be closer to an existing building than 50 feet. In a development of less than one acre, or having a frontage under 400  feet on the street on which the sign is to be placed, the minimum distance to a residence in a residential zoning district, which is not part of the development shall be at least 50 feet. The maximum time for an individual sign to remain on the premises shall be 12 successive months. Signs shall be removed when the development is completed or if the same would cease.
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)  Penalty, see § 10.99