   The purpose of this chapter is to promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the people of the city. Associated with this purpose is the establishment of an effective administrative system to fulfill the objectives of good, sound zoning, such system should, among other things, expeditiously handle day by day matters concerning the citizens of the city and county with utmost care, courtesy, and exacting ability; protect the right of appeal from any decision of an administrative officer; deal fairly with deliberate or accidental infractions of this chapter; and, through its function, create such climate as may deserve the respect of the community and the confidence of its citizens.
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)
   The administration of this chapter shall be with three offices of local government, namely:
   (A)   The Administrative Zoning Officer to be appointed by the City Council;
   (B)   The City of Austin Plan Commission; and
   (C)   The City of Austin Board of Zoning Appeals;
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)
   (A)   Appointment.  There shall be an Administrative Zoning Officer who shall be the enforcement officer of this chapter. Said person shall be appointed by the City Council. The Administrative Zoning Officer may be the Building Commissioner or Clerk-Treasurer of the city.
   (B)   Qualifications. The Administrative Zoning Officer shall be a person of proven responsibility and knowledgeable in zoning administration and practice. Said person shall enforce the provisions of this chapter to their literal meaning and shall not try to exercise independent discretion that may violate it.  Said person shall not permit the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter just because said person considers it unduly severe as applied to specific cases, inasmuch as this chapter provides the necessary remedies. Said person shall not refuse to issue a permit for the construction of a building or structure or for the use of land on the basis of what said person considers to be lack of wisdom in any zoning provision. Said person shall use the powers of said person’s position to encourage compliance and advise citizens how such compliance can be achieved without unnecessary hardship.
   (C)   Duties.  In addition to other administrative duties assigned to the Administrative Zoning Officer periodically by the City Council, the Administrative Zoning Officer shall perform the following duties:
      (1)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall issue all zoning permits and certificates of occupancy;
      (2)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall conduct inspections of buildings, structures, and uses of land to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
      (3)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall maintain accurate records including, but not limited to, maps, amendments, variations, conditional uses, and applications;
      (4)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall receive, file applications for permits, and shall forward details of any refusal to issue a permit to the Board of Zoning Appeals;
      (5)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall revoke certificates of occupancy or zoning permits when violations of the provisions of this chapter are discovered by him or her; and
      (6)   Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall initiate court action as may be deemed necessary to prevent or abate violations to the provisions of this chapter, report all violations for prosecution to the proper legal authority, and sign or cause to be signed all complaints to local courts prepared by the proper legal authority.
   (D)   Inspections.  The Administrative Zoning Officer may, after giving at least 48 hours notice to the proper person, examine premises to investigate possible violations. Said Administrative Zoning Officer shall state the nature of the violation to the owner or resident and give reasons for the inspection prior to obtaining entry into the premises.
(Ord. 1991-07, passed 1-7-1991)