Dimensional or use nonconformities associated with manufactured homes shall be addressed in the following manner.
(a) Replacement of one manufactured home with another manufactured home in a lawfully established manufactured housing park. An existing manufactured home located in a lawfully established manufactured housing park in operation at the time of adoption of these regulations may be replaced with another manufactured home provided the number of manufactured home units within the park may not be increased beyond the number available before replacement and the replacement manufactured home must not create nonconforming yards, separation distances, or increase existing nonconforming yards, separation distances or setbacks. Manufactured home parks existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance shall not be allowed to expand or increase in any manner unless such expansion meets fully the requirements set forth in this ordinance.
(b) Replacement of one manufactured home with another manufactured home in areas covered by a manufactured housing zoning overlay. Such replacement shall be permitted provided that new dimensional nonconformities are not created, the replacement manufactured home is no smaller than the existing manufactured home, the replacement home is placed in the same location as the original home, and such replacement occurs within 365 days of the last day of occupancy of the original manufactured home. In all other situations, replacement shall be prohibited.
(c) Replacement of one manufactured home with another manufactured home in areas other than a lawfully established manufactured housing park or area covered by a manufactured housing zoning overlay. Such replacement shall be permitted provided that new dimensional nonconformities are not created, the replacement manufactured home is no smaller than the existing manufactured home, the replacement home is placed in the same location as the original home, and such replacement occurs within 180 days of the last day of occupancy of the original manufactured home. In all other situations, replacement shall be prohibited.
(Ord. No. 3478, § 1, 5-22-07; Ord. No. 4978, § 1, 10-25-22)