(a) Pre-filing meeting. Before filing a petition for an amendment or a request for a zoning study, an applicant shall meet with the planning and development director to discuss the proposed amendment or request and to become more familiar with the applicable requirements and approval procedures of the city.
(b) Filing.
(1) A petition requesting an amendment or a zoning study shall be filed with the planning and development department on a form provided by the director.
(2) Applicable fees shall be payable as set forth in the City of Asheville's Fees and Charges Manual.
(3) Petitions must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the last Friday of a month in order for the petition to be heard at the meeting of the planning and zoning commission scheduled at least 30 days later.
(c) Content of applications.
(1) Each application shall contain or be accompanied by all information required on the application form provided by the planning and development director.
(2) Every amendment proposing to change the district boundary lines shall be accompanied by a metes and bounds description, a survey of the area involved, or reference to existing lots, sufficient in the estimation of the planning and development director to plot or otherwise identify the amendment on the official zoning maps of the City of Asheville.
(3) Any person designated by the owner(s) of the property included in the petition to serve as agent for the owner shall submit such authorization in writing with the application.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 3296, § 1, 10-25-05)
(a) Review—general. The Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing to consider proposed amendments. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 7-5-20 of this chapter. The public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure of the commission. The commission will make recommendations to the Asheville City Council regarding whether to approve or deny each proposed amendment. When considering an amendment, the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission shall base its decision on considerations as set forth in subsection 7-7-5(b).
(b) Affirmative recommendation by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission. Following an affirmative recommendation by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed amendments, the action shall be reported to the Asheville City Council for a public hearing and final action according to the process set forth is subsection 7-7-5 of this chapter. The public hearing will be scheduled as provided by city council's rules of procedure.
(c) Negative recommendation by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission. Following a negative recommendation by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed amendments, the action shall be reported to the Asheville City Council for a public hearing and final action according to the process set forth in subsection 7-7-5. The public hearing will be scheduled as provided by city council's rules of procedure.
(d) No action by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission. If the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission has made neither a positive nor a negative recommendation on a proposed amendment within 30 days of referral of the amendment to the Commission, the Asheville City Council may act on the amendment without the Planning and Zoning Commissions report. The proposed amendment shall be accompanied by a record of the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission's comments regarding the amendment and the reasons, if any, for their lack of action.
(e) Content of recommendations. Any recommendation made by the planning and zoning commission to the city council pursuant to this section shall be in writing and shall include a statement describing whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other applicable plan, and shall address any other matter deemed appropriate by the commission.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 2428, § 9, 11-11-97; Ord. No. 2843, § 1(e), 8-28-01; Ord. No. 3306, § 1(e), 11- 22-05; Ord. No. 3374, § 1(r), 7-11-06; Ord. No. 4381, § 1(X), 6-8-21)
(a) Review—general. Following receipt of a recommendation on a proposed amendment, the Asheville City Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment. The public hearing will be scheduled and conducted as provided by city council's rules of procedure. Notice of the hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 7-5-20 of this chapter and the North Carolina General Statutes.
(b) Action.
(1) Before acting on any proposed amendment, the Asheville City Council shall consider any recommendation made by the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission, the recommendation submitted by the Planning and Development Department to the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission, the comments made at the public hearing, and any other relevant additional information.
(2) With the exception of conditional zonings as described in section 7-7-8, when considering a proposed amendment, the Asheville City Council will not evaluate the petition based on any specific proposal for the use or development of the property. The petitioner shall not use any graphic materials or descriptions of the proposed development except for those which would apply to all uses permitted by the requested classification.
(3) Upon reviewing all pertinent information, the Asheville City Council may:
a. Adopt the proposed amendment;
b. Reject the proposed amendment;
c. Refer the proposed amendment back to the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission for further consideration or hearing; or
d. Modify the proposed amendment.
(4) Considerations during decisions. Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the city council shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other applicable plan, and shall state why the action taken is considered to be reasonable and in the public interest.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 2843, § 1(f), 8-28-01; Ord. No. 3306, § 1(f), 11-22-05; Ord. No. 3374, § 1(s), 7- 11-06; Ord. No. 4381, § 1(Y), (Z), 6-8-21)
(a) Waiting period - general. When an application for a zoning amendment has been approved or denied by the Asheville City Council, no rezoning application covering the same property shall be accepted or considered within 12 months after the date of the approval or denial. This restriction shall apply regardless of whether or not the new application is for a zoning classification different from the original application.
(b) Waiting period - waiver. The waiting period required by this section may be waived by a three-fourths vote of Asheville City Council if it determines that there have been substantial changes in conditions or circumstances which may relate to the request.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97)
(a) Purpose. Conditional zoning is established to provide for flexibility in the development of property while ensuring that the development is compatible with neighboring uses. Conditional zoning affords a degree of certainty in land use decisions not possible when rezoning to a general use district. Additional conditions, standards and regulations are attached to a proposed development to ensure that the activities and operations are compatible with the surrounding uses and with applicable adopted plans in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(b) Conditional zoning districts. Conditional zoning is available to any of the general zoning classifications enumerated in this chapter, except for those that require a master plan as part of the application (e.g. Urban Village). Expansion zoning districts are only allowed as conditional zoning districts for Level III projects and as otherwise indicated in the Table of Permitted Uses and this UDO. Applicants for Level III projects shall select the most applicable expansion district based on the proposed use(s). The conditional zoning designation shall be indicated on all zoning maps and other official documents with the suffix, "CZ" (e.g. RM-8 CZ; IND CZ; COM EXP CZ).
(c) General requirements. The following provision shall apply in the administration of conditional zoning.
(1) A conditional zoning application shall be considered only upon submittal of a complete application by the owner of the affected property or a duly authorized representative of the property owner.
(2) Development plans shall be prepared by a licensed design professional and shall be prepared in accordance with the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the City of Asheville Standard Specifications and Details Manual, other applicable city ordinances, city policies and state law.
(3) All standards and requirements of the corresponding general use zoning district or expansion district shall be met, except to the extent that the conditions imposed by the conditional zoning may be more or less restrictive than the development standards if such conditions comply with the comprehensive plan or other adopted plans, and/or except where the requirements are modified in accordance with subsection 7-7-8(c)(6). A conditional zoning involving an expansion district must meet all standards and requirements of the expansion district.
(4) No uses shall be permitted except those enumerated in the ordinance adopting the conditional zoning.
(5) The conditions agreed upon pursuant to the conditional zoning approval shall be stated in the adopting ordinance and may limit the uses which are permitted on the property. By way of illustration and not limitation, conditions may specify location on the property of the proposed structure(s), the number of dwelling units, the location and extent of supporting facilities such as parking lots, driveways, access streets, and sidewalks, the location and extent of landscaping, buffer areas and open space, the timing of development, the height of structures, the design and orientation of structures, the location and extent of rights-of-way and other areas to be dedicated for public purposes, and other such matters as may be identified as appropriate for the proposed development.
(6) Minor modifications to the approved site plan may be reviewed and approved administratively provided that they do not involve a change in permitted uses, changes in overall density or substantial changes to the configuration of the development that affect the operation or impacts of the development. Any other modification of the conditions and standards in a conditional zoning district shall be approved by the city council following this review process as an amendment to the conditional zoning ordinance and may be referred to the technical review committee as appropriate. The planning and urban design director shall in every case have the discretion to decline to exercise the power to approve minor modifications as provided for herein, and may require the applicant to seek an amendment to the conditional zoning ordinance.
(7) When adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the city council shall also approve a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and any other officially adopted plans that are applicable, and briefly explain why the council considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest. That statement is not subject to judicial review.
(8) Any violation of a provision of a conditional zoning ordinance shall be treated the same as any other violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the same remedies and penalties as any other such violation.
(9) If no action has been taken to obtain a zoning permit or otherwise begin development of the property in accordance with the conditional zoning ordinance within 24 months of its approval by city council, the planning and urban design director may initiate appropriate action to rezone the affected property to any other classification. The conditional zoning ordinance may provide a specific duration of the approval. Appropriate approval conditions may be added to guarantee site maintenance and security. Nothing herein shall be construed to extend any time limitations prescribed by statute or by other ordinances in this chapter.
(10) If the use(s) commenced pursuant to a conditional zoning ordinance is abandoned or discontinued as described in article 17 the planning and urban design director may initiate appropriate action to rezone the affected property to any other classification or the applicant may seek an amendment to the conditional zoning approval by following the process outlined in this chapter.
(11) No variances or special use permits may be issued for developments on property that is subject to a conditional zoning ordinance.
(d) Pre-application procedure.
(1) Pre-application conference. All applicants for conditional zoning are required to schedule and attend a pre-application conference with city staff prior to submittal of the complete application. These conferences allows the applicant and staff an opportunity to discuss the rezoning request, the requirements for completing the review schedule, contact persons for services and permits, and information regarding site plans, landscaping, and development requirements.
The staff can also determine if any special reviews will be required, such as reviews by the historic resources commission, the tree commission, Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission, or downtown commission.
(2) Neighborhood meeting. The prospective applicant shall meet with the surrounding community during the pre-application phase. No application for conditional zoning shall be accepted for review by the city unless the following criteria are met:
a. A community meeting shall be held with the surrounding residents of the proposed development site at least 14 days but not more than four months prior to any application submission to the city. This meeting shall follow the principals outlined in the “Neighborhood and Community Meeting Guide for Development” (Guide) as maintained by the city.
b. Notification requirements. The meeting shall be advertised as follows:
1. A sign meeting the requirements found in the guide shall be posted on each street frontage of the proposed development site at least 14 days prior to the meeting date; and
2. Mailed notice shall be sent to all physical addresses and property owners within 400 feet of the proposed development site. This notice shall follow the published template provided by the city; and
3. E-mailed notice shall be sent to any neighborhood association or organization on file with the city’s neighborhood services section at least 14 days prior to the meeting date; and
4. The prospective developer or designee shall register the neighborhood meeting with the city on a form provided by the city at least 14 days prior to the meeting date.
c. Evidence of compliance with this section shall be provided to the city on a form provided by the city prior to submittal of any application for Level II development.
(e) Plan submittal. When applying for conditional zoning, the owner shall specify the nature of the proposed development and shall propose conditions to ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and consistency with adopted plans. Applications for conditional zoning shall be processed, considered, and voted upon using the same procedures and subject to the same requirements as those established in this article for zoning map and zoning text amendments, except as provided below:
(1) Conditional zoning application requirements.
a. A development plan(s) for a proposed project shall be prepared by a licensed design professional and shall be prepared in accordance with the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the City of Asheville Standard Details and Specifications Manual, other applicable city ordinances, city policies and state law.
b. A complete application packet containing all information as required by the designated staff shall be submitted according to the published schedule of the technical review committee.
c. The application must also include a notation of the deed number of the subject property(s) with book and page reference as listed with the Buncombe County Register of Deeds.
(2) Review by the technical review committee. The development plan(s) shall be submitted and reviewed by the members of the technical review committee. The development plan(s), recommendations and comments shall be forwarded to the planning and zoning commission unless review by another body is required.
(3) Review by others. If other review bodies are required to consider the application, the project will be forwarded to that body and reviewed according to procedures established for that body before advancing to the planning and zoning commission.
(4) Review by the planning and zoning commission. Following review by the technical review committee and other bodies, as required, the planning and zoning commission shall hold a public hearing on the application for conditional zoning. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 7-5-20 of this chapter. After holding the public hearing, the planning and zoning commission may recommend approval of the application, including recommending conditions for the zoning; recommend denial of the application; or continue the consideration of the application in order to receive further information. If recommending approval or denial of the application, the planning and zoning commission must provide a written recommendation addressing the consistency of the proposal with the comprehensive plan and other adopted plans.
(5) Review by city council. Upon receipt of the recommendations from the planning and zoning commission, the city council shall hold a public hearing on the application for conditional zoning. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 7-5-20 of this chapter and the North Carolina General Statutes.
The city council's consideration of an application for conditional zoning is legislative in nature, and the council may consider any relevant information in its deliberations. Consideration shall be given to adopted land use plans for the area, small area plans, corridor plans, and other land use policy documents, and to surrounding land uses. The council may adopt or not adopt a conditional zoning ordinance, or may continue its consideration of the application as necessary or appropriate.
(6) Conditions. During the adoption of a conditional zoning ordinance, specific conditions may be proposed by the petitioner, city council, planning and zoning commission or city staff, but only those conditions mutually approved by city council and the petitioner may be incorporated into the zoning regulations and permit requirements. Conditions and site-specific standards imposed in a conditional zoning district shall be limited to those that address the conformance of the development and use of the site to city ordinances, an officially adopted comprehensive or other plan and those that address the impacts reasonably expected to be generated by the development or use of the site.
(7) Final review by the technical review committee. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicant must submit detailed plans incorporating all conditions to the technical review committee for final review.
(8) Map amendment. Upon adoption of a conditional zoning ordinance, the official zoning map of the City of Asheville shall be amended to add the conditional zoning district. The city clerk shall maintain a book or other official record for conditional zoning ordinances, and each conditional zoning ordinance shall be filed therein. Failure to comply with this provision shall not render the ordinance invalid.
If approved by the city council, no permits may be issued on the subject property until the property owner has recorded the approved plan and conditions pertinent to the specific property at the Buncombe County Register of Deeds, including a notation of the pertinent deed number with book and page reference.
(10) Perpetually binding. The conditional zoning ordinance adopted as provided herein shall be perpetually binding upon the affected property unless subsequently changed or amended as provided for in this chapter.
(11) Legislative review. Conditional zoning ordinances are legislative in nature, and judicial review of conditional zoning ordinances shall be as provided by law.
(Ord. No. 3237, § 1(b), 5-24-05; Ord. No. 3306, §§ 1(h—j), 11-22-05; Ord. No. 3374, §§ 1(t), (u), 7-11-06; Ord. No. 3700, §§ 1a, b, b, 2-10-09; Ord. No. 3709, § 1d, 3-10-09; Ord. No. 4273, § 1, 1-28-14; Ord. No. 4377, § 1, 1-13-15; Ord. No. 4560, § 1h, 2-14-17; Ord. No. 4637, § 1g, 1-9-18; Ord. No. 5020, § 1(d), 6-13-23; Ord. No. 5057, § 1h, 1-23-24)
--- (3) --- Editor's note— Ord. No. 4560, § 1i, adopted February 14, 2017 changed the title of art. VIII from "General Use Districts" to General Use and Expansion Districts."
(a) Criteria for zoning districts. For the purposes set forth in article I, the City of Asheville and its extraterritorial jurisdiction are divided into zoning districts taking into account the design, size, and/or location of one or more of the following:
(1) Transportation facilities, including streets, sidewalks, and bridges;
(2) Schools, parks, greenways, and other public facilities and requirements;
(3) Police protection;
(4) Fire protection;
(5) Sanitary sewer and stormwater drainage structures;
(6) Water supplies for purposes of fire protection and consumption;
(7) Access and location to other utility services;
(8) Potential hazards from fire, flooding, and diseases;
(9) Access to light and air from buildings;
(10) Access for fire and police protection and refuse collection;
(11) Protection for occupants of dwellings from noise, dust, and gases caused by traffic and other uses;
(12) Topography and other natural features; and/or
(13) Current uses of land and buildings for residences, businesses, industries, places of worship, schools, and for other uses and heights of buildings, the size and location of yards, and the density of population in each of the zoning districts hereinafter mentioned.
(b) Enumeration and descriptions of zoning districts. There are three types of zoning districts:
(1) General use districts are those in which a variety of uses are permitted. The general use districts established in this article are classified from "highest" to "lowest" in the following order:
RS-2 Residential Single-Family Low-Density District
RS-4 Residential Single-Family Medium Density District
RS-8 Residential Single-Family High Density District
RM-6 Residential Multi-Family Low Density District
RM-8 Residential Multi-Family Medium Density District
RM-16 Residential Multi-Family High Density District
Neighborhood Business District
Office District
Office II District
Office/Business District
Community Business I District
Community Business II District
Urban Residential District
Neighborhood Corridor District
Haywood Road Form District
River Arts Form District
Urban Village District
Urban Place District
Resort District
Institutional District
Highway Business District
Regional Business District
Central Business District
River District
Commercial Industrial District
Light Industrial District
Industrial District
For any district where an overlay district is found, the overlay district shall have the same order as the general use district for the purpose of determining its hierarchy under the table.
(2) Overlay districts are zoning districts which overlap one or more general use districts. Overlay districts (article IX) involve additional regulations on some or all property within underlying general use districts. The following overlay districts are established:
a. Reserved.
b. Historic preservation overlay district(s). Asheville's historic areas are important assets to the city. The protecting and conserving of the historic areas is encouraged through the establishment of historic preservation overlay districts. Designation of an area as a historic district and the development of design standards for the area help preserve the architectural integrity of the area and stabilize and enhance property values. Historic districts, protected by designation as preservation overlays, serve as valuable educational tools and as tourist attractions.
c. Downtown design review overlay district. Urban design review assists in protecting the downtown local architectural heritage and in the preservation of the considerable economic investments that have occurred over the years. The downtown design review process seeks to encourage renovation and new development in a manner that will promote visual harmony, enhance the historical integrity, and develop creative design solutions. While the design guidelines will not dictate architectural styles, they will suggest a variety of design options for achieving compatibility within the designated boundaries.
d. Manufactured housing and manufactured housing community overlay districts. The manufactured housing and manufactured housing community overlay districts are established to provide a procedure for identifying areas in which manufactured housing may be located and to establish standards for individual manufactured homes and for the development of communities. These overlay districts are intended to expand the range of housing opportunities available to residents of Asheville while assuring that manufactured housing is compatible with existing development.
e. Blue Ridge Parkway Overlay District. Realizing the importance of the Blue Ridge Parkway to the economy of Asheville and western North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Parkway Overlay District is created to protect and preserve the unique features of this asset to the city. The standards established in this district will protect the scenic quality of the parkway and reduce encroachment on its rural setting.
f. Transition overlay district. Several areas in the City of Asheville are experiencing development pressures which are pushing the areas toward change. The location of most of these area on the edge of residential neighborhoods means that changes in these areas could have a significant impact on the adjacent neighborhoods. Transition overlay districts are established to allow these areas to change while assuring that the change is compatible with adjacent areas. Standards are developed individually for each area and designed to meet each area's unique needs. Involvement of area property owners and residents in the preparation of development standards is encouraged.
(3) Conditional districts are zoning districts which provide for flexibility in the development of property while ensuring that the development is compatible with neighboring uses. Conditional zoning districts are available for any of the general use zoning classifications enumerated in this ordinance; moreover, there are certain conditional districts that are not associated with an existing general use district and may only be considered with Level III developments. These districts include:
Central Business Expansion District
Institutional Expansion District
Commercial Expansion District
Residential Expansion District
Industrial Expansion District
Lodging Expansion District
Mixed Use Expansion District
(c) Designation of districts on official zoning maps. Each district shall be shown on the official zoning maps of the City of Asheville, North Carolina, a copy of which is located in the city planning and development department. Said set of maps, and all district designations, boundaries, figures, letters, and symbols shown on such maps are hereby declared to be a part of this chapter.
(d) Table of Permitted Uses. The table is a summary listing of uses that are fully defined in section 7-2-5.







(1) Any use not listed is not allowed unless the planning and development director determines that the use is similar to a listed use. When determining whether a proposed use is similar to a listed use, the planning and development director will consider the following:
a. The actual or projected characteristics of the proposed use.
b. The relative amount of site area or floor area and equipment devoted to the proposed use.
c. Relative amounts of sales.
d. The customer type.
e. The relative number of employees.
f. Hours of operation.
g. Building and site arrangement.
h. Types of vehicles used and their parking requirements.
i. The number of vehicle trips generated.
j. How the proposed use is advertised.
k. The likely impact on surrounding properties.
l. Whether the activity is likely to be found independent of the other activities on the site.
(2) Where a use is determined not to be similar to any listed use, a text amendment is required prior to establishment of that use.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 3156, § 1, 8-24-04; Ord. No. 3157, § 1(a)(2), 8-24-04; Ord. No. 3328, § 1(i), 1-24-06; Ord. No. 3483, § 1(b), 6-2-07; Ord. No. 3700, § 1c, 2-10-09; Ord. No. 3959, § 1b, 4-12-11; Ord. No. 4007, § 1b, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 4233, § 1c, 9- 24-13; Ord. No. 4342, § 1c, 9-9-14; Ord. No. 4417, § 1, 5-26-15; Ord. No. 4431, §§ 1b, c, 6-23-15; Ord. No. 4448, § 1b, 9-8-15; Ord. No. 4470, § 1b, 11-17-15; Ord. No. 4560, §§ 1j, k, 2-14-17; Ord. No. 4608, § 1(b—d), 8-22-17; Ord. No. 4646, § 1(c), 11-14-17; Ord. No. 4637, § 1h, 1-9-18; Ord. No. 4836, § 1(d), 10-27-20; Ord. No. 4855, § 1(n), 2-23-21; Ord. No. 4361, § 1i, 3-23-21; Ord. No. 4978, § 1, 10-25-22; Ord. No. 5010, § 1(a), 4-25-23; Ord. No. 5028, § 1a, b, n, 7-25-23; Ord. No. 5057, § 1i, 1-13-24)
(a) Purpose. It is the intent of the RS-2 Residential Single-Family Low Density District to establish a low density for single-family dwellings and other compatible uses in recognition of environmental constraints such as, but not limited to, steep slopes, impervious soils, high water tables, and flooding. It is also the intent of this district to preserve the general welfare by protecting important resources such as, but not limited to, watersheds and view sheds. In addition to recognizing environmental constraints and preserving important resources, this district is also intended to stabilize and protect the district's residential character while promoting a suitable environment for single-family living.
(b) Allowable land uses. All permitted uses, special uses, conditional uses and uses expressly prohibited are identified in subsection 7-8-1(d), Table of Permitted Uses. Standards for special uses and conditional uses can be found in article XVI of this chapter.
(c) Reserved.
(d) Reserved.
(e) Reserved.
(f) Development standards.
(1) Density standards. Density in the RS-2 District shall be determined by the minimum lot size standards.
(2) Structure size standards. None.
(3) Lot size standards. The minimum lot size in the RS-2 District shall be 16,000 square feet.
(4) Lot width standards. Lots in the RS-2 District shall have a minimum width of 80 feet.
(5) Setback standards. The following minimum setbacks shall be required for uses in the RS-2 District.
Front: 35 ft. but this may be reduced to 20 ft. in designated steep slope zones per section 7-11-12 of this chapter.
Side: 10 ft.
Rear: 25 ft.
The landscape and buffering standards (section 7-11-3) may require additional setback; if so, the most restrictive requirement shall apply.
The minimum spacing between structures shall, in addition, be as per the Asheville Fire Prevention Code.
(6) Impervious surface standards. None.
(7) Height standards. The maximum height of structures in the RS-2 District shall be 40 feet.
(8) Landscaping/buffering standards. Landscaping and/or buffering shall be provided as required by section 7-11-3
of this chapter.
(9) Parking/loading standards. Parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required by section 7-11-2 of this chapter. No parking shall be permitted within any required front setback other than that which would occur on an approved driveway.
(10) Sidewalk standards. Sidewalks shall be provided as required by and pursuant to the requirements for sidewalks as set forth in subsection 7-11-8 of this chapter.
(11) Access standards. None.
(12) Open space standards. Open space shall be provided as required by section 7-11-4 of this chapter.
(13) Design and operation standards. None.
(14) Emergency wireless communications. Communication requirements shall be provided as required by section 7-11-9 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 2506, § 1, 8-11-98; Ord. No. 2527, § 1, 11-10-98; Ord. No. 2584, § 1(a), 6-22- 99; Ord. No. 2663, § 1(a), 2-8-00; Ord. No. 2664, § 1(b), 2-8-00; Ord. No. 2735, § 1d., 8-22-00; Ord. No. 2871, § 1(a), 11-27-01; Ord. No. 2904, § 1(b), 3-12-02; Ord. No. 3031, § 1(a), 6-10-03; Ord. No. 3064, § 1(c), 10-14-03; Ord. No. 3083, § 1(a), 1-13-04; Ord. No. 3156, § 1, 8-24-04; Ord. No. 3412, § 1(b), 12-12-06; Ord. No. 3483, § 1(b), 6-2-07; Ord. No. 3583, § 1, 2-12-08; Ord. No. 3643, § 1a, 7-22-08; Ord. No. 3908, § 1e, 10-26-10; Ord. No. 3959, §§ 1n, p, 4- 12-11; Ord. No. 4608, § 1(e), 8-22-17; Ord. No. 4621, § 1(a), 10-24-17; Ord. No. 4361, § 1m, n, 3-23-21; Ord. No. 4961, § 1a, 7-26-22)