(a) Powers and duties. The city’s Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission shall have the powers and duties as set forth in division 13 of article III of chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville. In addition, for purposes of this chapter, the Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Develop and recommend to the city and other appointing board partners a comprehensive vision and strategy as may be deemed appropriate for the Riverfront District and Regional Riverfront Corridors. Conduct regular evaluations and updates of the Wilma Dykeman Riverway Master Plan and all other adopted plans affecting the French Broad River and the Swannanoa River corridors within Buncombe County including the Living Asheville Comprehensive Plan and the 2043 Buncombe County Comprehensive Plan. Recommend topics that need to be considered as part of a broad and comprehensive approach to planning and design;
(2) Participate in selection of Asheville Design Review Committee members as outlined in Section 7-3-11 of this chapter; and
(3) Such additional powers and duties as may be set forth for the Asheville-Buncombe Riverfront Commission elsewhere in this chapter and other regulations of the city.
(b) Membership; terms; vacancies. The Asheville-Buncombe Riverfront Commission shall follow the membership requirements set forth by city council in division 13 of article III of chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville.
(c) Meetings. The city’s Asheville-Buncombe Riverfront Commission shall hold meetings in accordance with division 13 of article III of chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville.
(d) Rules and records. The Asheville-Buncombe Riverfront Commission shall follow procedures for review as outlined in section 7-5-18 of this chapter, and may adopt its own rules and procedures, including the requirements of this chapter. The staff member in charge of coordinating river district design review shall record relevant notes from the meetings.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 2437, § 2, 11-25-97; Ord. No. 4264, § 1, 1-14-14; Ord. No. 4265, 1-14-14; Ord. No. 4855, §§ 1(d), (e), 2-23-21; Ord. No. 4926, § 1(b), 1-25-22; Ord. No. 5041, § 1, 10-10-23)
Editor's note(s)—Ord. No. 4265, adopted Jan. 14, 2014, deletes § 7-3-10 which pertained to River District Design Review Committee and derived from Ord. No. 2369, § 1, adopted May 27, 1997; and Ord. No. 2437, § 2, adopted Nov. 25, 1997. Ord. No. 4265 dissolved the River District Design Review Committee and transferred duties/function to the Asheville Area Riverfront Commission. Ord. No. 5041, adopted Oct. 10, 2023, deletes § 7-3-10 which pertained to the Asheville Area Riverfront Commission and transferred duties/function to the Asheville-Buncombe Riverfront Commission.