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Asheville Overview
Asheville, NC Code of Ordinances
Asheville, Standard Specifications and Details Manual
Sec. 19-170. Use of meter proceeds.
The proceeds derived from the use of parking meters shall be used exclusively for the purpose of making such regulation effective and for the expenses incurred by the city in the regulation and limitation of vehicular parking and traffic relating to such parking on the streets and highways of the city. The proceeds derived from the use of such parking meters may also be used to provide for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, betterment or extension and operation of offstreet parking facilities, as defined in G.S. 160-414(d), and may be pledged to amortize bonds or other evidence of debts issued for such purposes.
(Code 1965, § 28-124)
Editor's note(s)—Chapter 160 of the General Statutes of North Carolina has been repealed. For a city's authority to establish and operate offstreet parking facilities, see G.S. 160A-302.
Secs. 19-171—19-180. Reserved.



State law reference(s)—
Authority to own and regulate offstreet parking facilities, G.S. 160A-302.
Sec. 19-181. Purpose.
This division shall be deemed and construed to be for a public purpose and for the preservation and protection of the public safety, the alleviation of congestion created by traffic and parking upon the public streets and ways and for the promotion of the welfare and convenience of the public. All of the provisions of this division shall be liberally construed with a view to the effectuation of such purposes.
(Code 1965, § 28-125)
Sec. 19-182. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
City parking lots includes all areas either owned, leased or acquired by the city and operated for the purpose of offstreet parking in the corporate limits of the city.
(Code 1965, § 28-126)
Cross reference(s)—Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 19-183. Arrangement of parking spaces.
The arrangement, location and marking off of the individual parking spaces in city parking lots and the location, selection and arrangement of the various parking spaces in city parking lots shall be as prescribed by the traffic engineer.
(Code 1965, § 28-127)
Sec. 19-184. Rates of charges for parking lots.
The rates of charges for the parking of vehicles at the various public parking lots operated by the city shall be as set forth in the city's fees and charges manual.
(Code 1965, § 28-128; Ord. No. 1633, § 1, 6-2-87)
Sec. 19-185. Hours of operation.
The city parking lots shall be operated for the purposes and under the regulations set forth in this division from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except on Sundays and the following holidays: January 1, Easter Monday, July 4, the first Monday in September, the day designated and set aside by the President of the United States as the day of Thanksgiving and December 25. The city manager, at his discretion, may alter or suspend the normal hours of operation.
(Code 1965, § 28-129)