(A) Inspection. All materials used to construct or install all public improvements must be inspected and approved by a competent testing laboratory at the developer's expense. Two copies of all reports of the testing laboratory shall be sent to the Village Engineer.
(B) The following items in connection with the installation of public improvements in the development of subdivisions are subject to inspection by an authorized village representative:
(1) Installation of sanitary sewers shall be inspected by the Metropolitan Sewer District including laying of trunk lines, laterals and service branches, construction of manholes and backfilling of trenches. All material shall be inspected and a certification of conformance to applicable specifications shall be furnished to the Village Engineer.
(2) Installation of storm sewers, including laying of pipe, construction of manholes, inlets and headwalls, and backfilling of trenches.
(3) Construction of culverts or other drainage structures.
(4) Construction of streets, including subgrade, placing of curb and gutter, laying of base courses and laying of surface courses.
(5) All concrete, asphalt, and aggregate materials shall be tested and inspected. Concrete shall be 4000 psi at 28 days with 5% + 0.5% entrained air. Four concrete test cylinders shall be made by a testing laboratory from each load of concrete. Test cylinders shall be tested at seven days and 28 days with reports furnished to the Village Engineer. Asphalt materials shall be inspected at the asphalt plant. Aggregate materials shall be inspected at the plant. Test reports for asphalt and aggregate materials shall be furnished to the Village Engineer.
(C) The installation of water mains, fire hydrants and water service branches are subject to the inspection of the Cincinnati Water Works. Fire hydrants are subject to inspection by the Village Fire Department. Compaction of backfill over water line trenches is subject to approval by the village representative.
(D) All costs of inspection shall be borne by the developer. Designated village inspectors are not full-time village employees, but are contract inspectors whose entire earnings are paid from the inspection fund set up and maintained at the construction contractors' expense as a condition of the construction permit. These inspectors are paid an hourly rate for the time actually spent on inspection work on any subdivision. Time and one-half is allowed for work in excess of eight hours in any one weekday, or for work on Saturdays. Double time is allowed for work on Sundays or recognized holidays.
(E) It is the responsibility of the contractor to keep the inspector advised of the work schedule. Any work subject to inspection, performed and covered without the knowledge of the inspector, will, at the discretion of the inspector, have to be uncovered for inspection at the contractor's expense.
(F) Failure to notify the inspector at least one hour before starting time that no work subject to inspection is to be performed that day, will result in a minimum two-hour charge for show-up time.
(G) Inspection time reports turned in to the village office for payment should be signed by the contractor's representative on the job as an acknowledgment that the inspector has actually been on the job for the amount of time charged. It is also recommended that the contractor's representative keep a record of the inspection time charged so as to be able to check the status of the inspection fund at any time.
(H) In the event an inspector does not report to a job after being notified that work is to be performed, the Village Manager should be notified.
('69 Code, Ch. 152. Exhibit V) (Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
The following items are required to be shown on a plat of subdivision:
(A) Items pertaining to the title:
(1) Name of subdivision;
(2) Location by section, township, range, county, state;
(3) Names and addresses of owner and engineer;
(4) Scale, not smaller than 1 inch = 50 feet;
(5) Date;
(6) North point.
(B) Graphic items pertaining to the plat:
(1) Boundary of the plat, with accurate distances and bearings, and its acreage;
(2) Exact location and width of all streets, alleys and crosswalkways, within and adjoining the plat;
(3) Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, political subdivision boundaries, section or patent corners, or other official monuments;
(4) Names of streets and alleys within and adjoining the plat. The names of new streets shall not duplicate or too closely approximate phonetically, the name of any other street in Hamilton County;
(5) Lengths of all arcs, radii, internal angles, points of curvature, and tangent bearings;
(6) All easements for rights-of-way provided for public services or utilities, and any limitations of such easements;
(7) All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths, and with bearings or angles related to street and alley or crosswalkway lines;
(8) Accurate outlines of any areas to be dedicated for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon; and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for common use of all property owners in the subdivision;
(9) Building setback lines, shown graphically along all streets, with dimensions. The requirement is applicable wherever such setbacks are greater than those required by prevailing zoning.
(C) Other items pertaining to the plat:
(1) Notation regarding protective covenants, if any;
(2) Certification by a registered, professional surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made and closed by him and that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist, and that their location, size and material are correctly shown;
(3) A signed and notarized certification by the owner or owners, of his or their adoption of the plat, and dedications of streets and any other public areas;
(4) Notation giving deed reference of last transfer of title to owners making dedication;
(5) Description of restrictions on sewer easements if such easements are involved;
(6) Space for statement of approval by the Planning Commission with lines for signature and date;
(7) Space for statement of acceptance of land dedicated by the owners for streets, easements and other public areas, with lines for signature and date.
('69 Code, § 152.03) (Ord. passed 9-13-54; Am. Ord. passed 4-14-58; Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
No plat of subdivision shall be approved by the Planning Commission unless:
(B) The public improvements shown or noted on the subdivision improvement plans or required under § 155.08 have been constructed in conformance with this code; or
(C) Adequate assurances for completion as required by § 155.15 have been given to the village by the developer that the improvements will be so constructed.
(Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
(A) The developer shall submit the plat of subdivision in tracing form, to the Village Engineer. If improvements have already been constructed, detailed as-built plans shall also be submitted.
(1) The Village Engineer shall examine the plat and/or plans for its conformance with these rules and regulations, and with the approved subdivision improvement plan and for final check, including closures, and for a report as to whether all public improvements have been completed in or if assurance of such completion has been given as provided in § 155.15.
(2) The Village Engineer shall transmit the subdivision plat, together with a written report, to the Planning Commission.
(3) The Planning Commission shall take final action on the subdivision plat after study and consideration of the Village Engineer's report thereon.
(a) If the plat is approved, the Chairman of the Planning Commission shall sign a certification of the approval of the subdivision plat. Then the Commission shall transmit the signed tracing to the developer and request one print for its files.
(b) If the subdivision plat is disapproved, the developer shall be so informed by letter, noting reason thereon, including citations of or references to the regulations or provisions violated.
(B) Once the record plat is approved and signed by the Planning Commission, it shall be recorded by the owner at the County Recorder's office. The original reproducible shall then be returned to the village for its records.
('69 Code, § 152.04(B)) (Ord. passed 9-13-54; Am. Ord. passed 4-14-58; Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
As a condition precedent to the approval of a subdivision plat, the subdivider must complete the improvements outlined in the plan or must give security for such completion. Reserving to itself the right to vary the arrangements in order to provide for security as the circumstances in individual cases may indicate, the Planning Commission sets out the following alternative plans for the giving of security in those cases where public improvements are not completed prior to final approval of the plat.
(A) If the subdivider has a contract with a contractor approved by the Village Manager, he may execute an agreement with the village under which he will furnish a bond or cash sufficient to cover the contract price, plus $500 or plus 10% of the contract price, whichever is the larger, and agree that such account may be drawn upon only by checks signed jointly by the subdivider and a co-signer designated by the Planning Commission. Such checks are to be issued only to the contractor for payments in accordance with the terms of his contract and upon certification by the Village Manager that performance has been had under the contract in accordance with its terms; for the payment of the expenses of the Commission in the preparation of the necessary contract; and repayment to the subdivider of any balance left in the account after the improvements have been completed, inspected, and approved by the Village Engineer, and the contractor and expenses paid in full. The agreement will further provide that if the contractor fails to comply with the contract, the subdivider shall have the privilege to substitute another contractor, but in the event of failure to do so or to have the improvements completed within a specified time, the village shall have the right to contract for the completion of the improvements and to draw upon the fund to the extent necessary to pay for such completion.
(B) If the subdivider has executed no contract for the making of improvements, he may enter into an agreement with the village by making a similar deposit in an amount equal to the cost of the improvement as estimated by the Village Manager, plus 15%, this deposit to be disbursed in the same manner as provided in division (A) above. The cost of the estimate shall be borne by the developer. When a contract is let, the deposit must be adjusted to equal that required in division (A) above.
(C) The subdivider may furnish a surety bond or certified check to the village in the amount of the estimated cost of the improvement plus 15%. That bond is to authorize the village to make the improvements if the subdivider has not had them completed within a specified time, and obligates the surety to pay to the village the cost of making such improvements, up to the extent of the amount of the bond. The subdivider's contract shall take the following form subject to such additional provisions or amendments as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission to adequately secure the construction of the improvements:
This contract executed on the day of , 20 , by and between , Subdivider(s), as evidenced by a proposed plat of a subdivision which is on file in the office of the Amberley Village Planning Commission, referred to as Subdivision, Village of Amberley Village, Ohio, and the Village of Amberley Village, Ohio.
(1) The Subdivider(s) hereinabove set forth are/is the owner(s) in fee simple of the real estate known as Subdivision, located and situated on Section , Town , Range , and Township, Hamilton County, Ohio.
(2) It is the purpose and intention of this agreement to have Subdivider(s) agree in writing to the performance and completion of certain work in connection with the improvements to be located in and on said subdivision, including installation of streets, utilities, and the like. It is further the purpose of this agreement to enter into a contract obligating the Subdivider(s) to perform as hereinafter set forth, which contract shall be secured by a performance bond, or certified check attached hereto and made a part thereof.
A. Subdivider(s) as hereinbefore described, do(es) herewith agree to construct, install, and provide all public improvements as shown on the Subdivision improvement plan on file in the office of the Amberley Village Planning Commission, and those improvements required under Chapter 155 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Amberley Village including specifically the attached work which has been determined by the Village Engineer to be performed but incomplete as of this date:
B. Subdivider(s) further agree(s) to construct, install, or otherwise make all public improvements shown on the subdivision preliminary plan, those further shown and set forth to be done and performed by the engineering drawings as specifications noted or shown on the subdivision improvement plan on file in the office of the Planning Commission, and those further improvements required under Chapter 155 of the Code.
C. Subdivider(s) further agree(s) to do all that is necessary to accomplish the acceptance of the road(s) as public road(s), within the specified time limits, which includes posting a guarantee surety with the Village as prescribed in Chapter 155 of the Code.
D. All of the foregoing shall be performed within a period of months from the date of this contract, which length of time is hereby fixed by the village as a reasonable period of time, but, if requested by the subdivider, an extension thereof may be granted if approved by the village.
E. Subdivider(s) does/do herewith and hereby agree to execute a performance bond or certified check in the sum of ($ .00) dollars, which amount is equal to the figure established by the Village Manager, and which shall be to the satisfaction of and in favor of, the Village of Amberley Village, Ohio, to insure the faithful performance of this contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this day of , 20 .
(Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
(Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
(A) The developer shall notify the Village Engineer when all public improvements have been completed and request a final inspection. If public streets are to be accepted, a copy of the pavement core report shall also be submitted with the request for final approval.
(B) The Village Engineer shall inspect the improvements and determine if the public improvements shown or noted on the subdivision improvement plan or required under this chapter have been completed.
(D) The Clerk shall prepare an ordinance accepting the public improvements for Council's consideration.
(Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
Dedication of land or public right-of-way for public use, see T.S.O. I