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Amberley Village Overview
Amberley Village, OH Code of Ordinances
   The steps required for approval of a subdivision of land in the village for which a plat is required are as follows:
   (A)   Approval of a concept plan as described in §§ 155.05 and 155.06.
   (B)   Approval of a subdivision improvement plan as described in§ § 155.07 through 155.09.
   (C)   Security required for the completion of subdivision improvements as described in § 155.15.
   (D)   Approval of plat of subdivision as described in §§ 155.12 through 155.14.
   (E)   Required guarantee of subdivision improvements as described in § 155.18.
   (F)   Acceptance of public streets or other public improvements as described in § 155.17.
(Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
   (A)   The concept plan shall precede or accompany and supplement the subdivision improvement plan and plat of subdivision. Its purpose is to show all facts needed to enable the Planning Commission and the administrative officers of the village and county to determine whether the proposed layout of the land in question and the proposed public improvements are in compliance with this chapter and are satisfactory from the standpoint of the public interest.
('69 Code, § 152.02)
   (B)   The concept plan and the subdivision improvement plan must be made by a qualified technician trained in the layout of subdivisions. All required engineering and surveying work must be performed by or under the supervision of a registered engineer or surveyor, as the case may be, in accordance with R.C. §§ 4733.01 et seq.
('69 Code, § 152.02)
   (C)   Purpose. Each individual subdivider's blueprint of today becomes a permanent part of the community tomorrow. It is the objective of the Planning Commission to see to it that the combination of many such blueprints will not result in a formless patchwork, but rather in a unified pattern for an attractive, economical, and durable neighborhood. In order to achieve this purpose, the Village Planning Commission has adopted and administers design standards for subdivisions. All subdivisions shall meet the design standards set forth in division (D) below.
   (D)   General requirements.
      (1)   Master plan. Streets shall conform substantially to the street plan being utilized by the Village Planning Commission.
      (2)   Neighborhood plan. If a tentative plan has been prepared by the Planning Commission for the neighborhood of the proposed subdivision, the street system of the latter shall in general conform thereto.
      (3)   Physical features. Streets shall be platted with appropriate regard for topography, creeks, wooded areas, and other natural features which would enhance attractive development.
      (4)   Existing streets. Existing streets (constructed or recorded) in adjoining territory shall be continued at equal or greater width and in similar alignment to streets proposed in the subdivision, unless variations are recommended by the Planning Commission.
      (5)   Circulation. The street pattern shall provide ease of circulation within the subdivision as well as convenient access to adjoining streets, thoroughfares, or unsubdivided land, as may be required by the Planning Commission. Where a street will eventually be extended beyond the plat but is temporarily dead-ended, an interim turnaround may be required.
      (6)   Unsubdivided portion of tract. If the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned by the subdivider, the Planning Commission shall require a sketch of a tentative future street system for the unsubdivided portion.
      (7)   Street intersections. Streets shall intersect as nearly at right angles as possible.
      (8)   Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than 800 feet, unless necessitated by topography or other circumstances beyond the subdivider's control.
      (9)   Alleys. Except where justified by special conditions, alleys will not be approved in residential districts. At an intersection of alleys, a five-foot chord shall cut off each corner. Dead-end alleys are prohibited.
      (10)   Street-half. The street layout shall be planned to avoid half-streets, if possible. Where there exists a dedicated or platted half-street adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, the other half shall be platted if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
      (11)   Utility easements. Where utilities are located outside of street right-of-way lines, easements shall be provided. Easements along rear or side lot lines are preferable where possible.
   (E)   The developer shall:
      (1)   Discuss the proposed plan of subdivision, while still in sketch form, with the staff of the Regional Planning Commission and with the Village Engineer, noting:
         (a)   The relation of the tract to the Master Plan and other official plans;
         (b)   The external factors having a significant relation to the subdivision design;
         (c)   The availability of sanitary sewers and stormwater mains; and
         (d)   Compliance with the rules and regulations in this chapter including the design standards set forth in § 155.08.
      (2)   Discuss proposed methods of:
         (a)   Sanitary sewage disposal and storm drainage at the office of the Village Engineer;
         (b)   Water supply at the office of the Greater Cincinnati Water Works Department.
   (F)   The developer shall prepare a concept plan giving consideration to the items noted above.
      (1)   Concept plan contents. The concept plan shall be drawn at a scale either 100 feet to the inch or 50 feet to the inch. Concept plans shall be on one or more sheets 24 by 36 inches in size and shall be clearly and legibly drawn. The concept plan shall contain the following information (all of the following shall be required for a completed application):
         (a)   Proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the county.
         (b)   Location by section, town, range or military survey number, township, county, and state.
         (c)   Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the owner, subdivider, the registered surveyor who prepared the plat, and the registration number and seal of the surveyor.
         (d)   Date of survey, which shall be the date of topographic, aerial, or any other type of survey that is the basis for the concept plan.
         (e)   Scale of the plat, north point, and date.
         (f)   Boundaries of the subdivision, indicated by a heavy line, and its acreage.
         (g)   Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land, and the location of their boundary lines.
         (h)   Locations, widths, and names of existing streets, railroad rights-of-way, easements, parks, permanent buildings, corporation and township lines; the location of wooded areas and other significant topographic and natural features within the subdivision whose presence and accurate location need to be known in order for decisions regarding the subdivision to be made. The general limits of any wet or flood-prone areas shall be shown.
         (i)   Zoning classification of the tract and adjoining properties and a description of proposed zoning changes, if any.
         (j)   Existing topography with contours shown at an interval of not greater than two feet if the slope of ground is 15% or less, and not greater than five feet where the slope is more than 15%. Elevations are to be based on sea level datum and the nearest benchmark shall be specified and described. The existing topography shall be shown for an area extending a minimum of 200 feet beyond the boundaries of the subdivision.
         (k)   Existing and proposed sewers, water lines, storm water drainage facilities, and power and transmission lines, within and adjacent to the tract. Utility and cable television lines within the tract shall be underground unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
         (l)   Proposed location of fire hydrants.
         (m)   Location, names, and widths of proposed rights-of-way, streets, and easements.
         (n)   Front building setback lines.
         (o)   Layout and number of lots, and approximate sizes and approximate dimensions of each lot. When a lot is located on a curved street or when side lot lines are not radial or perpendicular to street lines, the width at the front building setback line shall be shown.
         (p)   Parcels of land to be reserved for public use or to be reserved by covenant for residents of the subdivision. The approximate size of these parcels shall be noted.
         (q)   A vicinity map at a scale of not less than 2,000 feet to the inch. This map shall show all existing roads and an outline of the subdivision.
         (r)   Location of all existing buildings and an indication as to whether or not they will be retained.
         (s)   Description of proposed covenants and restrictions.
         (t)   The location of water supply and wastewater disposal systems which are proposed for the subdivision.
         (u)   A copy of a United States Geological Survey (USGS) map at a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch on which the watershed within which the subdivision is located is delineated. Accompanying the map shall be data indicating the amount of land, by zoning classification, which drains onto the property within the subdivision.
         (v)   A schedule outlining the order of development of each section of the subdivision.
(Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
   (A)   The developer shall transmit ten prints of the concept plan to the Village Planning Commission and two prints to the Village Engineer for review. The Village Engineer, after review, shall submit a written report to the Village Planning Commission.
   (B)   The Planning Commission may request additional information deemed necessary to make a reasonable decision when the proposed development presents difficult or unusual problems.
   (C)   The Village Planning Commission shall submit copies of the plan to the Regional Planning Commission Office for review. The Regional Planning Commission shall forward copies of the concept plan to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for purpose of study and recommendation. After receipt of reports from such officials and agencies, the Regional Planning Commission shall send a written report to the Village Planning Commission Office.
   (D)   The Village Fire Chief shall review the plan for water line sizes, location of fire hydrants, and the like.
   (E)   The Planning Commission shall determine whether the concept plat shall be approved, approved with modifications, or disapproved. If a plat is disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing.
   (F)   Approval of the concept plan by the Village Planning Commission shall be conditional upon compliance with all other applicable statutes, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the village.
   (G)   Expiration of authority to proceed. The Planning Commission's written authority to proceed with development shall be valid for a period of 12 months. If subdivision improvement plans have not been approved within the 12-month period, the authority to proceed will be void and a new request complying with the procedures specified will be required.
(Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
   The subdivision improvement plan shall incorporate all changes in the concept plan required by the Planning Commission. The following graphic and descriptive items are normally required to be shown on a subdivision improvement plan:
   (A)   Items pertaining to the title:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate or too closely approximate phonetically, the name of any other subdivision in Hamilton County;
      (2)   Location by section, township, range, county, state;
      (3)   Names and addresses of owner, developer, technician who made the plan, and engineer responsible for engineering details;
      (4)   Scale of the plan at any of the following:
         1 inch = 60, 50, 40, 30, or 20 feet;
      (5)   Date;
      (6)   North point.
   (B)   Existing items pertaining to the plan:
      (1)   Boundary of the proposed subdivision accurately indicated by a heavy solid line, and the acreage comprised therein;
      (2)   Locations, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways; railroad and utility rights-of-way; parks and other public open spaces; permanent buildings; section and corporation lines, all within or adjacent to the tract;
      (3)   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts, or other underground items within the tract or immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes, grades, and locations indicated;
      (4)   Names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land (shown by dotted lines);
      (5)   Zoning districts;
      (6)   Existing contours with intervals of not more than five feet. Elevations shall be based on sea-level datum;
      (7)   Drainage channels, and any other significant physical items;
      (8)   Description of bench mark used.
   (C)   Items pertaining to the proposed development:
      (1)   Layout of streets, including names and widths of proposed streets, and widths of alleys, crosswalks, and easements. Proposed street names shall not duplicate or too closely approximate, phonetically, the name of any other street in Hamilton County;
      (2)   Layouts, numbers, and approximate dimensions of lots;
      (3)   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use, or to be reserved by deed covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision, and the conditions (if any) of such dedication or reservation;
      (4)   Typical street cross-sections (or half-sections) at a scale not smaller than l/4 inch = 1 foot, showing widths of roadways and locations, and widths of sidewalks. Where considerable cut and fill are involved, or wherever grading will affect adjacent properties, several actual cross-sections showing proposed grading may be required, and their locations indicated on the plan.
      (5)   Profile of each street, with tentative grades (including adequate extension, where necessary, beyond the subdivision boundaries), including any proposed sewer lines and manholes. Scale: horizontal, same as plan: vertical, one inch = ten feet;
      (6)   Plan and profiles of proposed sanitary, storm, or combined sewers, with grades and pipe sizes. These shall include connections to outlets which might be beyond the boundaries of the subdivision.
(Items (5) and (6) may be shown on a separate drawing.);
      (7)   Statement that water mains and appurtenances will be installed in accordance with the rules and regulations and under the supervision of the agency supplying water to the subdivision. Two copies of the approved water improvement plan must be provided to the village prior to issuing a permit to install public improvements.
      (8)   Building setback lines, shown graphically along all streets, with dimensions. This requirement is applicable wherever such setbacks are greater than those required by prevailing zoning;
   (D)   A vicinity sketch, at legible scale, showing the relation of the proposed development to its general surroundings, shall accompany the subdivision improvement plan. Proposed streets on the plat shall be shown, with connections to existing or proposed streets and alleys in neighboring subdivisions. In case the plat forms only a part of an ownership holding, all of the latter shall be shown, with a tentative street layout for the remainder of the tract shown by dashed lines.
('69 Code, § 152.02) (Ord. passed 9-13-54; Am. Ord. passed 4-14-58; Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
   All public improvements shown on the subdivision improvement plan are the responsibility of the subdivider. All public improvements shall be installed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the village and Hamilton County. Unless otherwise specifically provided, inspection of the construction of the improvements shall be by the village and paid for by the subdivider. The following improvements are required to be constructed.
   (A)   Water mains. All water main and fire hydrant installations shall be designed and installed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Cincinnati Water Works and under its supervision and inspection. All permits for this work shall be obtained directly from the appropriate department of the City of Cincinnati.
   (B)   Sanitary sewers. Subdivisions should be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected to the sanitary sewer trunk system. Each lot shall be provided with a lateral connection to the sanitary sewer. All sewer installations shall be designed and installed in strict accordance with standards and specifications of the county.
(Am. Ord. C-483, passed 4-9-79)
   (C)   Storm water management and drainage system. Subdivisions shall be provided with a storm water management system adequate to serve the platted area and meeting the requirements of Ch. 156.
   (D)   Curbs and gutters. All streets shall have concrete curbs and gutters which shall conform to the standard pavement drawing setting out the specifications for combined curb and gutter, key joint, longitudinal section of curb, and half-section with curb and gutter and sidewalk on file at the office of the Village Clerk which are by this reference incorporated herein.
   (E)   Grading. The entire right-of-way of all streets, including side streets, shall be graded.
('69 Code, § 152.06(D))
   (F)   Street name signs. Street name signs shall be provided at all street intersections or where a change of direction of a street requires a change of street name. The signs shall be of the size and type approved for use by the village.
   (G)   Backfill requirements.  
      (1)   All excavations for any purpose under street pavement, sidewalks, or under the area to be paved, shall be backfilled with granular material meeting the requirements of 310 material as per the state construction and material specifications. No paving operation shall be permitted until all excavations have been backfilled, compacted, inspected, and approved.
      (2)   All trenches made in the subgrade of the proposed roadbed or sidewalk area, and all trenches parallel to the roadway where the edge of the trench is nearer than one foot to the edge of the proposed pavement or the proposed curb, shall be backfilled with granular material. All transverse trenches shall be backfilled two feet outside the limits of the proposed roadbed of the pavement.
      (3)   Granular material used for bedding and backfilling shall be compacted under and around the conduit and to the top of the trench in layers not to exceed four inches in thickness with mechanical tampers. Granular material may be compacted with water if satisfactory drainage is provided for the free water. When compacting with water the granular material may be deposited in ponded water, or it may be placed in layers not to exceed 12 inches loose depth and each layer thoroughly saturated with water. The material shall be filled and compacted to the final grade, line, and cross section of the subgrade as shown on the improvement plan. The granular material shall be compacted to 95% of its maximum laboratory dry weight.
      (4)   Trenches in areas in the unimproved portion of the right-of-way shall be backfilled with suitable soil placed in layers not to exceed four inches in thickness and compacted with mechanical tampers. The soil shall be compacted to 95% of its maximum laboratory dry weight. Granular material may be used in backfilling these trenches. The granular material shall be placed and compacted as mentioned above.
   (H)   Pavements. All street pavements shall be designed and installed in strict accordance with village standards and specifications, except that the type of pavement shall conform to the appropriate standard pavement drawing setting out typical sections of streets required for subdivisions in the village which drawings are on file at the office of the Village Clerk which are by this reference incorporated herein.
('69 Code, § 152.06(C)) ('69 Code Exhibit I)
   (I)   Dimensional standards.
      (1)   Minimum right-of-way widths.
         (a)    Thoroughfares, as indicated by the adopted master plan.
         (b)   Local streets: 60 feet. All cul-de-sacs shall terminate in a circular area with a minimum diameter of 96 feet, unless the Commission approves a "T" or "Y" type of turning facility.
         (c)   Alleys: 26 feet
         (d)   Crosswalkways: 15 feet
         (e)   Easements: Ten feet on each side of the designated centerline, or such width as may be required for necessary maintenance of the utility involved.
      (2)   Minimum pavement widths.
         (a)   Local streets: 28 feet including curb. Collector streets: 40 feet. Thoroughfare streets: 52 feet.
         (b)   Alleys: 24 feet.
         (c)   Sidewalks: At least four feet wide, and normally one foot from the property line; crosswalks the same width, in the center of crosswalkways.
      (3)   Grades.
         (a)   Maximum percent.
            1.   Collector streets and thoroughfares: 6%
            2.   Local streets and alleys: 9%
            3.   Crosswalks: No more than 8% for handicapped use.
         (b)   Minimum percent for all streets: l%
      (4)   Alignment; minimum standards.
         (a)   Vertical. For collector streets and thoroughfares, profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves to a minimum length (measured horizontally) equivalent to 45 times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per hundred; for local streets and alleys, profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves to a minimum length (measured horizontally) equivalent to 25 times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per 100.
         (b)   Horizontal-radii of centerline curvature.
            1.   Thoroughfares: 500 feet
            2.   Collector streets: 200 feet
            3.   Local streets: 100 feet
         (c)   For local streets there shall be a tangent between reverse curves of at least 100 feet. For collector streets and thoroughfares the minimum tangent length shall be greater than 100 feet as determined by the Village Engineer. Compound curves shall not be permitted.
      (5)   Intersections.
         (a)   At the intersection of two streets, property line corners shall be rounded by a radius of 12.5 feet radius.
         (b)   Street curbs or edges of street pavements shall be rounded by radii of at least 25 feet for local streets and 50 feet for collector streets and thoroughfares.
         (c)   The minimum radii, noted above, shall be increased when the smallest angle of intersection is less than 60 degrees, or in any case where the Village Engineer considers an increase necessary.
      (6)   Blocks.
         (a)   Length. The normal maximum length for blocks shall be 1800 feet. In a block over 900 feet long, a crosswalkway may be required.
         (b)   Width. The width of a block shall normally be sufficient to allow two tiers of lots of appropriate depth.
         (c)   Irregular shape. Irregularly shaped blocks (including superblocks) indented by cul-de-sacs, containing interior parks or playgrounds and adequate parking space, will be acceptable when properly designed and covered by agreements as to maintenance of such park areas.
         (d)   Orientation on motorway. If the frontage on a motorway is involved, the long dimension of the block shall preferably front thereon.
      (7)   Lots.
         (a)   Size, shape, and orientation. Size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate to the location of the proposed subdivision and for the types of development contemplated.
         (b)    Length and width ratio. Excessive length in relation to width shall be avoided.
         (c)    Every lot shall abut on a street or other public right-of-way.
         (d)    Double frontage lots shall be avoided as far as practicable.
         (e)   Side lot lines. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street lines unless, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, a variation from this rule will give a better street and lot plan.
         (f)   Corner lots. Corner lots shall have an extra width sufficient to allow for building setback lines on both street fronts.
      (8)   Public open spaces and sites. Where, as indicated by the Master Plan, a proposed subdivision contains, wholly or in part, a proposed public open space or a proposed site for a public building, the Planning Commission will immediately notify the public authority concerned (Council, Board of County Commissioners, Park Board, Board of Education, and the like). If, within 30 days thereafter, the Planning Commission is not advised that the property has been acquired by the public authority by negotiation and agreement, or within a second period of 30 days after such notification that the authority has commenced the necessary procedure to acquire the property by appropriation, then the Planning Commission will not require that the open space or site be reserved or included in the subdivision plan.
('69 Code, § 152.05) (Ord. passed 9-13-54; Am. Ord. passed 4-14-58; Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
      (9)   Soil erosion management and sediment control plan. Each subdivision or section thereof is subject to the provisions of the village requirements for soil erosion management and sediment control as required in Ch. 153.
(Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87)
   Acceptances and dedications, see T.S.O. I
   Improvement of undedicated streets, see Ch. 155, Appendix, Exh. B
   Permit applications, see § 155.09(B)
   Sewer and water line works, see Ch. 155 Appendix, Exh. C
   (A)   After the submission of the completed subdivision improvement plan, the Village Planning Commission, after determination as to whether or not the subdivision improvement plan complies with the requirements, shall take formal action authorizing or denying authorization for the development to proceed in accordance with the subdivision improvement plan and with this chapter.
      (1)   If the Commission authorizes the development to proceed, it shall so inform the developer, and request eleven blueprints which shall be stamped in accordance with Commission's action and distributed, one to the Regional Planning Commission, one to the Cincinnati Water Works, one to the Metropolitan Sewer District, one to the Board of Health, one to the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company, one to the Village Engineer, two to the developer, and three to the Village Planning Commission files.
      (2)   If the Commission fails to authorize the development to proceed, the developer shall be so informed by letter, noting reasons therefor, including citation of or reference to the provision violated by the plan.
      (3)   Expiration of authority of develop. The Planning Commission written authority to proceed with development shall be valid for a period of three years. If substantial development has not been started within the three-year period and proceeded to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission, the authority to proceed will be void and a new request complying with the procedures specified will be required.
   (B)   Permits and deposits. Before starting work on any improvements, the developer or his contractor shall make application to the village for a permit to install public improvements. Three sets of plans shall accompany the application. Before the permit is issued, the developer or his contractor shall deposit with the village a sum of money sufficient, in the sound discretion of the Village Engineer, to cover the cost of testing and inspection as provided in § 155.11. In accordance with Chapter 50, a non-refundable fee amounting to 2% of the cost of all sanitary sewer work must be paid to the village for the sanitary sewer maintenance fund prior to issuance of the permit. The application shall be in the following form:
The undersigned, representing the ownership of (name of subdivision)                                                     for which the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT PLAN was approved by the Amberley Planning Commission hereby requests permission to make the following improvements:
      (1)   The applicant agrees that the entire expense of the improvement shall be borne by the applicant, and agrees to pay the cost of inspection and the testing of all materials as required by ordinance. The applicant with this application has deposited the sum of $          to provide a fund out of which the village may pay for inspection and testing of material as provided in § 155.11 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village. Any surplus in the fund shall be returned to the applicant at the completion of the improvement.
      (2)   The applicant agrees to perform any work necessary to connect the proposed improvement with an existing improvement. If any openings are made in existing pavements for underground work, a permit shall be obtained for such work.
      (3)   When the proposed work includes main sewers and/or lateral connections, the applicant agrees that permits shall be obtained as provided in Chapter 50 of the Codified Ordinances of Amberley Village.
      (4)   If the applicant does not represent the entire ownership of the lots abutting both sides of the proposed improvement, the applicant agrees that the village reserves the right to require that an adequate indemnity bond be filed to protect the village from any claims for damages by the owners of the unrepresented frontage.
('69 Code, Ch. 152 Exhibit III)
   (C)   Charges. Charges for services provided by the Village Engineer and the Village Solicitor, including but not limited to charges for review of subdivision improvement plans and for final subdivision approval, plus any other village costs attributable to review of plans and approval of the subdivision, shall be paid to the village by the developer, such payment to be made within 15 days after receipt by the developer of a statement of such charges.
(Am. Ord. C-611, passed 2-9-87; Am. Ord. C-624, passed 9-14-87)