(A)   Purpose and intent. It is the intent of this section to ensure that all new construction on existing lots within the city meet the current development standards of the city ordinance to the greatest extent possible, to minimize future required investment by the city or adjoining property owners for the development of streets and other infrastructure within the city and to ensure the safe and efficient provision of city services to all developed lots within the city. For this reason, all properties adjacent to portions of unopened or unpaved rights-of-way shall be considered to be "underdeveloped" for the purpose of placing new structures and the use of said structures.
   (B)   Required improvements with construction on underdeveloped lots. The following shall apply to the placement of new structures and construction on underdeveloped lots:
      (1)   No new structures may be built on existing lots without a minimum of 20 linear feet of paved right-of-way meeting the minimum standards of the subdivision ordinance or as provided herein, whichever is greater.
      (2)   Where possible acquiring additional lots adjacent to and across unopened or under-developed right-of-way is encouraged to reduce costs to the property owner or builder.
      (3)   Prior to construction, the entire frontage of each unpaved lot shall be paved to the standards of the closest paved street section or 20-foot minimum width, whichever is greater. Curb and gutter or ditch shall be provided according to that of the closest finished section of right-of-way . Sidewalks or sidewalk fee-in-lieu shall be provided in accordance with this chapter prior to construction. All improvements shall connect to the closest paved/improved streets.
      (4)   Where necessary, existing rights-of-way may be required to be increased in width to meet these standards. All increases in width shall be recorded by plat with the register of deeds. However, unless done as a part of a major subdivision, an increase in right-of-way width, but not length, shall not necessitate approval by city boards. Infrastructure may be bonded.
      (5)   Development on corner lots with unpaved or unopened rights-of-way along the sides of a property shall complete improvements on a minimum of one-half the length of said right-of-way as provided in this section when existing lots to their rear have no access to a paved city street. When paving along sides is not required, homes on larger corner lots shall be placed in such a way as to allow for future subdivision along the unopened right-of-way as new development becomes feasible.
      (6)   Any subdivision or development of a lot(s) adjacent to any unpaved or unopened right-of-way that would include an increase above one residential unit per existing lot shall require that all portions of the unopened right-of-way adjacent to the lot(s) be completed to the minimum standards of the subdivision ordinance and connect to a fully developed street. No exceptions. Major subdivisions may require improvement of connections to additional streets when the total length of said connection would be less than 10% of the total length of improvements.
      (7)   Depending on the density and anticipated impact of a proposed development, planning staff may refer the new development to Planning Board, City Fire Marshal and other responsible parties and an increase in street or infrastructure improvements within the adjacent right-of-way and any additional right-of-way may be required as needed to adequately accommodate the new development without adversely impacting the existing neighborhood.
      (8)   In addition to setback requirements of this chapter, new homes and other structures and improvements of the site on lots at the end of stubbed streets or unopened right-of-way shall be located a minimum of 20 feet outside of the straight-line extension of said right-of-way or a minimum of 100 feet from the end of the unopened right-of-way or stub out so as to allow for the routing and future extension of the street.
   DIAGRAM 92.125(1): Underdeveloped Lots with New Structures and Required Improvements
(Ord. 24-16, passed 6-17-24)