(A)    The regulations of the R-O Residential-Office District are intended to provide for the preservation of older homes and structures in areas experiencing high demand for multi-family residential and other office and non-residential uses by providing increased flexibility in both residential density and allowed uses within existing structures. Also allowed is infill development meeting existing urban densities. This district may also be used to provide a buffer between the uses of purely business and purely residential areas, however the district should maintain an overall residential character.
   (B)    The following uses are permitted.
      (1)   All uses permitted in the R-6 Urban Residential District, including special uses.
      (2)    Adult day care center.
      (3)    Automobile parking lots and structures.
      (4)    Banks and other financial institutions including loan and financial companies.
      (5)    Barber and beauty shops.
      (6)    Business colleges, barber and beauty colleges, art schools, music and dance studios, and similar facilities, but excluding industrial trade schools.
      (7)    Clubs, lodges, social, civic, and other similar organizations operated on a nonprofit basis as evidenced by an Internal Revenue Service tax exemption granted under the provisions of § 501(C)(3) and (4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
      (8)    Customary accessory uses and structures when located on the same lot as the principal structure, excluding, however, open storage. Furthermore, accessory structures may be used for home occupations or other permitted uses in this district.
      (9)    Floral and gift shops, but excluding commercial greenhouses.
      (10)    Funeral homes and mortuaries.
      (11)    Libraries, museums, and art galleries.
      (12)    Mental health clinics and outpatient rehabilitation facilities.
      (13)    Assisted living and nursing homes.
      (14)    Offices, business, professional, and public.
      (15)    Opticians and optical goods stores.
      (16)    Orthopedic supply houses.
      (17)    Pharmacies and apothecary stores, without fountains.
      (18)    Photographic studios.
      (19)    Physical culture and reducing salons.
      (20)   Drop-in short-term child care.
   (C)   The following special uses are permitted when authorized by the City Council after the Council holds a public hearing. Permitted special uses in the district include telecommunication towers, facilities complying with the provisions of § 92.075 of the City Code of Ordinances, battered group care facilities, and recycling collection points, tea houses, orphanages and adoption care facilities, boarding houses and rooming houses with management and operation plans approved by Council and when located at least 500 feet from other establishments of either use, and fraternity and sorority houses when located not less than 500 feet from the same use.
   (D)   Unless otherwise provided herein, all uses and structures shall comply with the area, yard and height requirements of this chapter. When not expressly stated herein or otherwise determined by Board approval, all principal uses and structures in this section requiring special use approval shall use area, yard and height requirements of the least intense by-right use.
(‘58 Code, § 19-85)   (Ord. 79-4, passed 6-25-79; Am. Ord. 79-12, passed 8-20-79; Am. Ord. 81-3, passed 3-16-81; Am. Ord. 97-58, passed 1-5-98; Am. Ord. 01-18, passed 4-16-01; Am. Ord. 05-31, passed 7-18-05; Am. Ord. 06-08, passed 4-3-06; Am. Ord. 08-03, passed 2-4-08; Am. Ord. 14-22, passed 7-7-14; Am. Ord. 18-31, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-02, passed 1-19-21; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22; Am. Ord. 24-25, passed 8-19-24) Penalty, see § 10.80