(A) The R-15 Conservation Residential District is intended to emphasize the conservation of sensitive environmental areas such as critical watersheds, large lot and estate type subdivisions and areas on the edge of the city where only low levels of development is desirable, and developments in which the design and placement of structures is less impactful on neighboring properties than elsewhere in the city. This is a low-density district of less than three units per acre, consisting primarily of single family detached dwellings along with limited home occupations and private and public community uses. This district will accommodate residences with access to both public water and sewerage and those without when deemed appropriate by City Council and Planning and Zoning Board.
(B) The following uses are permitted by right:
(1) Accessory buildings or structures.
(2) Single family detached dwellings.
(3) Manufactured homes, not including mobile home parks.
(4) Accessory dwelling units.
(5) Residential cluster developments as provided for in Chapter 91.
(C) The following special uses are permitted when authorized by the City Council after the Council holds a public hearing.
(1) Churches and their customary related uses, including cemeteries, provided that all accessory buildings and graves shall be set back at least 20 feet from any property line. Services to be conducted temporarily in a tent shall be allowed on church property as a customary related use when off-street parking is provided and a permit is obtained from the City Fire Department as required by § 29.1 of the Fire Prevention Code. Any person or organization desiring to conduct tent services shall first file an application with the City Clerk stating the location, date, time, duration, and size and capacity of the tent.
(2) Colleges, universities, public elementary and secondary schools and private schools having curricula approximately the same as ordinarily given in public schools, provided, however, a special use permit is not required for new additions thereto not in excess of 10% of the total building square footage for the campus, and the addition is not closer than 50 feet of an adjoining property line. Including dormitories when located on the campus of any of the above.
(3) Golf courses, parks, playgrounds, community centers, libraries, swimming pools, and similar recreational uses.
(4) Public safety facilities such as fire and police stations, rescue headquarters, ambulance service, and civil defense centers, provided that all vehicles are stored indoors.
(5) Public works and public utility facilities such as transformer stations, transmission lines, pumping stations, water towers, and telephone exchanges, provided:
(a) The facilities are essential to the service of the immediate area.
(b) No vehicles or materials shall be stored on the premises, and no offices shall be permitted.
(c) All buildings shall be set back at least 20 feet from all property lines and shall be designed and landscaped in such a way as to blend in with the surrounding area.
(d) All dangerous apparatus shall be enclosed by a chain-link fence at least eight feet in height.
(6) Nursery schools and kindergartens, provided that at least 100 square feet of outdoor play area is provided for each child; adult day care centers.
(7) Telecommunication towers and facilities complying with the provisions of § 92.075.
(8) Funeral homes, excluding crematoriums.
(9) Camps and retreats.
(D) Unless otherwise provided herein, all uses and structures shall comply with the area, yard and height requirements of this chapter. When not expressly stated herein or otherwise determined by Board approval, all principal uses and structures in this section requiring special use approval shall use area, yard and height requirements of the least intense by-right use.
(Ord. Ord. 21-02, passed 1-19-21; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)