(A)    The purpose of a Shopping Center District is to provide an orderly arrangement of convenience and comparison shopping outlets along with adequate off-street parking and other amenities.
   (B)    In a Shopping Center District, land shall be used hereafter, and buildings when constructed, altered, extended, or used, shall be used for one or more of the following uses, and according to the conditions herein specified for approval prior to use.
      (1)    Accessory and related uses.
      (2)    Adult gaming establishment.
         (a)    Adult gaming establishments shall not be located in the same building or property where any place of worship, any public or private school, any licensed child day care facility, or any other existing adult gaming establishment is located. Adult gaming establishments shall also not be placed on properties within 500 feet of any of the aforementioned uses, measured by a straight line from nearest point of property line to nearest point of property line.
         (b)    Access. All adult gaming establishments shall be open and visible from the front interior of the establishment. At all times while open for business and while patrons are on the premises, adult gaming establishments shall be open for direct, unobstructed access by police officers, fire department personnel, development services department staff and emergency response personnel. Entrance doors shall remain unlocked at all times while patrons are on the premises. Police officers, fire department personnel, development services and emergency response personnel shall have direct access to the premises without requiring assistance from an employee, agent, or owner of the establishment.
         (c)    Hours of operation. No person or entity engaged in adult gaming establishments shall engage in the business before 10:00 a.m. or after 12:00 midnight Monday through Saturday and shall not engage in business before 1:00 p.m. or after 12:00 midnight on Sundays. No playing on any device shall be allowed during the times when computer gaming establishments are required by this chapter to remain closed.
         (d)    Age restrictions. No adult gaming establishment shall allow, permit, or condone any person under the age of 18 to engage in adult gaming operations or supervise operation of machines.
         (e)    Signage. Adult gaming establishments shall prominently post the rules of their games.
          (f)    Maximum number. The maximum number of terminals/computers/ machines/gaming stations or total number of patrons using gaming apparatus at one time within an adult gaming establishment is 20.
         (g)    In addition to all applicable enforcement procedures permissible by city code, any violation of the aforementioned conditions shall be punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 for the first violation and $5,000 for each subsequent violation. Each successive day a particular violation occurs shall be considered a unique violation incident. Notice of violation and citation shall be sent to parties in accordance with notification procedures in Chapter 10. When more than five violation incidents occur in any calendar year the use shall be terminated and shall be prohibited anywhere on the property for one year from date of closure. Closure shall be enforceable by the Albemarle Police Department.
      (3)    Alcoholic beverages, packaged, retail sales.
      (4)    Automobile parking lots and structures.
      (5)    Bakeries, where the products are sold exclusively at retail on the premises only.
      (6)    Banks and other financial institutions, including loan and finance companies.
      (7)    Barber and beauty shops.
      (8)    Bowling alleys.
      (9)    Dairy bars and ice cream manufacturing for retail sales on the premises only.
      (10)    Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations and dry cleaning plants as described in § 92.099(B)(9).
      (11)    Floral shops, but not commercial greenhouses.
      (12)    Food stores, retail only, but excluding the killing and dressing of any flesh or fowl.
      (13)    General gaming establishment.
      (14)    Jewelry repair shops.
      (15)    Launderettes and laundromats.
      (16)    Libraries, museums, and art galleries.
      (17)    Medical and dental clinics and laboratories.
      (18)    Offices, business, professional, and public.
      (19)    Office supplies and equipment, sales and service.
      (20)    Opticians and optical goods stores.
      (21)    Photographic studios and camera supply stores.
      (22)    Physical culture and reducing salons or similar establishments, excluding massage parlors and related businesses subject to the provisions of Chapter 63 of this code.
      (23)    Printing and reproduction establishments.
      (24)    Radio and television repair shops.
      (25)    Restaurants, but not drive-in restaurants.
      (26)    Retail establishments such as department, clothing, fabric, shoe, variety, notion, drug, hardware, furniture, appliance, floor covering, paint, antique, art goods, jewelry, gift, music, toy, sporting goods, books and stationery, magazine, candy, tobacco, pet and hobby, and craft stores, but not excluding similar retail outlets.
      (27)    Service stations, but not including major repair work, provided that gasoline pump islands shall be located at least 15 feet behind the property line, and that pump island canopies may be constructed to extend to the street right-of-way.
      (28)    Sexually oriented business subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
         (a)    Spacing from other sexually oriented business. No such business shall locate within 1,200 feet of any other adult oriented business, as measured in a straight line from property line to property line;
         (b)    Spacing from other uses. No sexually oriented business shall be located within 1,000 feet of a church, public or private elementary school, child day care or nursery school, public park, residentially zoned property, or any establishment with an on premise ABC license, as measured in a straight line from property line to property line;
         (c)    Maximum area. The gross floor area of any adult oriented establishment shall not exceed 3,000 square feet;
         (d)    Prohibition of sleeping quarters. Except for an adult motel/hotel, no adult oriented business may have sleeping quarters;
          (e)    Restriction of uses on the same property or in the same building, structure, or portion thereof. There shall not be more than one sexually oriented business in the same building, structure or portion thereof. No other principal or accessory use may occupy the same building, structure, property, or portion thereof with any sexually oriented business;
         (f)    No exceptions from the location requirement of sexually oriented businesses. The Albemarle Zoning Board of Adjustments shall have no authority to grant a variance from the separation standards set forth in (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) above.
      (29)    Shoe repair and shine shops.
      (30)    Skating rinks.
      (31)    Tent services conducted by church. Church services conducted temporarily in a tent when off-street parking is provided and a permit is obtained from the City Fire Department as required by § 29.1 of the Fire Prevention Code. Any person or organization desiring to conduct tent services shall first file an application with the City Clerk stating the location, date, time, duration, and size and capacity of the tent.
      (32)    Tailoring, dressmaking, and millinery shops.
      (33)    Theaters.
      (34)    Churches and related uses.
      (35)    Pilot plant manufacturing not involving chemical process, noise, odor, smoke, or other environmental pollution, and not employing more than 50 people, to be conducted in an existing building originally constructed for other permitted uses in this district but no longer suitable for the commercial uses, provided, that off-street parking is provided for all employees, visitors, and loading operations.
      (36)   Drop-in short-term child care.
   (C)    Area requirements for shopping center districts are as follows.
      (1)    No SCD shopping center shall contain less than four acres.
      (2)    No land in an SCD category shall be across a street from the commercially-zoned land to which it is added.
      (3)    Where a planned shopping center is proposed for a location not already designated as a Shopping Center District, the procedure for obtaining a rezoning of the area to SCD shall require the submission of a development plan as described in division (D) below, as well as the regular amendment procedure set forth in § 92.100.
   (D)    In a Shopping Center District, the owner or developer shall submit a development plan at a scale of not less than one inch to 100 feet, to the Planning Board, showing the following.
      (1)    Dimensions of the property and adjacent lots and streets.
      (2)    Location and proposed use of all buildings with dimensions and ground area thereof.
      (3)    The parking area with spaces, channelization, and ratios shown.
      (4)    Service areas, off-street loading facilities, service drives, and dimensions thereof.
      (5)    All pedestrian ways and canopies.
      (6)    Title, giving the names of the developers, the date, scale of the plan, and the person or firm preparing the plan.
      (7)    Landscaping and proper buffers between adjacent uses.
   (E)    No building permit shall be issued for any building in a Shopping Center District until a development plan is approved by the City Council. No building permit shall be issued for any building not shown first on the approved development plan unless changes have been submitted to the Planning Board and the Council for approval, at which time the Building Inspector may issue building permits based on the revised development plan. Actual construction shall begin within one year from the date final approval is granted. In the event the Planning Board and the Council find that the intent of this section has not been met or construction has not begun within one year, resubmission of the development plan shall be required. It is not the intent of this section to prohibit a reasonable extension of the one year limit by the Council.
   (F)   The following special uses are permitted when authorized by the City Council after the Council holds a public hearing: colleges; universities; technical institutes; public elementary and secondary schools; private schools having curricula substantially the same as offered in public schools and including dormitories when located on the campus of any of the above; the collection of nonhazardous materials such as aluminum cans, glass, and paper, provided that adequate packing is provided, no litter or trash is allowed, and there is no outside storage; beach bingo as defined in G.S. § 309.6(6), provided that at each establishment where operated there shall be one parking space for each four seats provided for patron use plus one parking space for each 100 square feet of floor or ground area used for amusement or assembly, but not containing fixed seats; auto sales, new and used; telecommunication towers and facilities complying with the provision of § 92.075 of the City Code of Ordinances, and billiard halls and they shall be located not less than 1,500 feet from any other existing bar and/or billiard hall measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the property line to nearest point of the property line; and battered group care facilities.
(‘58 Code, § 19-88)   (Ord. 79-1, passed 1-15-79; Am. Ord. 79-4, passed 6-25-79; Am. Ord. 79-12, passed 8-20- 79; Am. Ord. 80-9, passed 5-19-80; Am. Ord. 87-16, passed 7-20-87; Am. Ord. 88-9, passed 4-18-88; Am. Ord. 88-17, passed 6-12-87; Am. Ord. 89-4, passed 4-3-89; Am. Ord. 91-3, passed 1-28-91; Am. Ord. 92-24, passed 8-19-92; Am. Ord. 93-23, passed 6-21-93; Am. Ord. 97-08, passed 3-17-97; Am. Ord. 97-58, passed 1-5-98; Am. Ord. 98-24, passed 6-15-98; Am. Ord. 99-40, passed 8-2-99; Am. Ord. 00-47, passed 12-18-00; Am. Ord. 01-18, passed 4-16-01; Am. Ord. 06-08, passed 4-3-06; Am. Ord. 17-15, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 18-31, passed 9- 4-18; Am. Ord. 21-02, passed 1-19-21; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22; Am. Ord. 24-05, passed 2-19-24) Penalty, see § 10.80