Authority and General Regulations
   94.01   Authority and enactment
   94.02   Jurisdiction
   94.03   Exceptions to applicability
   94.04   Definitions
   94.05   Severability
   94.06   Effective date
Subdivision Regulations
   94.11   General provisions
   94.11(a)   Subdivision application and review procedures
   94.12   Subdivision standards and required improvements
   94.13   Construction procedures
   94.14   Penalties for transferring lots in unapproved subdivisions
Development Regulations
   94.15   Establishment of watershed areas
   94.16   Cluster development
   94.17   Buffer areas required
   94.18   Rules governing the interpretation of watershed area boundaries
   94.19   Application of regulations
   94.20   Existing development
   94.21   Watershed protection permit
   94.22   Building permit required
   94.23   Watershed protection occupancy permit
Public Health Regulations
   94.27   Public health generally
   94.28   Abatement
Administration, Enforcement and Appeals
   94.31   Watershed Administrator; duties
   94.32   Appeal from Watershed Administrator
   94.33   Changes and amendments to the watershed protection ordinance
   94.34   Public notice and hearing required
   94.35   Watershed Review Board; establishment
   94.36   Rules of conduct for members
   94.37   Powers and duties of Watershed Review Board
   94.38   Appeals from Watershed Review Board
   94.98   Remedies
   94.99   Penalty
   Appendix A:    Application forms
   Appendix B:    Rules of procedure for the Watershed Review Board regarding appeals and variances